Bearclaw Valley To the ends of the Earth
447 Posts
Ooc — Chey
@Onyx Saefyn here we go! Cross our fingers. I'm going to assume that onyx has told him about Mawk and Cebra at Easthollow. Or we can do that in another thread?  @Xan

They'd travelled together for a while now and he enjoyed the freedom with her by his side. He'd not been bound by word or rank to a pack in so long he found himself not really caring whether he roamed or joined another one. But he had more than himself to think of, he had Onyx to consider too and because of that he knew they'd need a proper home to settle into. He knew that her family was nearby, at the pack that he'd ended up getting into a rather uncomfortable discussion about blackfeather woods with a pretty easily offended and angry child. He'd have taken her there but God forbid the youth had said something to his alpha about him, he didn't think his word would be taken over the boys. So they had roamed around Rising Sun Valley for a while before discovering a new scent of pack. It had taken a bit to find the entrance but when they had he'd motioned for Onyx to stop and asked if she would consider this pack. It was close to her family and they could probably visit if they wanted, that meant maybe she'd be happy. He was happy to go with the flow either way so when she agreed he raised his head and called for whatever leadership was around and mentally crossed his fingers hoping they'd get accepted.
112 Posts
Ooc — Marmoo
Yeah, that sounds good to me! About them already talking about it. :) A bit nervous lol

Travelling with him had been good, although her lack of sleep from not letting the nightmares plague her had worn her down. She tried to hide a yawn as they stopped, but it wasn't purely out of exhaustion. Nervousness and doubts flooded her as memories of what happened last time she joined a pack gripped at her stomach, making her want to hurt. She couldn't quite push it down as he asked her the question. Taking a deep breath, she nodded, her eyes already scanning the area in front of them. Would it be the same? Casting a glance at Dakarai, she mentally shook her head. He wouldn't do that... would he? Her ribs still hurt and she still had a limp from that hoof to the shoulder. She hoped it wouldn't affect them getting in.
I am a searcher. Always was. I still am...searching for the missing piece.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
The rising of the sun had brought with it a reminder of his quest, pulling him from his slumber and dragging him towards the forest. He searched as the sun climbed higher, following paths that he thought were familiar—which was difficult, as he couldn’t decipher whether he remembered them from his youth or more recently—and hoping for the best. But luck was on his side, as he soon found himself staring down into the very same burrow he’d found so long ago. It was smaller now—no, he was bigger—no longer giving the room needed to nestle in there. It was, however, still lined with and stuffed full of various aged skins, worn down by the years—but he could still tell what they were and remembered where he’d gotten them. Nostalgia washed over him whilst memories crawled out from the depths of his mind, recalling the times before his family was pulled apart—

—until a howl snapped him out of it, dragging him back to the present and reminding him that he had more important things to do than wander down memory lane.

Alexander left the burrow behind—after making a mental note of where exactly it was, of course—and headed towards the entrance. By the time he was making his way up the boulder-filled path, the cloak of what once was had long since been shed, leaving the albino as he presently was exposed. His expression was hardened and posture stiff, tail seemingly having taken up permanent residence over his back. And as he neared the end of the path and could finally see the outsiders, he slowed to a stop and stared them down, asking, “What do you two want?” Pleasant greetings still weren’t—and would likely never be—a strong suit of his. But luckily for them, he didn’t take notice yet to the female’s injuries, her stillness making the limp impossible to see.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

she knew it had been a mistake to leave her post at all, but curiosity regarding the inner territories had gotten the best of her.  it displeased her to see that she had been beaten there, not only for the one she was trying to impress but by two strangers as well.

her tail raised, curling above her back in a doglike fashion, ears pressed forwards as she strode towards them.  without hesitation she closed the distance between herself and the strangers, circling them once, predatory, drinking in their scents before inserting herself to the side yet still between her white knight and the pair.  after all of the fights there had been lately, she was on protect-mode.

447 Posts
Ooc — Chey
It hadn't taken long for someone to respond, a hulking pale coated male who's stance screamed the title of alpha. Yet immediately there was something that irked him about this guy, maybe it was the brash way he snapped what was to Dakarai a stupid question. Whatever it was Dakarai instantly pressed himself close to Onyx his posture stiffening but remaining in the proper pose to speak respect and lack of ill intentions. "We want to join you. I'm able and healthy, I can hunt and fight, I'll work my ass off to earn to my keep. Onyx is injured, she's been tended to and is healing, but she won't be able to hunt. I'll provide for her myself so nobody else has to, we just ask you give us a chance Sir" he spoke calmly, choosing to skip formalities and lay down all the cards first and foremost. To prove he was willing and ready he tucked his tail and averted his electric blue eyes, though Onyx would be the only one able to tell how on edge he was about this.

Then there was another wolf, a female who circled them like she was going to eat them and without thinking he stood taller and pressed himself into Onyx, ears flattening back and eyes narrowing though he still kept his tail tucked. His meaning was clear however, he had just stated and officially said that Onyx was his and she wasn't to be touched.
112 Posts
Ooc — Marmoo
Her first impression of the pale male was of a snake who had been startled as he stopped in front of them, his eyes sharp as he watched their every move. As he spoke, a shiver went up her spine. The voice was hauntingly familiar, yet it was not a pleasant familiarity. She met his gaze for a few moments, then dropped her gaze, her body going to the proper submissive stance. Yet she hoped he had caught the determination and sincerity in her eyes. Almost instantly, she felt her companion's warmth as his body leaned protectively against her. He was tense, and she flicked her ear towards him as he answered the albino. She momentarily spaced out, her exhaustion getting to her. As she heard her name, she blinked, and mixed emotions bubbled up in her. She wanted to smile as he spoke, his caring nature warming her cold body. Then again, she could hunt for herself. Him talking about her not being able to take care of herself wasn't the most idealistic way of getting into the pack. His muscles were tight as he finished talking, and she wondered if he really wanted to join if the male bothered him this much.
As she opened her mouth to speak, a wolfess circled them, and she let her inspect them, her own nostrils flaring slightly, her curiousity too great not to pick up her scent. Very aware of Dakarai against her, she watched as the female almost glued herself to the alpha, and her heart ached. Taking a deep breath, she buried her emotions and spoke, her voice strong and steady. She tried not to ramble, her eyes had a spark of stubbornness. Sir, I can hunt on my own. I am healing nicely now. As my...As Dakarai put it, I will also work hard and earn my keep. I am able bodied and, with respect, ask if you accept would our request. Her ears turned towards Dakarai at her almost slip up, and about her hunting, but her voice never changed out of the respectful tone. Keeping her face unreadable, her thoughts raced, bounced and crashed into each other. Did he want to join?  Was he doing it just for her? She hoped not. The man's voice sent another shiver down spine as the name went through her. 'Not now, brain. Shut up.'Blinking, she waited for an answer, her thoughts barely contained.
I am a searcher. Always was. I still am...searching for the missing piece.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
The appearance of his friend had his gaze momentarily shifting from the outsiders to her. He followed her with his eyes, watching everything she did from the way she held herself to how she acted around them; if any other wolf were to present themselves in the same stance as her, he would surely adjust them but, since it was her, he left it go. For although he did not quite see them as equals, he had such a great amount of trust placed in her that he knew she’d not turn against him—they’d fought alongside one another several times already, why would she choose now, of all times, to act against him? Still, his own tail was elevated just a fraction higher before he returned his attention to the duo.

But what he saw, despite the words, did not sit well with him.

Although his tail was tucked and he made no obvious move to challenge the reigning king of the valley, Alexander still viewed the slight shift in his stance as something in need of being corrected. Standing tall, he took a step forward as he pulled his lips back just enough to reveal his incisors—it was but a simple warning, really. “If you were to join my pack, she—he swung his muzzle towards Reigi—“would be your superior. You will not do anything to challenge or offend her.” Even though she was not necessarily the second under in rank to him, she held his favour.

Looking towards Onyx next, he glanced over her, briefly, before speaking. “If you’re here to join just so someone continues to treat your injuries, you’ve come to the wrong pack,” he stated. “I will not let resources be taken away from my pack to be put towards new members. This isn’t some sanctuary.” Originally, perhaps it was something similar to one. Scarlett had been such a caring woman, always happy to give her help where it was needed, but Alexander was nothing like her. He might have inherited her looks but he wasn’t nearly as generous—or at all, in most cases. But, despite his lack of natural-born kindness, he wasn’t entirely unreasonable. “Show me you can still hunt,” he said, prompting the female. “I don’t care what it is. Just prove you can still contribute.” Xan couldn’t bring himself to accept an injured wolf, not without first being given some sort of proof of their abilities. If she could hunt, if keeping her around wouldn’t lead to a shortage of resources, then he’d have some ground to look past the fact that she was wounded.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
447 Posts
Ooc — Chey
This was an iffy situation so far, it could go either way. His gaze was still wary but as he watched the female simply went to sit between them and the white male and he realized she was doing exactly what he was. She was claiming and protecting the alpha male and simply scoping them out. That fact soothed him and his muscles slowly relaxed before the sharp tone made him turn back to one who could quite possibly beat him up and who was a threat in physical terms. The flash of fang was noted and though he personally thought it wasn't nescessary he didn't want to fuck this up, so he dropped his eyes and flattened his ears, going so far as to tuck his tail and chin "Sir I meant no offense. I'll of course take my place beneath everyone in this pack as I am to be new if accepted." He said honestly, his tone holding no trace of grovelling though that was what it could come across as. He wasn't a moocher and he wasn't someone to expect a place in a pack without working for it, he wanted that clear. He wouldn't walk into any pack and expect an automatic high standing.

Keeping his posture he did however turn his gaze to look at Onyx, who looked quite nervous. She spoke up and said she was able to hunt for herself and woulf be of use and he almost protested, jaws parting as his voice rose noislessly up his throat to speak before he stopped himself. She knew what she doing, this man was obviously one who wouldn't allow them in unless she could work. Then the alpha male spoke again and he had to shut his mouth to keep from jumping to both his and Onyx's defense. Did they honestly look like two low lives who would waltz in and expect to get everything handed to them? He released a slow and quiet breath through his nostrils,mentally checking himself. They needed this and in the case they joined he could simply avoid this male and put himself to use working his way up the ranks. He'd show that he wasn't what this man seemed to think of him. 

Then it was ordered that Onyx prove herself able to hunt. He lifted his head but instead of focusing on Xan he looked to Onyx. She had a head injury and her body was obviously sore, he didn't want her to push herself. "It's...your choice" he said, voice tight and showing he obviously believed she would hurt herself more. Perhaps he was being too protective and reading into things but he'd lost everyone and everything in his life, he didn't want to lose her too.
112 Posts
Ooc — Marmoo
She felt Dak begin to relax and his answer soothed her a bit, although she knew it was probably difficult for him to bow in front of another, him being a lone wolf for as long as he had been. It definitely wasn't the easiest for her, especially with his voice. 
Noticing his reaction to the other wolfess, she almost cocked her eyebrow in curiosity, although her body still wanted to shake like a leaf in the wind. Although he looked nothing like...him...their voices were too similar to separate them easily in her pain addled brain. Why would he let the wolfess act like that since he was clearly the alpha? His voice, aimed at Dakarai at her side, made her shiver slightly. She tried to shake the images that came with the voice, but it wasn't easy. After the deer incident, her ability to push her memories back was almost non-existent. 
Taking a deep breath as he swung his head her way, she kept her submissive stance and waited for him to speak. Her muscles remained relaxed, but the feeling of worthlessness washed over her as his words fell on her ears. This isn't why they came here...right? She wasn't the reason Dak decided to be a part of a pack again...right? Glancing at him for a second, she continued to listen.
Seeing Dakarai open his mouth to protest, she almost closed her eyes,  hoping he wouldn't. She couldn't break in front of the other male. Not after everything. She wasn't weak...was she?  Hearing his breath, she let out her own quiet one, thanking whatever gods that he kept quiet. She already felt an argument between them happening, and she wasn't looking forward to that. As the male stopped speaking, the wolfess turned towards her.... companion?...and his tone confirmed her thoughts on the argument. They definitely were going to have one. She almost sighed, but held it back as she began talking, respect yet determination clear in her voice. We are not here as beggars, sir. Even with my injuries, I will show you I can still hunt. I will be back within the hour.
Bowing out respectfully, she shot Dakarai a look. Unreadable, yet everything at once...pain, fear, doubt, determination, and sadness. Gritting her teeth, she trotted off with only the slightest of limps. As she disappeared out of sight, she let her limp become more prominent and a look that had not crossed her face in a very long time crossed her face...a confused but irritated scowl as her thoughts flooded her mind.
Men. What was with them? While some wanted to protect you (a very few some), it felt like some treated her like she came for a handout. She huffed, anger suddenly flowing through her veins as her trot picked up. She would prove them both wrong. Not only would she prove that she was capable, she would prove she wasn't a lazy parasite. Catching whiff of deer, she slowed and followed their scent.

Her shoulder burning and her head almost spinning from pain, she limped back to them, a small deer within her jaws. Dakarai was right, and she knew she would never hear the end of it. Her shoulder was seeping blood again, and she took it slow as the horizon went dark for a few seconds before righting itself. She had worsened it, but she had done it. Pride was in her eyes as she dragged the small deer in front of the alpha. Taking her place beside Dakarai, she once again took a submissive stance. She held the pain back from her voice as she spoke softly. It is not much, but I hope it is satisfactory, sir. Taking a deep breath, she tried not to show the pain as the blood droplets fell onto the white snow.
I am a searcher. Always was. I still am...searching for the missing piece.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
The male’s posture was corrected, tail tucking in and his body, overall, lowering. Although his earlier threat was still fresh in the alpha’s mind, the display was enough to satisfy him—for now. For how long it would last before he demanded something more extreme was anyone’s guess, but until that moment arrived his expression was ironed out and his lips lowered back into place. The only remnant of his warning that remained was his glare, lingering stubbornly whilst being directed towards the male. Alexander did not like him, there was something there that rubbed him the wrong way—or perhaps it was just the workings of testosterone.

Hearing the woman speak, his attention was pulled her way and he regarded her silently. Despite her wounds, she claimed herself to still be capable of providing for not only herself but the pack as a whole. And as his challenge was accepted, he gave a stiff nod of his head before following after her with his eyes. Only then did he notice the limp in her gait, however faint it was; this further cemented his belief that she would fail and he would be able to chase them both from his home, but he said nothing of it, his thoughts kept to himself whilst the waiting game began.

Alexander was silent throughout the duration of their wait. He kept his eyes on the dark wolf for the majority of the time, only ever breaking his stare when he leaned forth to offer Reigi his attention; he was glad to have her there with him, keeping him company whilst the woman hunted. But he was not a patient man, growing irritated the longer he stood there, even with his friend at his side. He was ready to be done with them, to send him off and return to the confines of the valley with his friend—but then Onyx reappeared, canceling his plans and capturing his attention.

Being dragged along with her was the corpse of a fawn, which was then abandoned before him before she retreated back to her partner. Skeptical, he nosed around the fallen creature, wondering if perhaps she had just found it laying around somewhere. But the scent was fresh, having yet to begin rotting, thus confirming her capabilities—Xan still wasn’t impressed though. It was enough to have him nod his head, accepting the offering as an appropriate display of what she could do, but he would not praise a wolf for that which he believed all should be capable of.

“It’s fine,” he finally said, looking away from the fawn and towards the pair. “Since you can hunt, you can join.” That was the deal he’d made with them, after all. He looked to @Reigi then, chuffing to get her attention as he nodded towards the valley; they could leave now and he wanted her at his side. “Drag that in with you,” he told the duo. “Eat it, get rid of it—I don’t care.” Without another word, he turned and started down the boulder path, hopefully with his friend right beside him.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

she had been busy ignoring the trio, caught up in watching the wind push the snow around in the air.  it was only the scent of prey-blood that brought her back.  she was interested in it, but at xan's insistence she took up his rear and headed back to the valley — there would be time to hunt later.. and so long as they had been accepted (considering she hadn't had to chase them off, she assumed they were), she could meet up with them later too.

447 Posts
Ooc — Chey
He was tense when Onyx left to prove herself to the Alpha, though he didn't falter in his submissive posture. He had caught her look, so wounded but filled with determination. What  had that been about? Was she upset about what he'd said? It was  only common sense, with injuries such as hers she shouldn't be hunting at all. He wasn't trying to say she was useless or anything of the like, for God's sake he'd witnessed how good she was at hunting himself. Yet she had gone off anyway. Surely she knew that she was going to hurt herself even more by pushing like this. They could have found somewhere else to go...he should have turned away and lead her somewhere nicer when he'd first noticed the cold way Xan seemed to act. 

The sound of a dragging Carcass made hin lift his head and he turned to look over at Onyx. He noticed the limp and frowned, his eyes filling with concern. As she stood next to him he inspected her silently and noticed the blood dripping from her shoulder. He sucked in a breath but held back his words as Xan began to speak. They'd been accepted and rewarded (was that even the right word for it?) with Onyx's catch. "Thank you" He said and after Xan walked away he turned to Onyx. "You're bleeding. He never should have asked that of you. Im perfectly capable of hunting for the both of us and the pack, you should have been given time to heal. If you push yourself you could go lame!" his voice was tense as he moved forward to sniff at her wound. He began to lick away the blood gently, body tense with anger and concern for Onyx.
112 Posts
Ooc — Marmoo
She watched as he nosed the corpse, and her pride was wounded as she blinked back the tears that stung the back of her eyes. He was checking to see if it was fresh. As if she would bring back a stale carcass. A mixture of anger and hurt boiled inside of her, but her stance never changed. She tensed at his voice, taking a deep breath. Even with his reluctant acceptance, she felt defeated. Hoping none of them caught the single tear that sank into the snow, she kept her head down as the pair turned their backs and walked towards their home. 
She heard his almost inaudible breath and clenched her jaw, forcing her emotions behind a flimsy wall...for now. Shaking her head at his words, she closed her eyes and allowed him to lick away the blood. It was comforting, even if his tone was almost harsh. Her voice was quiet but firm. It's his pack. His rules. He didn't require you to. It was my responsibility to show I was still capable. It wasn't your fault. She blinked her eyes, the world going dark for a moment. But she refused to show weakness, although she had started repeating herself. He didn't need to worry about her. Why was she pushing him away? Not wanting to dwell on that thought, she nuzzled his neck. The man's voice echoed through her head, and a shiver went down her spine as a vague image of another male floated through her head. She started murmuring, doubt in her voice. He seems like a good leader, right? He's not like....Lonzo...right? His voice, tho. She shivered again, feeling lightheaded. 
She hadn't said that name consciously since...Taking a deep breath, she looked up at Dakarai and gave him a small smile, trying to reassure him, yet she felt cold. She could do this. She wanted to prove she wasn't weak like he said. She wanted to make Dakarai proud. Wagging her tail hesitantly, she waited for him to speak, nervously.
I am a searcher. Always was. I still am...searching for the missing piece.
447 Posts
Ooc — Chey
She was hurt. That much was clear and it made him angry. She had proven herself enough, or at least to Dakarai. This fawn would feed at least two wolves of the pack and she had caught it while obviously hurt, yet their new alpha had just brushed it off as if it was nothing. He felt horrible, for bringing her here. For pushing their acceptance when they probably could have joined elsewhere. Now that they were accepted though he felt determined to prove that not only was Onyx a good pack member but that he was someone that would make a good part of the pack. "It is my fault...but now that we're here, we'll do everything we can to prove ourselves. You aren't weak. Neither am I" his voice returned to it's normal soothing nature as he pressed into her. 

She murmured something, a familiar name reaching his ears and making him stiffen. Who was this Lonzo that she kept speaking of? "No...he isn't like Lonzo. He won't hurt you, I'm sure he's a good alpha. Ive never met a bad alpha" he murmured back, licking the fur on top of her head. He didn't like the almost scared way she was acting, it made him feel like he was doing something to hurt her. He didn't know how to fix this. " should rest. Come find a den with me, we can eat and get warm. It'll all be fine." he tried to reassure her.
112 Posts
Ooc — Marmoo
Anyone feel free to archive! Onyx out! Loved this thread!
As he spoke, his voice calmed her trembling, and she took a deep breath. It wasn't his fault, but she was too tired to argue. His reassurance about the new leader made her nod her head slightly, relieved at the opinion she regarded highly. He began to lick her, and she leaned into it,closing her eyes and slightly wagging her tail. What he said sounded wonderful. She didn't know when she had felt this tired. It had been a long time. Nuzzling him for a few moments, she looked at the carcass. They were supposed to do something with it, but she was loathe to even touch it. Sighing softly, she asked Dakarai if he could carry it in. She wasn't weak, she was tired. That's what she told herself as she slowly made her way to where the leader had went.Yet as she walked, she knew it wasn't just tiredness that made her not want to carry it. Pushing that thought aside, she masked her limp and walked in.
I am a searcher. Always was. I still am...searching for the missing piece.