Haunted Wood your kingdom down
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Ooc — thalia
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her wounds are healing well enough—most are shallow flesh wounds, and she's spared serious damage by the simple fact that both her and Valour's jaws are underdeveloped, lacking the serious strength of an adult. still, her cheek-wound is a constant bother, and there's only so often she can shove her face beneath the riverbank. 

late evening finds her hungry, and irritable as she ventures nearer to the center dens than she usually would. the prey seems to be vanishing, the quakes increasing in strength and the nightmares seemingly unending. she's half-searching for a trail to follow, but her hope is at an all-time low. pausing, she investigates a spot of dried blood; wolfblood, and therefore useless.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The tremors had died down a bit but the female could feel as though this was not the complete end of them. Knowing the earth, it would get worse before it got better. She could only hope that the woods was not damaged in the process the the prey would return once this was all over.

She came across the female pup today who seemed to be looking at a dried patch of blood.
”Common” "Spanish"
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
her attention is stolen swiftly away by the approach of the dark woman she'd fought before, and hela eyes her warily. they did not exactly part on good or certain terms last, and so she asks sharply, "what do you want?" in her experience here thus far, others do not intentionally make themselves known unless they want something from her.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
This young pup was a sassy little thing and if it were hers, serem wouldn't of hesitated to reprimand the little brat however she kept her composure and simply looked at the girl. "I'm just doing a patrol no need to get snippy." Was all she could say.
”Common” "Spanish"
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
"snippy?" she echoes, brow furrowed a fraction. it's a bit of a tame word, she supposed, and the woman certainly lacks the same fire as vengeance. they're rather far from the borders for a patrol, which she takes to mean the woman is either just beginning, or finishing. 

she's tempted to tear into the woman again, but knows better than to try and incite a fight with any malice behind it with an adult. despite her fierce dedication to better herself, they could very easily crush her. instead, she opts for the innocent-enough, "will you spar me again?" 
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Her word was repeated and Serem didn't know whether or not she understood the word but at the same time didn't really care. The next part caught her attention and she simply nodded. "I've seen that you've gotten practice. Show me what you've learned." The female got in a position which would brace herself for the young's attack.
”Common” "Spanish"
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
she's taken Black Hat's lesson to heart, and so before she finishes her sentence, Hela is already moving. one swift leap closes the space between them, and she aims a snap at the woman's shoulder, forelimb outstretches to try and catch the woman's ankle. with a tug, and the distraction of her most obvious attack, she hopes to unbalance her; if she were larger, she might even have tried to pin her immediately.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was cut off by the girl and she felt her teeth attack her lower leg. Knowing this move well due to her going for the legs often herself. Serem dug her claws into the earth hoping to keep her balance. If successful she'd try to pry the girl off with her teeth.
”Common” "Spanish"
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
the woman steadies herself, and Hela realizes her initial snap at the shoulder to be futile. quickly, while she's still close, she redirects and attempts to grab hold of the woman's throat, though at the same time sacrificing some of her balance. her forepaw is still somewhat entwined with Serem's, though the potential for a better grip has her ignore that for now.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The young wolf had redirected her initial attack towards her neck and serem was quick to avoid her snapping jaws and jumped back from the female so that she may lunge; the dark woman aims for the young's scruff in hopes of tossing her to the floor.
”Common” "Spanish"
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
the woman evades her attempted grip easily enough, with her withdrawal leaves Hela a brief moment in which to collect herself. when serem moves again, it's for the same grip most of her spar-partners try for. she surges upward to meet the woman, fangs to fangs, as she snaps at the woman's muzzle in an attempt to force her back. fangs cut into her muzzle and lips, though the pain serves only as a motivator.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
It didn't Hutterite much but she hated the sharp pinch that young wolves had in there teeth; the young ones teeth scraped across her muzzle and serem took one step back to look at her. "'Your getting better at your counter attacks. Good. I think that's enough for today." A spar was not a full fight after all.
”Common” "Spanish"
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
the violent clash of fangs comes to a quick end, and the girl is already moving to attack again when it becomes apparent the fight is over. faltering, and then withdrawing, she dips her head in acceptance, having not quite wasted all the energy in her veins but knowing better than to provoke a further fight that could just as easily turn ugly. finding no reason to stick around any longer, she turns on her heel and moves to leave the denning area behind, not quite letting her guard down until she's out of range of the woman.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
It was good spar and she could see the girl had improved and thought maybe black hat was a good teacher after all. So with that serem headed on her own way also.
”Common” "Spanish"