Blacktail Deer Plateau You think your problems are the only ones that matter
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For @Ingram, when you have time!

A decision had been made. It was one the deathbringer would never before thought he would ever make. Joining a pack, much less aiding in its founding... surely something far from his usual activities. But as he could tell thus far, it would be a decision to benefit him far unto the future.

The dreadfather had not been hesitant to allow him sanctuary among the plateau and of the ranks of its inhabitants. For this, he would forever be grateful. And, as promised, his service would be eternally pledged... unless, of course, he's given a reason to do otherwise. 

Sanguinex had circled the land a few times, gauging the space and resources. Surprisingly, he was impressed. But he wanted to know more.

The plateau is spacious and bountiful. What are your plans for it? He beseeched, seeking what all Ingram had in mind. 
godkiller; bleeding golden ichor
738 Posts
Ooc — delaney
the steps of ingram's patrol slow at the sound of sanguinex's approach; the drying grasses and decaying leaves of the autumn season turned crunching beneath footfalls. sanguinex and ingram's own.

a moment is given between the inquiry and ingram's answer; to contemplate. he rubs his cheek in a cat-like gesture along the rough hewn bark of a tree before deigning to part his lips to speak.

to grow basilica. they had a good foundation, surely; a foundation that would be strengthened by favors owned to them. and then, a stranger ( though perhaps not so strange as he, himself, was coming of age ) of the vigor of new life.

to strengthen our hold in these wilds. he was not necessarily keen on the idea of allies ...he rather liked being owed favors. of contracting our skills to packs who might need them. a soft rumble lingers in his throat as he rubs against another tree; the bark plucking some wisps of shoulder fur.

magick, threadbone reading & 'godhood' is to be taken purely with a grain of salt and are written to be creations of ingram's imagination and religious faith.
sold my soul for a cigarette
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Ingram was slow to reply, taking time to think. But his answers, later coming, were all reasonable.

Sensible, dreadfather. Basilica has a good foundation, but growth is always important. Sanguinex thought then of their numbers. We will need more druids. This is no small territory and will need to be kept well maintained. Our presence must be known so that none will think to undermine us or force us away from this. It wasn't likely that anyone would, but there was always the possibility. 
godkiller; bleeding golden ichor
738 Posts
Ooc — delaney
ingram does not expect the full vision for basilica to come to fruition right away. it would take time: to cultivate the proper resources, to tend to the flock he has and expand upon it. to venture beyond the borders of the plateau to the packs first neighboring and then beyond. indeed. murmurs ingram with a sage rumble of his smoky timbre in agreement.

it would take a mighty army indeed to remove us and even then it would be forcibly, ingram contemplates sanguinex's words, knowing all the same that they are true. nevertheless, i agree. basilica will need to grow in numbers as well as in reputation. but the dreadfather was a man with patience, as hard fought and earned as it was.

tell me deathbringer, drawls the voidking of the plateau. did you come across many in these wilds prior to our fateful meeting?

magick, threadbone reading & 'godhood' is to be taken purely with a grain of salt and are written to be creations of ingram's imagination and religious faith.
sold my soul for a cigarette
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They were indeed a strong force. To remove them, a grand number would be required to remove them from the plateau.

Our reputation will take time for others to learn... but first, they must know we are here and be aware of the territory we claim. Perhaps some did, but all soon would.

I did not cross the paths of many, no. But that can be changed... An itch now wriggled within him. Somehow, in some time, it was decided that this was indeed his home and he would do whatever was necessary to see it thrive and grow.
godkiller; bleeding golden ichor
738 Posts
Ooc — delaney
indeed, murmurs the dreadfather in quiet agreement to the deathbringer's assessment. a reputation carefully cultivated to be what exactly basilica wishes it to be will take time...but it is not impossible. as ingram speaks these words, he already has ideas in motion, spinning into formation.

a thoughtful moment pauses then as the deathbringer answers his inquiry, ears fluttering to rest at half mast atop his skull before pushing forth; alert. is that a task you wish to assist with?

magick, threadbone reading & 'godhood' is to be taken purely with a grain of salt and are written to be creations of ingram's imagination and religious faith.
sold my soul for a cigarette
83 Posts
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Not impossible. Never impossible, for they would make it possible.

What is a task he wished to assist with? Well, truly there was none in particular. I would assist with any task in relation to Basilica's growth and survival. 

But, what was it that the dreadfather had in mind?
godkiller; bleeding golden ichor
738 Posts
Ooc — delaney
ingram knows that cultivating a reputation and image would take planning and perhaps even manipulation. or at the very least, a firm iron fist at the borders and a composed script for scouts sent out to neighboring and not-so neighboring packs' borders.

that is good to know, ingram intones in a low, smoky murmur. i am working on individual tasks for each druid, to aid in moving towards the ranks they desire. ingram explains, offering this information in lieu of a task in the here now. gathering information: on what path you desire to take, or one you might be open to alternatively, helps.

magick, threadbone reading & 'godhood' is to be taken purely with a grain of salt and are written to be creations of ingram's imagination and religious faith.
sold my soul for a cigarette
83 Posts
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Sorry for the shortness... wrote this in a bit of a rush!

To gather said information, it takes knowledge of the possible paths first. Sanguinex was not yet aware of what lengths he could reach towards; only that it would take time.

The muddied wolf sought a strong gaze upon the dreadfather, curious of how he may respond.
godkiller; bleeding golden ichor
738 Posts
Ooc — delaney
quality over quantity, always! you never have to apologize! <3

there are three possible paths, speaks ingram, finding the other man's words fair. it would be hard to climb if they didn't know the possible ranks and what ingram considered them. the first: mage. workers of magicks, spiritual and natural, storytellers. this would've been his path, were he to be anything other than the dreadfather. though he was a warrior, it was magicks and his threadbones that called to him the most.

the second: reconniter. the stealthy. the hunters, the scouts, the diplomats. they are trusted to keep track of the herds and run messages from myself and other packs. a high honor as ingram was a man who much preferred to do the reminding of favors owed or called upon on his own.

the third: dagger. the teeth and claws of the pack. trusted guards and front line if war finds its way to us. a small pause is given, a twist of his scarred lips into a ghosting, wily grin. given that you are called deathbringer i was leaning more towards the dagger path, for you. but if any of the others hold interest, please let me know.

magick, threadbone reading & 'godhood' is to be taken purely with a grain of salt and are written to be creations of ingram's imagination and religious faith.
sold my soul for a cigarette
83 Posts
Ooc —
Options. There were many options. But of them, there was only one that pricked at his interest.

Mage. Work of a healer, storyteller, and knowledge of the spirits. Intriguing, at best. Tempting, almost. As of days past, the deathbringer himself had become the student of a mage. Spiritualism was not something Sanguinex had once set his mind upon, but somehow the woman had talked him into learning. Perhaps it had been the mentions of death and war, but he couldn't be for certain until more was later learned. That was the whole purpose of taking her as a tutor, right?

Reconniter. Hunters, scouts, diplomats, masters of stealth. As a beast; one of gargantuan mass, stealth was not a talent he would likely ever obtain. Strategy was not something he entirely looked past, but it was not a sole trade he would seek to reach for.

And finally, dagger. Now, this was the one that immediately stole the attention of his ears. The way of the combatant, executioner, and guardian of the place he now called home. Talent in these things was something he had worked for during the few years he had since lived his life. Who would he be if not one to thoughtlessly jump at an opportunity where he could hone and show of his skills?

Dagger. He decided, choosing his path aloud without taking pause for much consideration. There was nothing to consider. Your assumptions were very much so correct, yes.

But even though there was this path, certainly there had to be others as well.

But what comes next? After dagger, what could I find in my next chapter? There were always more possibilities. Why not learn of them now? Ingram knew plainly of his ambitions, and Sanguinex would be sure he did not dismiss it. He would always reach for more, until his loyalties no longer allowed it. 
godkiller; bleeding golden ichor
738 Posts
Ooc — delaney
sorry this is such a small ( work ) post.

the following question, of what came after dagger was a logical one: to want to know where he was going. next would be silencer, speaks ingram, salmon pink tongue swiping across his scarred jowls. and after that the only further step is executioner. and that ingram would need to consider what sort of tasks he would require for the leadership. and that is the leadership rank.

magick, threadbone reading & 'godhood' is to be taken purely with a grain of salt and are written to be creations of ingram's imagination and religious faith.
sold my soul for a cigarette
83 Posts
Ooc —
No worries! Mine are often short as well, lol.

His query of where he may continue, it was answered; and swiftly so.

Silencer.. then executioner. Later options. They made his decision all more-so the right one. His mind wouldn't be changed.

That is the path I will take, He spoke firm, eyes hard and decisive. 

What will be my task to earn me the title of dagger? The deathbringer then asked, well knowing that a specific task given by the dreadfather would be required to move out of the druid title.
godkiller; bleeding golden ichor
738 Posts
Ooc — delaney
in a few days time i will call upon you to join me in a trip to one of our neighboring packs, though 'neighboring' was perhaps a bit of an understatement as delaney took a peek at the map and realized it was at the whole other end, oops. nevertheless, it would be the initial introduction to the wilds beyond the strangers at their borders — friends of ash paw's ingram is determined to simply label them.

during it, you will act as my guard. a simple, perhaps even menial task, but while ingram liked to believe that just because he fought ash paw ( and lost ) and committed matricide and welcomed sithis' essence from the void into his flesh body that he was indestructible and perfectly capable of holding his own in a fight.

he was but there was none groomed to take his place lest something horrible befall him and having a second presented a strong, united front ( or so he assumes ). but one i assume you are more than qualified to handle.

magick, threadbone reading & 'godhood' is to be taken purely with a grain of salt and are written to be creations of ingram's imagination and religious faith.
sold my soul for a cigarette
83 Posts
Ooc —
His path was chosen. And now Ingram shared with him his task.

A simple one it was, Sanguinex decided. A diplomatic mission, and he would be present to cover the dreadfather's behind. Certainly a menial one, as it had been described.

I am indeed. How could he possibly not be? This was his way. I will do my best to prove my worth to the next title. Dagger. What he would soon become.
godkiller; bleeding golden ichor
738 Posts
Ooc — delaney
to ingram, a base rank deserved a base task. something easy, a chance for ingram to test the waters with the wolves who desired to carve out their places in basilica. but just because it was assumed to be menial by ( admittedly ) both men did not necessarily mean it would be so. ingram knows nothing of the neighboring packs and they could be hot tempered and prone to violence; and while a part of the dreadfather craves that he is not so eager to put basilica in harms' way.

i do not doubt it. offers the dreadfather. i should began making preparations. consulting his threadbones among the top of said preparations. if there was nothing else to be discussed, ingram would take his leave.

magick, threadbone reading & 'godhood' is to be taken purely with a grain of salt and are written to be creations of ingram's imagination and religious faith.
sold my soul for a cigarette