Rising Sun Valley Be my guest
The bear whisperer
78 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
All Welcome 
Quote:OOC: Hoping to meet some new faces, perhaps someone looking for a free fish snack. ;) And don’t worry about writing an equal length response. 

Bjorn had achieved his hope of becoming one with this fabled pack of Kvarsheim, one with the very stones who stood strong against the world. Now that he was accepted into Kvarsheim, he was not quite sure what to do, or where to go. But just then, a feeling of hunger thundered in the pit of his stomach. It was time to eat.

He found his way to a river, know to experienced pack members as “Laynille”, the secret river, within the Prism Forest. He strode up to the bank, the water was clear and beautiful, like natures own looking glass. Perhaps if he didn’t take as much time to look at his reflection, would he have not remembered that day? The day his pack drove him out…. All because of how he appeared.

He shook his large head, dismissed the thought, and just then a large trout was lazily swimming by. He locked onto his target, and  with one swift motion, he snapped his jaws around the fish, and lifted it out of the water, placing it on the ground. He managed to do this to two more fish, scoring three. He laid down under a shady tree, and ate the first one.
Active weekdays: Monday (evenings), Saturday, Sunday — Most evening times are open (PST: Pacific Standard Time)
115 Posts
Ooc —
It was a beautiful day in Rising Sun Valley! The sun shining, the birds singing, and Turmeric right there with them, beaming and humming along.

He spent most of his time with Inkeri these days, wrapped up in her quiet words and laughter. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt this way — so much at home, and at peace. Something about the pack lands, too. Familiar, but not because he had ever seen them. This feeling ran deeper and he let it sit there and blossom in his heart. Wondering, but not needing to know why.

Turmeric found a river today, and laying near it, a bear of a wolf! Hey, nice catch there! Merry praised as he strolled his way over - aware of how dwarfed this other man would make him once he ever stood up! But you got nowhere in life, being afraid, and he seemed right at home in Kvarsheim too, how many did you get?

He couldn’t quite see the number from the respectful distance he kept — wolves could get testy with food, after all — but he thought he could tell by the shape of the pile he’d certainly managed more than his own usual one!
The bear whisperer
78 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
It had been sometime since he caught his fishes, and although the quiet is always nice, when another wolf came up to him, he had a small smile on his  muzzle. He did not stand up to address this other wolf, as he was not threaded in any way.

“Thank you! I caught three of them.” Bjorn replied, “Come, sit with me young one.”  And as he sat near Bjorn, he tossed him one of the three  trout.
Active weekdays: Monday (evenings), Saturday, Sunday — Most evening times are open (PST: Pacific Standard Time)
115 Posts
Ooc —
What a pleasant fellow! So far, the wolves here exceeded all his expectations of what this pack would be like. Far kinder than the saints! At least, the ones he had met. Fury had not been cruel to him, but these wolves had warmth in their eyes and a friendliness that radiated.

Three! he marvelled, and saying his previous thoughts aloud with a chuckle, I’m lucky if I even catch one!

Turmeric trotted over to join the older man with a happy wave of his tail, scurrying forward at the last minute to duck low and catch the fish in his jaws before it hit the ground.

’fanks! he said between the mouthful of trout. Sitting near his packmate he placed the trout down between his forepaws. You been with Kvarsheim long?

That was the thing about being new here. You didn’t know who was new and who was an old timer. But he sure had all the time and desire in the world to start finding out!
The bear whisperer
78 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
This young whipper snapper had a light and friendly demeanor, making Bjorn feel warm inside. He was happy he was able to share his meal with him — “I’ve had plenty of practice” he told the wolf, “And no, I have not. I just recently joined this pack, but I am pleased to be here.”

Then another thought crossed his mind, “I don’t believe I know your name? I am Bjorn, but who are you?”
Active weekdays: Monday (evenings), Saturday, Sunday — Most evening times are open (PST: Pacific Standard Time)
115 Posts
Ooc —
Really? Me too! Even though he already felt happy in Kvarsheim, it felt good knowing he wasn’t the only one starting to learn the ropes here. His tail strummed the ground, I’m very pleased to be here too.

He had just taken a big mouthful of trout, wondering which of his many questions to ask the man next, when Bjorn himself spoke up again. He held a paw to his mouth as he swallowed a not fully chewed through piece of fish. Ah, I’m Merry. Well, Turmeric, really.

Not quite as exotic as Bjorn!

Where are from, then? If you’ve had a lot of practice fishing, did you live near a lake?
The bear whisperer
78 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
After he and the young man had indulged on fresh trout, they exchanged names. “Merry? Is it short for Turmeric?” He asked, as he was surprised by such a unique name. “I’ve never heard a name as special as that. It suits you very well.”

Turmeric, or, Merry, was indeed as merry as his name described. But then Bjorn realized….. He just made a friend. Then he remembered Turmerics other question. Where was he from? “As a matter of fact, I was born into a place called Yellowstone. A large land full of wildlife. All kinds — Wolves, deer, raccoons, most North American species.” “And yes, I spent a lot of time fishing, especially with bears.”
Active weekdays: Monday (evenings), Saturday, Sunday — Most evening times are open (PST: Pacific Standard Time)
115 Posts
Ooc —
That’s right! Merry said. But hadn’t he said that? Maybe he’d only shared his full name with Bjorn in his thoughts again. He’d need to work on that.

He puffed his chest a little, despite the sheepish splay of his ears. Heh, well thank you! Mum’s a medic, so we’ve all got planty names. Yours suits you, too! though he still didn’t know what it meant. Certainly not a plant!

Yellowstone. Merry tried to remember if he’d heard the name whispered by the winds or carried on the wings of birds. He’d seen many places before — but a land where wolves hunted with bears! Merry’s eyes widened and he gasped through a smile. You hunted with bears! no wonder he was so good! Like a giddy child he shuffled a few inches closer, were you friends with them too? Names, families, stories — y’know, sharing all those kinds of things together? Well — not marrying them, obviously, he scoffed to himself, but hanging out with them, shooting the breeze, that kind of stuff, y’know?
The bear whisperer
78 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Quote:I can basically imagine Varian in Turmeric and what he says and does. :D I love it! 

Everything Merry said was said with a gleeful voice. As he explained about his name, Bjorn replied, “That makes sense.“ But when Merry mentioned his Mother being a medic, another thought came to mind…… Perhaps she could help with his own howl, maybe even Fix it.

“I would love to meet her sometime. I’m sure she a wonderful woman.”

After, Merry began to ask many questions, mainly about Bjorn’s life back in Yellowstone. He seemed to be awestruck by it. “Yes, I was friends with a few of them. My name actually means Bear. — I had one good friend, we grew up together as a pup and cub. My family knew his, and being that my parents had an influential place in the pack, our pack helped out the Bears tribe when they needed it.” 

The part he left out, was when the bear’s tribe moved away to a farther off place in Yellowstone. Unless someone asked, he would keep it to himself.
Active weekdays: Monday (evenings), Saturday, Sunday — Most evening times are open (PST: Pacific Standard Time)
115 Posts
Ooc —
haha thank you!! ^^ he’s always been the perfect voice claim <3

Oh, she is! She’s the best woman I know! but even as he said it, his heart ruffled a little. Was that true anymore? Well, her and Inkeri and tied, he double-backed on himself and felt his cheeks burn rosy again.


Dude! Merry laughed, excitement and disbelief lighting his forest green eyes, don’t tell me you would’ve kept that a secret if I’d never asked! That’s wicked cool! 

Did Gunnar and Taktuq know about this? A wolf who made allegiance with bears! That could only come in helpful in the future, right? So how’d you guys even broker peace?
The bear whisperer
78 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Quote:I think after you respond, I’m going to write up a closing reply to that. Since we’re getting to a point where it seems we can wrap this up.:D

He could feel his cheeks warming at Merry’s enthusiasm and excitement about his own past. He never really spoke about it, because to him, it was normal, but to others, perhaps it wasn’t. 

“Probably. It’s always just been normal to me, it’s how I grew up. I never thought it was something so unusual though.” 

Bjorn explained, “And as for peace, our pack never threatened the bears, so there was never any trouble. But One Fall, back when I was growing up, my friend and I, the bear cub, would bring each other different foods and exchange them. The bears saw it as an act of friendship.” 

He was sort of flattered that some took an interest in his past.
Active weekdays: Monday (evenings), Saturday, Sunday — Most evening times are open (PST: Pacific Standard Time)