Redtail Rise crimson
437 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
loose in the timeline, but since ranks were updated, I’m assuming the pack knows <3

The instant Redd learned of the new order, she sought out @Relic with speed.  This was a mistake she had thought him well beyond, and a silent cold emanated from her as she approached him stiffly when she found him.  The look in her eye was disapproval that bordered on disgust.  He had earned nothing; only a coward would deceive in this way.

He should have been better than this.

You did not fight.  She growled, her voice low as she stared.  Redd did not believe Wealda would break their ways had she known, and even with, no true leader would fracture his own ranks knowingly.  She did not acknowledge his rank in confronting as he held none in her eyes.

She did not need an explanation.  She would see him fix this.
78 Posts
Ooc — Mai
He turned to face his sister, standing rigidly. Unlike with Ancelin when confronted, he did not press his rank or curl his lips.

"I did not." He echoed stiffly. "Wealda commanded I become Beserker." His voice grew firmer, but did not raise. "Wealda's word is all that matters." At least in his mind. If she commanded he bleed himself dry, then he would do it. His loyalty to Avicus was probably blinding.

"But. I never said I wanted the rank, as I stood by while you challenged Lilia." His eyes narrowed. "You want me to prove my worth? You want me to fight?" Still, no hostility in his tone as he backed up, to give her room. "Then, come at me."
437 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Wealda didn’t see.  Redd took a step forward, her bearing accusing.  If anything she was more disappointed.  We did.  Wealda commanded their loyalty, but she did not decide his place.  The pack chose to follow those who held strength.  That he would take what was not earned said he did not care about the respect of those he led.

Step down.  It is hers.  Redd growled, more words than she’d perhaps ever spoken to him.  She did not wish to fight, but she stood ready for it if he refused.  Beating her would not mean he had earned it… but it would mean the rest was for him to sort out.  She could only press her own statements so far.

edit - if Lilia posts a challenge, we can just have that interrupt this to save on threads and timeline funkiness
78 Posts
Ooc — Mai
"That is true. She did not. Her word is law. The only that I follow."

Redd did not challenge him. Not directly. Yet she insisted he relinquish his rank. He bristled, tail lashing angrily. "Not to you. You have no authority for this demand."

He sneered. "As you said, it is hers. Let her claim it herself. That or call her, now. And our Wealda."
437 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
If possible, her look grew colder, but she drew back.  His words drew the ire from her and left only distaste.  Her challenge would mean nothing if she did not want the role, and clearly her brother did not see.  She had thought him smarter than this.

She taught better than that.  There were deeper laws; strength and skill spoke deeper than any words.  But Redd could not teach what he refused to learn.

Without another word, she spun and left him, tail lifted in a quiet defiance.  She did not answer to his lead anyway.  The others could fight this for themselves.