Shy Deer Steppes is this what you call a big texan welcome?
116 Posts
Ooc — H2O
All Welcome 
AW! set for late morning 

well, this didn't look much different from home at all.

there was still sand wedged between her toes. there were no cacti dotting the landscape to catch any fur on, so that was at least a more pleasant change in scenery. beyond that, it was also cold here and currently cloudy too. tuna wasn't really sure what to make of all these minor differences between this home and hers, but honestly, the girl didn't mind that much.

in one aspect, maybe it was too similar and she should just go another way towards the deeper and thicker vegetation or mountains. yet in another, this lack of monumental change in her surroundings was not a bad thing for being on her own. she knew how to navigate the desert and walk on sand without sinking and falling.

a pink tongue comes to swipe across parsed lips as she watches the antelope attempt to graze in the not-so-far distance. she's not coordinated enough to take down one of those creatures by herself anyways. but the scuttering gophers or cottontails, maybe even the snakes or lizards? now that was fair game.

so the girl comes to move with purpose, picking up a trot to follow the scent trail of a recent cottontail.
"English" "Spanish" "Nahuatl"
speaks with a Texan accent which can come across in all of her languages
[Image: CACTUS1.gif]
steffi lynn
21 Posts
Ooc — Bees
the preacherman passed by town.

deer here were weird, a tad, bug-eyed things without much horn, lots of white. he thought them inbred, or all young, until he spotted one with fawn. conveniently, they hadn't spotted him, whispering among themselves in their preytongue, as lesser beasts of shit and fear do.

( unbeknownst to him, about somesuch beast lurking in the shrubbery, opposite way of his )

his tongue swept his whiskers. he wiped his paws in the dirt, then thought of the mathematics required for this pursuit.

damned things were quick! no second later than he was seen, and they ran off like birds taking flight! lucky him, they had at least scattered, mother and child parted from their herd, heading for the nearby lake.

( unbeknownst to him, for a little 'yote, herself busy with less amibtious hunting )