Stone Circle Restless feet
96 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
AW! Looking for @Bonario!

Vale had walked the perimeters of their land several times now. The need for busywork, to keep moving, to do something useful set her paws into motion. Her head level with her chest as she kept her nose down. Perhaps there was something to find today. A small morsel of a rodent or even a rabbit to find their way into her teeth. There were many wolves within Kvarsheim that could do with some warmth. Vale wasn't sure just who she'd give such a gift should she acquire such a thing. But she wouldn't have to look hard.

All within Kvarsheim were bereaved.

She paused mid step. Nostrils flaring as a new scent crossed her path. Ungulate scent. Vale lifted her head. Ears cupping forward as she trailed it to a set of tracks. Her tail flicked as she pondered. There was no value in attempting to take any sort of deer alone. She'd simply end up battered with only her own power to utilize. With a swivel of her ears she lifted her nose to the wind. Was anyone nearby?
157 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
He trudged lowly through the woods. The hunting fields were barren. A disturbing truth to the irreparable grief deciding to stick around in the air. Wouldn't pass. Lingered around over head.
He grew sick of it.

So, day by day, it happened.
He rid himself of it.
He made the skin bleed of countless does; of countless deer, hare and vole. Fox.
If it lived, he tried to take the life from it that let it.
Of anything.
But already, he was battered from his previous encounter.

The neck of the man snapped. His muzzle wrinkled, curled, his tail lashing like a wildcats and his fur prickly and poisonous. His voice lost the viciousness it once had. Instead, it was grossly nearly calm.


Following the same tracks.
"Back off. You'll scare them, and I don't need you getting in my way."
96 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
A couple of assumptions made, please let me know if its too much.

Back off.

Vale's head snapped to the source of the cold voice that cut through the air. Golden eyes wide, she stood dumbfounded for a moment. Mouth parted to speak.


They had met previously, several months ago. Well, sort of met? Not that she learned his name then. Only after the fact. After finding herself within the same pack was it told to her. Again, not by him. She was frankly a little surprised the he did have a voice. She really shouldn't be. She knew that. Nonetheless, her mind stuttered before her eyes sweep across his haggard appearance.

He had been taking things hard. Roaddust and dirtied pelt on end. Was he missing chunks of it? Bespeckled by dried crimson and rust. Blood. Although her nose told that much.

What's gotten a bite out of you?

Deer tracks were now at the back of her mind. Brow furrowed, Vale padded closer. Neck outstretched as she tried attempted to investigate. Was it his blood? Was he hurt?
157 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
"AYE!" He puffed up like a bloated pufferfish, flaring his fur out in waves and spikes. "Mind your business!"

She got closer, closed, until he was backing up, and backing up. Her breath felt too close when he all about fell on his ass. Her face was nothing to him. Foreign, gone and lost in many; he'd seen plenty, and she was not upon the list of ones he appeared to recall.

Flaring his nostrils, a rough chuff came out and he snorted up in disbelief. Bruised, battered. Yes, blood. Yes, wounds that ran deep and scabbed grossly over. His head whipped away, eyes narrowed and body soon still. She should have heard enough about him by now to stay out of his way.
96 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
He shouted and puffed up. Cringing from her proximity, he resembled a frightened pup more than a hunter. More than a troublemaker. She didn't dare to invade his space as much as to actually touch him. Maybe she breathed on him. Ultimately, she was close.

Withdrawing, Vale frowned at him, head tilted. His bluster puzzled her. In some ways, he seemed all huff and puff. Could he really have caused all of that trouble? She had her doubts. Whether that was her own optimism or naivety, she couldn't be sure.

Nonetheless, she allowed good sense to take precedence. He was thoroughly battered and that was not so easily acquired by one's own self.

You can relax. She straightened her posture, a furrow in her brow. On that notion, shouldn't you be resting? You like you got stepped on by deer rather than hunt it.
157 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
"NO," he snorted, and he was sure he was right in his behavior! She deserved it for asking! Who was she, asking about his physical wellbeing!? Who did she think she was?! Bonnie sounded offended. He was offended! It was also definitely his hunt that she intruded on, and not her hunt that he intruded on!

"Don't you worry yourself about it!" And for the next matter------ He was taller than her! She was short!

"You look like you could be stepped on a deer," he huffed out. Huffy-puffy! "I don't need rest," he narrowed his eyes. "You hungry or not?" This lady was pushy.
He'd also do anything to divert the conversation right now.
96 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Huff, and puff, and blow the house in!

Or so he tried with his rather loud "no."

She'd have to be blind not to see that somehow, she had stepped out of turn with him. With the great offense of... concern? Vale's brow creased as she looked at him after his outburst. Bewilderment on full display as she attempted to make sense of him.

Well I mean, anyone can get stepped on by a deer. So long as there is one present, you know?

Despite his irritation it seemed there was a truce to be made. They had both stumbled upon the same set of tracks, after all. What more was there to be said?

Yeah, sure. Vale turned from him to the follow the direction of the hoofprints. Her neck craned to peer over her shoulder. C'mon. Should be easy enough to follow.