Redtail Rise I can make this easier for you.
330 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
All Welcome 
The elder stalked the foul scent of a raccoon. It smelled like a mother, but everything smelled like mothers in this season, and besides that Tulimaq was only after it because he couldn't get anything he actually wanted; the Snow woman had her man, and from the look of things he would have to bide his time to see if any of the younger women of the Rise entered their season.

He had appetites. Had Tulimaq continued on his way rather than return to the Rise, he'd have found a few women to keep him warm at night and been fine with that. Perhaps he'd have gone north to see if any Anneriwok could be swayed to do the same. Instead, he was here, and he was alone, and he was growing bitter about it in his old age.

It wasn't love he wanted or even companionship; but he knew there was only so much time left for him, and he wanted to fill his time with good and entertaining things.
Wild Fauna
58 Posts
Ooc — Bees
the most illustrious madame of the Feumont ascended the rise, in her mind cursing the make of this mountain - as nobility shouldn't sully their tongues.

it was promise of stuffed raton laveur that had enticed her to the climb, a choice she now thought might've been ill. her pretty skirts were soaked up to the knees and muddied at the rims, and she dreaded to picture her face after so much exertion.

enfin, e n f i n the height became breadth, and sa majeste stood, proudly, amidst trees, her creamy chest rising and falling.

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la reine claims duskfire glacier, frostfire ridge and permafrost hollows as her queendom
 trespassers beware!