Hoshor Plains heaven-candle
112 Posts
Ooc — Van
All Welcome 
any YS wolves i haven't threaded with?? @Mojag @Vaermina @Masa

Fjall’s anxieties about remaining a plainswolf died a little more each day he spent here. In all his searching, in all his mourning, he had completely forgotten what it was like to not feel so terribly lonely.

It was midday already, and he had spent the morning running down rabbits – his new favorite pastime, having discovered that he was quite good at it on the open fields. Today, however, he’d only managed to catch one in all that time. But a string of near misses and a run of bad luck wasn’t enough to dull his spirit.

He carried his prize in search of the nearest packmate, in the hopes that someone or someones would want to share it fresh.

raven steel
44 Posts
Ooc — bon
masa sits alone. nothing yet. while he sits as still as the mountains just overhead, inside turmoil threatens to pierce through the samurai's armor. where had she gone, has she already been killed? has he been silently exhiled for failing to be the one to kill her and that's why he has yet to hear word?

those demons only worsen as the scent of blood wafts towards his breath — as if her corpse lay just nearby, but the foolish samurai never noticed until now. it's only when footsteps break through the grassy plains that catches his eye, and he realizes it the blood was that of a rabbit caught in the jaws of his smaller packmate.
[Image: masa-itty-1.png]
there are no heroes in this tale
112 Posts
Ooc — Van
please lmk if he wouldn't have heard his name before this!

Hrr'o! Fjall's muffled greeting blew over bloodied rabbit fur. He set the catch down between them, tail wagging. Masa, yes? Have you had a chance to eat today, my friend? He nudged the meal closer to the supermassive black hole of a wolf, careful of meeting the sentinel's eye with anything less than a warm smile. I only caught it moments ago.

raven steel
44 Posts
Ooc — bon
youre good!

hello. it was a bother to speak when he was embroiled in his own plans, but it would be a disservice to ignore an ally, even a temporary one.

a hint of fear lay behind the smaller man's eyes. masa doesn't blame him. 
i am fine, thank you. please have it for yourself. his words come as dry as fall leaves.
[Image: masa-itty-1.png]
there are no heroes in this tale