Sleepy Fox Hollow dismay
4 Posts
Ooc —
An orchestra of naked twigs and branches composed a raspy song from their wooden friction. Singled out, each sound was too tiny to really notice, but all of them singing in unison against the moving wind created an eerie symphony. Beckoned by the unusual performance was a young black wolf, but he wore a subtle look of dismay across his frozen features, easily missed by all but the most observant of face readers. He was highly concerned for the well-being of the hollow's tree folk, for their chorus sounded like heartfelt cries for help. He wasn't sure what he could do, but maybe a little company could distract them from their woes.

As he ambled from trunk to trunk he touched each of the tall wooden beings with his snout and made small talk with them. Consoling words like There there, the sun will rise again tomorrow. and You're strong, I believe in you. and I shan't pee upon you tonight or any night, dear tree. I'm only here to help. among other uplifting things. He continued for what felt like hours, but whether it was minutes or seconds or years he couldn't tell anyone. His sense of time was about as accurate as a snake shooting a bow and arrow in a tornado.
Messages In This Thread
dismay - by Tristan Storm - February 09, 2019, 08:04 PM
RE: dismay - by Amsu - February 09, 2019, 09:02 PM
RE: dismay - by Tristan Storm - February 10, 2019, 06:24 PM
RE: dismay - by Amsu - February 16, 2019, 05:26 PM