Deepwood Weald [m] iklignak
122 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca

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Heat thread 1.

The snow brought silence with it. The falling tufts danced, and she danced among them.

Her breaths plumed from her as Wilwarin flowed among the trees, finding frozen moss and the hard-packed earth somehow so beautiful for all of its glittering.

She did not know why she was in such a good mood today; she had no reason to be sad except a subtle loneliness, but she also knew Moonglow was nearby and that brought its own elation. Hunger was there in her belly - but so was a lightness, something like summer sun, warming Wilwarin from the inside out.

The woman did not question this feeling. She only danced, her face held up towards the winter sun, laughing in her silent way.
47 Posts
Ooc — Bees
at the moment of utmost grace, in-between the smoothest flow of movements-

the white bird croaked loud.

he watched from a branch high up above, beak parted in a grin lost to the ground-dweller.

hail. simply called, beak still parted.
// raven services; messages & deceit -> 
La Muerte
83 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The dusty colored male had left the woods in search of his children and once found safe he felt it was okay to return. He had a successful hunt the blood still dripping from his muzzle as he licked it up a scent flooded his nose one that was familiar to the brute and he of course followed it 

He came across a beautiful white female who was bit on the smaller side but then again so were many being as big as he was. He didn’t want to scare her of so he gave a small chuff before approaching.
“Common” ”Spanish”
122 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
There came the voice of something high in the trees! Or maybe she was imagining things; maybe it was the tree itself who called out? Wilwarin had never heard a tree speak, but she had always wondered if they could. She presumed that, like herself, they had a lot to say but very few ways to say it. Maybe they spoke avidly and often, but because she was a wolf and not a tree, she would never understand? Still - someone called a greeting, and she saw and smelled no wolf among the spires.

As she tread closer, she looked up and saw a pale bird. Her focus was there, away and up, and she did not hear the chuff of the stranger man behind her; nor did she think to be wary of her surroundings, as Wilwarin was trusting in the world and had never thought to be nervous.

The bird was very high! Her mouth moved as if she were barking, hinging at the jaw, and her tail wagged - but no sound came from her, only the crush of snow underfoot and the whisking of the snow's surface by the force in which her tail swayed.
12 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
He'd been searching for the man's scent, but a new one overtook his senses. He didn't question his feet when they turned in another direction. His steps were mindless, his thoughts a swarming mess of guilt and desire.

So what? a voice at the back of his mind questioned. What's one more time? One more little mistake?

Another refuted it with claws and teeth, but this was a thing Satya had proved time and again that he would bleed for.

She was in his sights. He did not notice the bird yet, only hearing its words as a squawk. It was just her, alone, dancing —

Satya slunk, leaden, to be by her side. He was close when he caught sight of another male. The fur at his scruff bristled. He looked back at the woman, and at the man again, and made a calculated move. He frolicked toward the woman, body language friendly and subservient.

For now.
47 Posts
Ooc — Bees
he found the creature endearing, head twisting to examine it from each eye.

yet, before any words between them, the raven noted newcomers.

wolves. large, one darker and the other like spring dirt, making their four-legged steps in different manners.

the bird's breath hitched for a beat. he looked again at the base of the tree.

potential. opportunity. excitement.

a meal?

with an avian smile, he croaked to the white wolf;


a wing broadly gesturing at the approaching two.
// raven services; messages & deceit -> 
La Muerte
83 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
It angered him a bit that there was another male but he didn’t make this apparent and kept his neutral stance as he came forward and walked to the woman himself being aware of the other man that went towards her as well. He didn’t want to have to fight over a woman unless that is what the woman wanted. He looked over to the other male then back to the female his tail swaying slowly. “Hello I am Hashut.” He began with introducing himself. If this was her mate he wouldn’t intrude and would keep the interaction civil but if it wasn’t the man would definitely want to know this woman
“Common” ”Spanish”
122 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The bird croaked again! The shift of one wing gave Wilwarin a prompt to turn and look, and as she did she saw two strangers. Both seemed interested in her; one, a swarthy fellow, walked right up and seemed interested in her company. The other named himself, arriving closer to her other side.

At first she was excited to meet new friends. The feeling became something fluttery, and nervous, when she felt boxed-in. Still, Wilwarin gave them both the benefit of the doubt. She smiled to them both and slipped back a step or two, moving in to a play bow.

Meanwhile the scent she carried filled the grove, and she was oblivious. Her body asked for play; although something else was insinuated by the curve of her spine, the look in her eye. Wilwarin didn't know what kind of dangerous game she now played.
12 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
If he hadn't been wary of frightening the woman, he would've growled at the other man or made some other territorial display. As it was, he felt it best to pretend the other man didn't exist.

He was so sick of other men.

The woman bowed, and Satya bowed back, dancing back and then forward again to not-so-subtly place himself between the woman and the stranger. It felt unnatural to turn his back on an unfamiliar wolf, but he had eyes only for the woman. He yapped a happy but somehow pleading note, ready to give chase at a moment's notice. For now, he crawled forward with his nostrils flaring, reaching daringly to press his nose to her paws, her cheek — whatever was closest.
La Muerte
83 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The other male irked him as he cut in front of him and got closer to the female. The woman wanted to play and he would oblige. He hopped over to her other side. Not getting too close as to make her feel cornered.

Normally he would have just fought off the other male but this female looked as though she might flee if he did so and so the male would play along and mimicked the woman in her playful bow.

A smile placed on his muzzle and tail swayed behind him. Oh how he wished she’d show him attention. He let out a happy bark to try and gather it.
“Common” ”Spanish”
122 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Sorry for the wait!

The bird did not seem interested in talking more, now that there were wolves. That was alright; soon enough Wilwarin was too distracted by the two men to think of the raven, or even to feel those eyes upon her.

One man made a pleading sound as he was clearly eager to run, and the other bowed; they both wanted the same thing, and she was glad for it. Wilwarin was excited by how bold Satya was, as he came up close and personal; and she repayed that attention with a playful nip to his face, and snuffling to steal the scents hanging about his neck.

The other man loosed a bark which startled her but she only laughed in that silent pantomime, and turned her attention to him. Dancing from one man to the other, her tail up and waving, as she shuffled in the snow and lunged to playfully grab for Hashut's shoulder — her back to Satya.

What did they want to play? Did they want to run with her, or was some other game afoot?
La Muerte
83 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Skipping due to inactivity!

Hashut fully ignored the man and put his full attention to the white woman. He attempted to give her a playful lick to the face if she allowed it. Lifting from his bow only temporarily as he ushered her to run after him bit to try and pull her away from the other male. His tail swaying back and forth and he ran a few feet then went back into his playful bow hoping she would follow and the man wouldn’t.
“Common” ”Spanish”
122 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
When she turned to try and entice the other man (Satya) in to the same game, she was caught by the lick, and chuffed a sound as close to a laugh that she could muster, but still she tried to urge the other man to join in. When Wilwarin bowed in their direction, she saw he had already retreated.

She felt badly for a moment; but Hashut was eager and had begun to herd her away, and Wilwarin wanted most of all to play, and she happily went with the man so eager to run with her.

As he dashed off, she put her full attention upon her playmate and ran across the snow in pursuit of him. If she got close, she would make that same silent chuffing and reach for his tail, or any part that was close, and then dash back - tag! You're it!
La Muerte
83 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She seemed to try and get the attention of the other man and at first it had bothered him but eventually she came his way and he trotted off a bit making her chase a little before he felt a playful nip at his tail. 

As he turned around the woman had ran off not too quickly and he followed tentatively. As much as he wanted to do more, he was willing to wait and play this game a while longer. Though a small whimper of desperation almost escaped his maw but he would tried and gently and playfully jump at her signaling the question on if she wanted to perhaps play fight running really wasn’t the males strong suit due to his size.
“Common” ”Spanish”
122 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Running was what she wanted to do; something to get her blood pumping! Something to make the burning of her skin feel less out-of-place, and running often did that for her. But the man seemed less inclined, and so Wilwarin did not go far. She waffled a little bit about what to do, being so eager for a game and concerned when he did not give chase, but his own behavior gave rise to another idea for a game.

Rough-housing was not something Wilwarin had ever done before. She couldn't remember ever having such a physical interaction except... Well, except for the game that she really wanted to play, and could not ask for. Maybe that was what he meant? It did not disturb her to think that was his true desire. Somewhere in the back of her mind Wilwarin knew that was what she wanted too.

The other man had gone. It was just the two of them - even the bird was forgotten.

She play-bowed and then leapt up to wrestle with him. Her touch was cautious rather than rough. Each time she came back down to earth she would try again, wrapping him in hugs or pawing at his sides, or rounding in circles as if to keep out of his reach; but little by little, the desire to be close was winning.
La Muerte
83 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She slowed down and the man was thankful for that. Cardio was not really his thing

The woman seemed to get closer with every move but stayed a safe distance at the same time. He gently played along with her moves, being careful and cautious about his size. The woman was very small compared to the brute. 

Her scent as she got closer made the man almost crazy; this woman wasn’t like the other women he’d had trysts with in the past. She was silent and spoke no words which was fine but he didn’t know if she was receptive or not but he wanted to try.

After playing along for a bit he lowered her his body tail swaying as he attempted to kick under her chin softly. Hoping that she wanted what he wanted desperately now that her scent flooded his senses.
“Common” ”Spanish”
122 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Sorry this has been so slow! We can fade to black here, or fade the thread out entirely with your reply? Up to you if they hang out afterwards!

His rough-housing became gentle! He was not so quick to pull away when she tried to play her part, and soon Wilwarin was also slow and careful, and her gentleness became a little rougher as she tried to entice him. She wanted him close! She wanted so much from him, more than what was appropriate for the game; and with his final bid for affection she made a face as if she were crooning to him, inviting him to do as he wanted — although silent, there was confirmation there.

With their closeness now and the shifting of their physicality from something playful to something different, but still good, Wilwarin was happy. The warmth she felt while in this man's presence flooded her body with such strong urges, and she let instinct dictate what happened next.