Dragoncrest Cliffs adjassou-linguetor
60 Posts
Ooc — mercury
All Welcome 
there was a tunnel that ran through sapphique's territory. he'd seen both the entrance and the exit, but had been too timid to attempt moving through its entire length. the darkness, the unknown. . .

ah. anyway.

there was a stream of fresh water that burst from the rocks near the end of the tunnel, near the sea. he'd taken to drinking from it frequently; it was cool and sweet, and soothed the sting of the wounds the crab had left along his still-tender nose some days before.

lafayette lapped at it now, tail shifting slowly but happily behind him as he drank deeply. the sun was setting, and the light bathed him in vivid gold. the clouds were gathering above, but they were clear of the golden orb at this point.

it was nearly time to return to his mother's den for the night. he figured she'd worry over him if he didn't, after all.
27 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Lucette was never far from Lafayette. She crept up behind him, limned in golden dusklight, and announced herself with a soft chuff and a gentle nose drawn along his flank as she came to rest at his side. Her gaze found the tunnel's entrance after a moment.

What you be t'inkin'? She wondered aloud, a prompt in her tone; would they explore this tunnel? If it was up to her they would — but she wanted Lafayette to choose.
60 Posts
Ooc — mercury
her appearance was not a surprise; she was his shadow, and he hers. he gave her a gentle smile at her sound and touch and sighed at the question, removing his muzzle from the spill of freshwater to turn his seafoam gaze toward her own.

i dunno, lafayette admitted with a shrug. he gestured with his nose toward the tunnel. scared. but not. . .an' i. . .you know? 

words failed him; they often did, as he was still growing into his newfound adolescence: his big paws, his big speech. 

but luce would understand. she always did.
27 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Scared. But not. Lucette nodded knowingly. Maybe it be somet'in' scary, maybe not, She offered in a tone of agreement. Then she stood. Young though she was, Lucette was already certain she knew the purpose of her life — and he stood there in front of her.

So she would help him overcome his fear. Lucette started forward into the tunnel, pausing just within its mouth to look back over her shoulder as if to say see! Nothing scary!

Yet, anyway. Lucette looked back toward the tunnel, ears pulled forward with curiosity.
60 Posts
Ooc — mercury
well, true. that was solid enough reasoning from his sister. patient sea-green eyes watched her approach, and then enter, just slightly—and with a shoulder-heaving sigh, he followed, shaking off the trepidation to join his twin at the mouth of the tunnel.

go toget'her, he said, giving her a warm smile. it would hold them together during the cold and dark of the interior, he thought.

he was no coward; he'd leap into the waves if needed. but this underground business. . .

lafayette felt a chill run through him, all of a sudden, and shook himself nose to tail-tip, not caring whether lucette noticed.

wouldn't any reasonable wolf be spooked?
27 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Perhaps Lucette was not a reasonable wolf.

There was only delight in her, delight for the dark and unknown corners of the world into which she would always delve with gleeful abandon. Still she pressed her flank reassuringly to her twin's. Lafayette, perhaps, was the piece of her which truly walked the waking world. His mortality, then, was hers to keep; hers to guard.

That didn't mean she would hold herself back, however.

After a moment she leapt forward with a high, wild shriek, darting into the cave like some feral creature come to wrest it violently from its inhabitants.
60 Posts
Ooc — mercury
she set him at ease for a moment. yon ti moman.

then his sister leapt forward and into the cave, shrieking as she went like some sort of banshee. a frisson made its way through his body, lifting each and every hair upon his spine.

luce! lafayette cried out, trotting after her. the darkness swallowed him up, and trepidation soon followed. lucette, don' leave me!

everything felt too tight, too confined. he finally found her tail-tip and clung to it (at least mentally, if not physically) like a talisman. as long as he could feel her, they would not be separated.

you scary, he grumbled, a little perturbed at her compulsiveness, but continued to stick like glue to his sister's presence while they made their way through the tunnel.