Deepwood Weald let there be more light
14 Posts
Ooc — mercury
All Welcome 
Kitimat was a large and hungry child. As firstborn, he'd had the choice of teat from the get-go, and he tossed his weight around to maintain that dominance, moving slowly but firmly against the wriggling, squealing bodies of his siblings.

Cruel? No. Just determined—and big.

And he ate, and grew, and ate, and grew, and on the thirteenth day of life, his eyes popped open to behold—


Well, almost nothing.

A dim fuzziness that tickled at the corners of his newfound vision, and as he squinted to try to make sense of this development, said dim fuzziness shifted abruptly and revealed itself as the warm, rounded side of a giant being.

Milk-giver. Mother.

After a moment's contemplation, the boy moved forward once more—as if he'd shrugged it all off already—and reattached himself, forgetting all novelty in the still-blind hunger that was his appetite.
162 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Simbelmyne recovered slowly from giving birth, and was lightly surprised to realize just how tiring it was, acting as a milk factory for the children. They had fed from her before all throughout her pregnancy but now they fed with gummy lips, and budding baby teeth. Her tears were sore- and the most voracious of them all insisted he feast with gusto.

”Ohhhh baby Kiti,” She pleaded, licking his head and trying to guide him toward another teat. ”Please give that one a break, it hurts Mama too much.”
14 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Almost as soon as he latched on again, he felt himself being shifted, coaxed sideways. The nerve! Kitimat turned and fixed his mother with what could be best described as a Surprised Pikachu face, but the bemusement faded as he began to take in the sum of her features.

Tall, pointy things atop her head. Color like the light streaming in adorning her face. Deep, beautiful eyes—he blinked, wondering if his looked similar—gazing down at him.

He was so transfixed by this new sight that he forgot he was hungry in the first place.

Powerful stuff, that.
162 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She breathed a sigh of relief. Some days, the pups fulfilled every wish she could have ever had. Other days, they fussed, and smelled, and protested all that was good for them. She was grateful that Kitimat was forgiving this time, and did not insist that he gum her sore spot.

”Thank you Kiti-Sweet,” She said, reaching forward to touch her nose to his- he had raised his head, she’d thought, to question- and found herself staring into small, but twinkling eyes. She smiled. ”Kiti! You see Mama? Mama- you see Ma-Ma,” it would be some time before the boy could speak but- she sought to teach him now, at least, the word for her.
14 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Still entranced, he watched her lips and pursed them in kind, letting out a pleased, Mmmmmmmm, in response. Not quite to the 'Mama' stage yet, but getting there.

But lest Simbelmyne thought her teats were safe from assault. . .

Kitimat wriggled back to her belly, finding a nipple and latching on with ferocity. Milk came fast and warm, and he suckled, eyes rolling slightly back.

One day, he'd give life and limb to his mother for her own comfort.

For now, he feasted upon her energy.
162 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Simbelmyne’s eyes shone, as her  son uttered a sound that she could have sworn was intentional.

Yes! Yes, Kiti! Yes! She whispered excitedly, as tears welled in her eyes. With exaggerated movements, she spoke again, hoping her son might mirror her. Mmmmma mmmmmaa, She said, and while she knew he might not understand the word, it was fascinating still to see that he was learning. Mmmaaaa maaaaa, She coaxed again.