Firefly Glen I tell him that he's pretty, too
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Ooc — <3
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Ah, she remembered this place.

It is where she had met a boy named @Juggernaut -- tall and burly for his age -- one late evening when the fireflies ran about. Back when she'd been a carefree teen with the world in the palm of her hands*. Fleetingly, as the maiden wandered through the shallow marshes did she wonder how he was doing. Or if he'd ever gotten over his fear of fireflies. A humorous thought that made her smile to herself.

Yet it was a suprise that Centri had even stumbled upon the Teekons again. Grief had strucken her in a way that must've fueled wanderlust -- the woman's feet never tire, so long as she can find an artificial escape.

Though these travels were long and strenuous, and summer heat made it all the worse. The woman stopped to catch her footing for a moment -- parched and feeling as though she'd swallowed sand -- and would eventually lower herself to drink water from a nearby puddle.

[Image: 70837757_F3RAFEjneFcqxvi.png]
"Common" | "French"
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision was the strong-silent type. He supposed he always had been. Raised to be chivalrous--the good guy. Something had cracked long ago and he had become more undecided in his decisions. Perhaps it was the burn of his last home.

On a whim he had tentatively agreed to try and make a home of The Isle. He didn't know the wolves there. He didn't know the land....and somewhere in his ignorance he had started walking and hadn't really stopped. It was probably about time to turn around.

He decided he would seek to quench his thirst and deliberate over what came next. Something had been good enough to make him want to be a part of something new and it would just have to accepted for now. After all, Eshe had agreed with him if he didn't find their home mutually beneficial he could go. That was comforting.

In his hunt for water his eyes lay over the creamy form of another. He found himself standing behind her and halted all of his movement. He didn't want to cause her fright. Gently he cleared his throat and waited to see her reaction. If she left, then so be it: He wasn't looking for conversation today.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
34 Posts
Ooc — <3
It wasn't long before she felt company, though it was not Juggernaut -- whereever that boy had gone after all this time. 

Her crown would lift from the stream, licking the water that dribbled from her chin. On guard from being approached from behind, yet he'd cleared his throat before coming any closer. It calmed her only with the knowledge that, if he did not wish to be detected, the wolf would be breathless.

Silver eyes met gold. 

Before her stood a larger, older man who -- by the looks of it -- appeared somewhat thin for his size. Centri wondered if he was malnourished in some way, though she'd admittedly lost some weight herself going rouge a month ago -- perhaps the man was in a similar circumstance.

Monsieur... she spoke softly.

Is it the stream you wait for?
[Image: 70837757_F3RAFEjneFcqxvi.png]
"Common" | "French"
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision waits for her to take notice of him. Until then he is motionless. There is no need to frighten the woman and it wasn't in his nature to be intimidating.

Her voice is gentle and she is warm and inviting. His smile is calm and he identifies the sweet lilt of her voice. There is a thick difference in the way she speaks in comparison to others he had met here. Very different from the almost southern accent he boasts.

  "Indeed," He slowly moved forward to stand near the waters, closer to her now, and his toes become wet at the edge of the pool. A hum and he cranes his head downward. The cooling sensation spreading like lightning through his belly.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am. My name is Collision," There is no remarkable scent about her. While perhaps her youthfulness protects her from displaying the tough times of being homeless; Collision has only just settled down at the Isle with Eshe and Argent. His weight would take time to come back.

    He turns to face her and drinks in the cool neutrals of her face. He was so used to staring at bright eyes that stood out against a deep pelt--but she was different. Sterling silver eyes that looked as though they truly belonged where they were. They did not take away from the angular features or her gentle womanhood, "You're alone out here?" He didn't enjoy being alone himself. He didn't like the thought of vulnerability and it was more so for her. He knew a woman, these days, was more apt to take care of herself, but his thoughts remained archaic. She was diminutive in stature, peaceful in movement--she would certainly die on her own for too long.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
34 Posts
Ooc — <3
It was not often that she'd let others near without proper distance, much less a man who she didn't know nor trust. Yet the man who approached was polite and had a gentle candace to him -- in a way it was therapeutic, and Centri found herself strangely at ease in his presence. Giving a gentle nod, the young woman moved to the side to give him space while he drank.

His name was Collision -- the one who hummed as he drank. The one with a funny accent, both of which intrigued her.

Collision's eyes met her own again when he'd lift his head from the stream, and the she-wolf found herself becoming shy beneath his gaze, averting her own towards the floor. It was certainly not in a bad way, as there was something particularly alluring about the shade of the sun in his eyes, and the warmth cast in his expression -- it had caught Centri off guard, yet she'd only dismiss it. I am Centri, and it is nice to meet you as well. Though the bashful smile on her face was untamable.

I come here with a freind. Though they haven't returned yet, so I went off to get a drink. A white lie. Tri figured it wasn't safe to say she'd been completely alone. At least, not until she knew Collision wasn't a threat....
[Image: 70837757_F3RAFEjneFcqxvi.png]
"Common" | "French"
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Even in closing the distance between them Collision upholds a respectable distance. There was no need to be too close. Though, certainly, this would make for better conversation.

He steps away from the bank and sits before her. Upon looking on her, for clearly too long, her gaze waivers away. Is she shy? He hadn't quite gotten that vibe from her, and it weren't as though Collision was daunting. Then again, she was quite small--and he quite large.

  Centri. Somehow the name was fitting. He had never heard it before, but it went well with her face.

  She spoke of a friend that had flitted off into the woods. Perhaps they would join them later--he dismissed the thought, "I see," He was happy to know that she was not alone. She didn't need to be, and it would stop him from any urgency to ensure she remained safe. The task could be left to herself and the nameless friend.

He gestures into the expansive distance and plainly speaks once more, "And where are you headed? Surely you're not lost," The wilds were quite expansive. He wouldn't be surprised if she had been dancing in circles for days. He had done precisely so once upon a time.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
34 Posts
Ooc — <3
The man accepted her words, and didn't push further on her claim. Perhaps there was a part of her that even felt guilty for lying like this, as this Collision fellow didn't seem like much of a threat at all. Yet precaution were always necessary in situations like these, she'd come to learn. Or experience, at least.

Centri's silver gaze found itself on the handsome features of the man before her, and fond smile came from her own. A village. An old home from before. Should we stay longer in the wilds without direction, the next season is sure to claim us. Her next explanation came easier, as it wasn't too stretched from the truth.

Moonglow -- how long had it been? She wondered if she'd see the likes of Arrluk or Shikoba again, who welcomed her to the boarders with open arms. Centri couldn't go on like this. Not in a state where she'd lost everything.

And what of you?
[Image: 70837757_F3RAFEjneFcqxvi.png]
"Common" | "French"