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Given to Grayday Sr. by Dawn on June 30, 2017
Morningside Cuesta · sandcastles
There are so many posts of yours I could nudge; Grayday teaching Dawn about bad love and good love, his amazing dadness with Sunny and Dawn in numerous threads, and so many more. Your writting is captivating, and I usually read all your posts are amazing to read. Go Graydad!
Given to Grayday Sr. by Olive on June 25, 2017
Morningside Cuesta · i. cat eyes
Given to Doe by Coelacanth on June 11, 2017
Stavanger Bay · at tara in this fateful hour
I was originally going to leave karma on “la llorona” — because you know how I feel about your poetry and particularly how I feel about that sestina — but, ah~ This is where it began! I think that the Doelacanth thread came first chronologically, but this is the beginning of Dozzle. I love Doe; she is such a fantastically flawed character. I loved crazy Doe, pregnant Doe, gentle Doe, witch doctor Doe, puppy-flinging Doe, and all of her incarnations. She brightened up Szymon’s world and you brightened up mine. ?
Given to Grayday Sr. by Coelacanth on June 11, 2017
Morningside Cuesta · sestina ii
This is beautiful. ? Your writing is captivating in all of its forms, but I especially like your poetry. I was actually going to leave the karma on the post where Grayday was talking to Sunny and Dawn about his father — and then I remembered that time Grayday was talking to Dawn about what was good love and what was bad love — and then, incongruously, I thought of when Grayday was telling Szymon to basically go home and put babies in Doe. I have had so many good times with you here, Mix. Thank you for every single one of them.
Given to Dagfinn by Coelacanth on June 11, 2017
Hideaway Strath · ceathairéad
Every character you play is phenomenal and Dagfinn was no exception. Thank you for bringing him to life and for making Daglott such a fun pair to be part of. It is always a pleasure to write with you and I am sad to see Daggles go, but I am also really happy that in such a short time you were able to give Lotte such a meaningful relationship with him. Your writing and your characters and all the things are beautiful, enthralling, sensational, and timeless. ?
Given to Dawn by Coelacanth on June 11, 2017
Morningside Cuesta · sandcastles
This post breaks my heart. ? Thalia, I am so happy you picked up Dawn! I love all of your characters but she is one of my favorites.
Given to Coelacanth by Grayday Sr. on June 05, 2017
Wheeling Gull Isle · the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking
This is heartbreaking </3
Phoenix Maplewood · i could write novels with the words i could never say to you
Adeline is so amusing and I love how true she stays to herself :)
Cricket Creek Bog · I lost myself on a cool damp night
what the f%$# does this do?
Given to Cypress by Titmouse (Ghost) on May 13, 2017
Hoshor Plains · run rabbit run
holy crap the emotion in this post. kj you floored me.
Given to Coelacanth by Olive on March 10, 2017
Panther Park · fish in the sea of galilee
I simply adore your storytelling abilities.
also, new favorite word: tenterhooks
Ravensblood Forest · Keep me caged, My downside locked away
<3 my favorite Roleplayer ever :D
The Sentinels · legs and hands, thumbs together
I just love this entire thread :D
The Sentinels · the salty seas behind the eyes
Your writing is very eloquent and engaging!
Redhawk Caldera · Accidents don't just happen accidentally.
Kat I love your writing so much, Towhee is one of my favorite characters on wolf, and this post almost made me cry it was so adorable! Keep being fabulous <3
Greatwater Lake · When remembering a life lost
Your writing is wonderful! Amazing to read.
The Sentinels · give me your hand — save me
Redhawk Caldera · my toes is froze.
Lagan is such a delightful character and I thought you deserved some recognition for your excellent character development. I chose this post specifically because it genuinely made me smile. :)