Stone Circle Sweet Spring
Humble not Meek
122 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Sven walked along the borders. Steel eyes on the horizon
 A deep breath in and out. Spring was upon them. And almost summer. He couldn't quite help the happiness that stirred his heart.

He snuffled at the dirt. On the trail of a rabbit.
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
50 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
The dark form of Sven was bent over the trail when he became visible to the stone prince. The land around the stone circle livened with greenery that Ujurak appreciated immensely. The sun overhead warmed the silver boy's back as he padded over to his brother. Lowering his head to inspect what held Sven's attention.


Ujurak chuffed to his brother, flashing him a smile. He leaned close and lowered his voice;he wouldn't dare to scare away any prey that may be hiding.

Looking for a snack? Would you like some help?
Humble not Meek
122 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sven was so lost in hia ministrations. That he hadn't noticed his brothers presence at first.  His first clue was the sound of padding feet coming towards him.

He blinked and smile. Nudging Ujurak in the shoulder.

Voice whisper soft. Yes maybe with two of us we can get more than one.
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
50 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Turquoise eyes glittered with delight. Smile broadening, Ujurak lifted his head. Focus diverting to the new task as hand. Gaze sweeping the meadow ahead for any movement. Perhaps the fleeting body of a hare, the twitch of the tall meadow grasses, a shuffle of the branches of a bush.

Of course, there would be none of those things. Hunting wasn't easy work. With a gesture with his muzzle, he urged Sven to continue down the trail. Allowing his brother to lead his hunt.

Checking the wind, he maneuvered to follow his brother from a downwind position. His step would be light. Shoulders high as his head lowered into a hunter's stalk. Poised for any escaping rabbits should they be flushed from hiding. A silver ear canted towards his darkling brother as he kept his brother within his line of sight. Ujurak was there to help where he was needed.
Humble not Meek
122 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sven zeroed in on little movements. Slate grey eyes finding small puffs of dust where they had been. Soon enough they began to take shape as they stood motionless hoping the two brothers didn't see them.

Sven nodded. If I go around them and send them this way.
 Can you catch a couple and I'll take out the ones in back.

It was his hope that with one in front and one in back they would possibly get 2. He hoped he was right. He hadn't hunted with anyone else in some time.
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
50 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Ujurak followed Sven's gaze. There they are. The rabbits were watchful. Still. So small against the swaying meadow grass. Ujurak ever so slightly tilted his muzzle towards his brother. Turquoise eyes never fully leaving their quarry

Yes. He could envision the plan. They won't know what to do with two sets of jaws from two directions.

Head down, Ujurak carried himself low, allowing the tallest of the meadow grasses to obscure him. He didn't move far from where they stood but he did not want to stand in the last place the rabbits saw them. Once positioned, Ujurak remained motionless.

He was ready.
Humble not Meek
122 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sven counted. If he went the one way. He could avoid them scenting him. They maybe alright.

Sven watched until Ujurak got onto place. Then with a sift noise he headed opposite. Head down, his dsrk cost blending in with shadows, but those fre kles of his.

Suddenly he bust forth chasing. He only managed to grab one as they snorted and squealed and ran. But he continued, maybe he'd catch one more if he was lucky. He herded them towards Ujurak. Cutting off their holes.

Rolled a 1
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
50 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Rolled a 2 in tabletop (1d2). Willing to edit/reroll if you'd like them to roll the same way!

Turquoise eyes hardened with focus as Sven melted away into the grass. His brother swallowed by the shadows, Ujurak prepared himself with tensing muscles. His anticipation nagged in the back of his mind. Devil on his shoulder telling him to creep forward. Just a step, maybe two.


Clenching his jaw, he forced himself to remain in place. Taking on a statuesque appearance, his body calmed as he relocated his brother seconds before Sven sprang forth.

Ujurak didn't have time to register Sven's successful grab as the rabbits scattered. One unlucky rabbit ran right into his waiting jaws. Snapped up in a silver vice, the rabbit swung limply in his jaws. Ujurak's head swiveled, taking in the ensuing pandemonium of the fleeing rabbits.

A smaller rabbit balked at the appearance of a second wolf. Its confusion and inexperience costing it precious seconds. Dropping his first catch Ujurak lunged after the second rabbit. Having lost its head start, it squirmed and kicked as he corralled it between outstretched forelimbs. The rabbit's valiant struggle almost bought it freedom before Ujurak properly pinned it down and gave it a vigorous shake.
Humble not Meek
122 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rolled a 2.

Ujurak was good. He was ready. A minute focus on his face. Sven took a moment to study his brother. A mere second really, before he continued his chase.

The gods smiled on the brothers today as they panicked at the sight of a 2nd wolf just a few feet away. They balked and scattered. Confused and unsure. Sven managed to nab another. A vigorous shake. And it lay next to his other prize at his feet.

A small smile broken only by his pants.

We did it. He called out doing a small dance.
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English