Hoshor Plains i've been dreaming things and scheming things
220 Posts
Ooc — xynien
All Welcome 
for @Damien but AW!
The mountains are at his back, and he is far from everything he has ever known. His isolation brings him a slew of conflicting feelings; relief, loneliness, hope, and a crushing ache in his chest. Still, he doesn't miss the chaos of Morningside. Aditya and Dawn's disappearances had only solidified a truth the young Corten was already coming to accept — his home is changing into something unrecognizable, and he wants little to do with it.
So here he is — in a... field. Somewhere. And it's really cold. He sneezes, eyeing his new beginning with distaste. He wonders how his siblings are — if they've noticed his absence yet. He dismisses the thought a moment later; that's his old life. He doesn't have to care anymore. He doesn't care anymore. He doesn't.
Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.
21 Posts
Ooc — Chey
They had been travelling a whole a month, thirty days and night's worth of distance was placed between them and their old pack. Nobody had chased them too far though what hurt most was their mother had chased them down and actually wished them well getting away from the corruption of Fierce Creek. Now Kaala, Lydda, and Ankuusa were alone. Calus had come too but he had vanished somewhere along the way, not to return again. Everything was different now and Kaala couldn't help but feel downright thrilled about it. She was the leader of their little trio of wolves at a year old and her best friend and sister both respected it, which was why when she said she wanted to slip off for some alone time they didn't protest.

So she headed off moving quickly to keep her blood flowing to battle the cold. She ended up in a field and looked around, spotting another wolf. A male at that, young by the looks of it. "Ey! Would you be able to tell me where I am and what's around here?" she shouted before moving in closer, head lowered and tail swaying side to side to show she meant no harm.
Damien can still come in of course, but lemme know if Kaala here isn't welcome!
220 Posts
Ooc — xynien
His ears perk at the approach of another, though his expression quickly sours as his gaze settles on the red-furred stranger. For some reason, he'd half-expected Aditya or Dawn or — or his mother, maybe. Embarrassment swiftly morphs into white-hot irritation, and he can't help but roll his eyes at her question. Uh, no, He says, releasing an agitated breath through his nose. For some reason, his pulse is fast; he can't figure out why. He just wishes he could be alone.
Why are you bothering me? The boy demands after a few beats. It must be obvious he's lost — maybe she's here to mock him. The thought intensifies the venom in his honey eyes, but he doesn't say anything else. Part of him hopes if he looks angry enough, she'll just leave him alone.
Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.
21 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Maybe it was the rolling of his eyes or the tone of voice he used but she immediately knew he was a grump. Still though, a simple "uh no" wasn't enough to set off her hot temper. Calus gave her all sorts of attitude to like a snarky answer so she was used to it. Then the male went on to ask another question, one that brought her up short a paw lifted up and face falling into a stunned expression. Bothering? She had asked a simple question. "If someone talking to you is such a big pain in your ass, maybe you should find a way to go deaf" she immediately snapped her apple green eyes flashing defiantly. "Note to self: these parts are filled with Anti social brats" she made the comment as she turned to leave to purposely try to piss him off and get him going. She could use a good argument and this boy got her temper boiling.
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Anthony
sorry I'm late!

The stillness that reigned over Neverwinter Forest was unprecedented. Not even in the most silent of nights did Blackfeather Woods seem so void and static, and although Damien would have thought those to be the best kind of places he simply couldn't help linking his experience in the actual void with the mood of his new home. So he wandered, slowly and silently he wandered from the forest to the south, then west and before he knew it he was yet again on a path to Greatwater. He wouldn't deny that the place had a magnetic pull to it, but he had spent enough time there in the recent moons, and when the distance grew too short to bare he decided that he'd had enough fresh air and turned around to find his way back home.

There Damien saw him. Lonely and lost, a young wolf wandered surely through the cold plains of gold like he had a purpose. Damien stopped to watch him for a second and decided: this kid had no idea where he was going. Damien had always had a special interest in young wolves, those he believed could be potentially malleable enough to fit into his idea of what the new generation of the brotherhood should be. A lone, lost pup like this one was, basically explained, a wish served in a silver plate. It was then that the young pup was boarded by another wolf, clearly older wolf, and their interaction instantly became tense.

Time for his entrance.

These parts are filled with way worse than antisocial brats... threatened the dark male with a low growl as he approached with somber, clearly aggressive theatrics directed towards the female. I would suggest being very careful picking your next words,. The pup, on the other hand, was on the other end of Damien's act. The dark prince stood like a wall between the two strangers, but his body language made it clear that he was defending the younger one from the red female.

[Image: Q3CYoOl.png]
21 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Kaala stared the rude boy down until a man's voice grabbed her attention and she turned, tail immediately dropping between her legs. She was barely turned over a year old and she was a ballsy girl, but the sight of the handsome and dangerous dark furred male immediately warned her not to be stupid and impulsive as was the usual. Still though she lifted up her chin and while her eyes were diverted just to the corner of Damien's eyes so as not to challenge, they were hard and flashed with defiance "I don't want any trouble mister. I just asked him if he had any idea where this was and he responded very rudely. No trouble, no violence" she spoke firmly though when she fell silent she swallowed thickly, genuinely concerned that she had accidentally gotten herself into something she would come out of harmed.
220 Posts
Ooc — xynien
no problem damien!
@Kaala, please respect the posting order :)
He's ready to snap back, oblivious to the presence of the other wolf, but his voice catches in his throat quite suddenly; in his haste to bite out a reply, he'd forgotten to mind the fragility of his voice, the careful way he must use it now, and all at once he finds himself without a voice at all. Only a brief, choked cough escapes him — but he's saved having to come up with another way to answer when he hears the voice of another, and quite suddenly the man is between himself and the fiery girl.
He freezes, alarmed only for a beat until it becomes apparent that the stranger is on his side. Which is... confusing, but he's not about to argue. A chill trickles down his spine like ice-water as he watches the woman deflate, bringing frostiness to his expression; he can't help but feel disgusted by the sudden change in her demeanor, and maybe a little embarrassed at having to witness it. No trouble, she says — liar, he thinks. She could have left him alone, but she hadn't. It's clear the girl has missed an important life lesson — one that can only be taught through blood and tears, as he'd learned himself. Part of him almost hopes this stranger is here to teach it —
But that would be a waste, he thinks, straining slightly to see more of the man's features. He wants to know more about this dark savior, with his strange scars and blood-red markings — no, he needs to know more. There is a dark, dangerous aura around him — and if he could learn more about him, maybe he could have that, too. Maybe he could make strangers cower from him, and they'd all learn to leave him alone, and... well, he's certain he'd be more happy if the world would just leave him be. He tries to say something else — he's not sure whether he wants to tell the girl to get lost or address the dark-furred man, but it doesn't matter anyway; the words falter and die in another harsh cough, not sickly-sounding but brief and halting.
Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.
Eternal Black She Brings
565 Posts
Ooc — Meebee
Instead of being nocturnal, Nyx had become more of an insomniac than anything else. The stress that came from not being at Blackfeather as well as the new objectives to form their pack had become rather irritating, but she had Damien. Were it not for him, she would still be at the dark woods together with her ward and perhaps even Tulu. She was thankful he had returned to give her new purpose in life, which was why she raised a brow upon seeing him leave again.

A soft whine summoned her raven to follow as she stalked Damien whether he liked it or not. He wasn't leaving again, stranding her without a home and others to take care of. They were doing this together, forcefully or not so.

She recognized the route he was taking, though only vaguely. She knew the mountains and the lake that lay ahead but luckily he seemed uninterested to get any closer. Good - she didn't want the blackfeather wolves upon their trail. She turned as he did, though farther back, and expected them to go home again shortly. So focused on her lover she was she didn't notice the ordeal until he did, and even then Tulu had to peck at her ear to make her pay close attention.

A pup and a seemingly young female were squabbling apparently, and Damien found it fit to break the two apart. She smiled to herself, always having known that there was good to find in Damien. Her own soft spot for puppies brought her closer than just lingering and she joined in quietly to support her mate.
Nyx carries with her a raven named Tulugak - feel free to reference him (Bio for more info)
1,013 Posts
Ooc — Anthony
I guess it's... my turn?

You'll find the sea to the north, endless wilds to the south and mountains anywhere else. Now get out of my sight. he said, hoping the information he'd given would be enough to ensure this was the last he'd see of the red woman. He had little patience for those he deemed unworthy of his time, and this one had gone straight to his bad side. Yet still Damien wasn't really in a mood to spill blood needlessly that day.

Cold eyes stare at the female, giving her time to gather her thoughts and realize he didn't welcome her near him of the child any longer, but with each second his patience ran lower, and his expression more insistent. His confidence only grew stronger when his partner joined him on the meeting, for she was his strength and he was her beacon in the night. The rest mattered close to none.
[Image: Q3CYoOl.png]
21 Posts
Ooc — Chey
She stayed silent, afraid of the dark man and his equally dark mate and angry that they had sided with the snappy and rude boy before even finding out why she had gotten so snappy back. She knew it was very illogical to do anything else to piss them off, she was outnumbered and outskilled. Luckily for her the man tossed vague directions at her and ordered her away. "Thank you sir" she murmured before heading off to find her small group and decide where to go.