Deepwood Weald pure pumpkin
14 Posts
Ooc — siv
All Welcome 
Billie had a pretty good thing going, as far as she was concerned.

Her sleeping spot was stuffed with plenty of soft things to make a rather cozy bed. The weather seemed warm enough during the day that walking around was not so terrible and she was always bedded down after sunset. Not to mention she had learned that food was plentiful. Their scraps were typically enough to be her breakfast and dinner!

She had become a lush and happy thing in the hands of Morningside.

Today, on her way to sniff out her breakfast, she began to hum a lazy tune. She had not realized yet that the trail she followed was more likely to be someone instead of something.

a mostly carefree and experimental character :)
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he, too, was looking for some breakfast. the point has been hammered home again and again that aditya was not a good hunter, but he was loath to raid the caches in the wake of four new mouths to feed. 

he'd happily go hungry for his daughter-in-law's sake. . .at least for this morning.

but plans of a meal stalled when pawsteps up the trail caught his ear, and upon increasing his pace, he found himself coming headlong toward—her?

the woman was shaggy-furred and dark-eyed, and the look of her was clearly foreign among the wolves. still, adi had known enough friends and family with dog blood that it didn't take him long to put the pieces together. he gave her a chuff and an ingratiating smile, tail wagging behind.

you're a new face here, aditya said heartily. i'm aditya—dutch's father. i'm guessing you've met my son already? the scents of morningside were already fairly well-established on her pelt.
14 Posts
Ooc — siv
If they smelled of Morningside, she welcomed them always.

Even more welcomed if they were family of Dutch! She struggled to see the direct resemblances but maybe that was more her eyesight than anything else. They both were certainly large, though.

I have, Her tail began a casual wave behind her, steady and unending it seemed. Real good kid you got, Aditya. Which meant that this man was a grandfather too! She wondered if he was also a babysitter — or if he was capable of more than little ol' Billie.

I'm Billie. He's letting me stay here and be the newest kiddos babysitter in exchange.

A goofy grin that threatened to have her tongue loll out of her mouth.
a mostly carefree and experimental character :)
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
her praise for dutch—any praise for dutch, really—warmed his heart. oh, i know, he replied, the corners of his eyes creasing in a pleased smile. he takes after his mother; i can't take much credit.

a babysitter! he was surprised the new parents would let a relative newcomer within their orbit, especially with easy at hand—but evidently, his son had seen something in her worthy of trust.

well, with four of them, they'll certainly need the help, aditya replied, grinning.

he tilted his head in query. where did you come from, billie? he asked. she was older (though obviously not as ancient as he) and had an incredibly easygoing nature that he didn't much see around these parts.

and that, plus her dog blood. . .

well, he wondered, was all.