Bearclaw Valley mercury in retrograde
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
All Welcome 
reunion time
please let @Akuma post first!

the formalities of officially becoming a pack had surpassed her, but she did recognize a difference in their numbers and activity. she liked it here in bearclaw and although things had subtly chanted, it was still her.. home.  yes, home.

but it had stirred up more of that territorial instinct, so most days she found herself waiting sphynxlike on top of the boulder at the mouth of the valley, visible and guarding.

it was where she was this morning.  the bitter coldness had returned and her thin pelt did little to protect her.  she shivered, snow beginning to fall once more.

7 Posts
Ooc —
It was uncomfortable to roam in solitude, despite the wolf’s firm isolation towards socializing. His nose was bathed in the odor of pack territory, yet he paid no head to their borders and padded along them like it were any other formation of dirt with turf growing from it - which it was. 

His disrespect to this pack’s land was only out of bitterness for his own. Well, lack of own. He was tossed to the side like a rotten piece of meat and was not over it. The only form of revenge he could commit was obvious lack of courtesy towards groups, no matter the danger this put himself in.

Icy chunks of snow gripped onto his long, agouti fur as if an attempt to stay warm. His nose tinged with numbness, and every step burned his paws. Traveling was tiring, to say the least. 
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

her hackles ripple as her lip raises, watching the man come from the distance and skirt as closely to her borders as he could.  launching from her perch, a dangerous growl forms in her troat as she closes the distance between her and this trespassing stranger quickly.

it would not have bothered her so much had he kept his distance or shown respect, but this?  and so soon after the fight in wapun.  no, this would not do.

as she drew near she came to a slow stop, head tilted to the side as she took in his scent.  there was something familiar, something like her, and as she studied his face it clicked suddenly.


7 Posts
Ooc —
The sudden rumble made his ears twitch and his eyes fell upon a slender femme, and she was growling at him. How dare she? He returned the favor by baring his teeth and snarling louder, a completely hostile expression flashed across his face. Only to retract his aggression with the flush of a familiar scent. His demeanor had shifted drastically, now filled with confusion and maybe even fear. 


He lowered his ears in embarrassment, had he really almost tore into his own blood? ”Forgive me,” A deep, thick accent struggled with each syllable. Akuma avoided eye contact, how foolish and irresponsible of him.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Similar to his friend, it was not uncommon for the albino to be lingering near the borders. It was ironic, almost, given how great his opposition to the idea of a guardian’s lifestyle in his youth—yet there he was now, contributing to his pack just as his father had before him. But Alexander could do so much more, for he was not held back by reason and a clear head. No, he was quick to take action, driven forth by instincts and his territorial drive; this was his valley, his home, and he wouldn’t let anyone disrespect it so blatantly.

It was the sound of growls and snarls that kicked him into gear, leading him right to Reigi—and someone that did not belong. He’d arrived just in time to hear the male mutter forgive me, but Alexander had no forgiveness to offer. No—he was too close to his home, his friend, and he would not be forgiven.

He did not attack immediately—he wasn’t a beast, not yet, still possessing some semblance of self-control—but he did situate himself between the pair. Oblivious to their shared blood, and not exactly caring to figure out why Reigi wasn’t attacking him, his lips were pulled back and teeth revealed, skipping the usual warning and jumping right to threatening. With hackles and tail raised, he demanded submission or departure—preferably both.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

her heart shatters.  oh.  so he could speak, too?

and she couldn't.  her tail beats furiously against her legs, now lowered and as her companion comes to her aid she turns to him, tongue seeking his lower lip to assuage him.  no, no, it's okay, he's okay!

she turns back to her brother and drinks in his scent, darting about in a doglike fashion between the two, trying to diffuse the situation.

7 Posts
Ooc —
His initial reaction was to growl and pull back his lips to reveal pearly white spears, but with his sisters reaction he only stepped back and stared at the white figure with indifference. It was no use to chase him off - he would only come back, for now his long separated sister had been returned to him. There was no keeping him from her.

”Not here to fight,” He explained as best as possible, still struggling to pronunciate well. Akuma gestured to the slim, dark girl and returned his gaze back to the seeming alpha. ”Sister.”

He waited for the strangers response, hoping he had some heart and could allow them to simply reconnect from their overdue reunion.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
It was difficult to not respond to her, the trust he’d since placed in the girl working against his desire to attack and, essentially, calming him down. He remained on edge, ready to lunge at any given second, but his growls died down—for now. Overall, his posture did not change at all and he continued to stare the male down, sparing Reigi only a glance or two—until the bond was revealed and his head snapped towards the girl. A brother? It made sense that she would have siblings out there somewhere, but for one to turn up on their doorstep out of the blue? That was something he would never have imagined happening.

Alexander was at a loss, battling with himself over what his next step should be. A large part of him still tried to force him forward, to further threaten the male, but he didn’t—he was the brother of his friend and chasing him off might upset her. He struggled a good few seconds before gritting his teeth and looking at Reigi, remembering she had earned his trust, and then turning back towards her brother. He moved neither forward nor back and kept his eyes on the stranger at all times, but a stiff nod told them both that he understood and would let them do whatever siblings did after spending time apart.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

with her knight placated, she turned her attention back to her brother.  oh, how she wanted him to stay!  he seemed much more cultured than she was.  

she eyed him over, pushing her nose into the thick depths of his fur.  he was big!  much bigger than her.  and dark, with long fur.  when she'd seen him last they were both scarcely pups.

they had so much catching up to do.  but how to articulate that she wanted him here?

7 Posts
Ooc —
Relief flowed through the earthy wolf's veins, there was no way he would give up on being with his sister, but it was never a good thing to have a white beast threatening your reunion. He hesitantly stepped closer to the svelte figure, completely ignoring the other's presence - because if he acknowledged the other his actions would seem far less masculine. So, pretending the ivory coat was a ghost fit Akuma's standards much more. 

As she nuzzled into his fur, he whimpered. The release he felt at their touch was an ecstasy he never imagined. He took in as much of her scent as possible, basking in the familiarity of his pup-hood. "Stay?" She hadn't spoken a word, he assumed she didn't know how to articulate or even understand many formal sounds, but he'd try. He wouldn't stay if she wished otherwise.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Hackles raised as the girl pressed herself against the male, a low growl working its way out of his throat. Alexander had no proper concept of jealousy, it being one of the many emotions that he’d learned to turn off, but he didn’t like the contact shared between the two of them. Siblings or not, it mattered little to him, and he motioned for her to return to his side. Whilst he wanted to let them reunite with one another in the same way that he had with his own sisters, he did not trust strangers, nor did he like the sight of her so close to any male that was not him.


The albino’s eyes snapped back over to the boy, focusing on him as the word repeated in his head. It was not a question meant for him to answer—at least, it hadn’t been directed his way—but that didn’t stop him from speaking anyways. “You can stay if she wants you to,” he stated, pointing Reigi out with his nose. She would be the only reason he might be allowed to stay, actually, and that was just because he didn’t want to upset his friend; if he were to upset her, then she might leave, and he couldn’t tolerate the loss of yet another companion.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

she rubbed herself against him, intermingling their scents.  her nose ran across the thick of his pelt as she circled him, half-crouching, her tail giving excited little wags.

her tongue flit out between parted jaws and met his chin —

and then alexander was growling again, his hackles raised.  quickly, she placed one last kiss on her brother's chin before succumbing to her alpha's demands and returning to his side.

though she could not understand, her excitement (and answer) was obvious.  her brother would be staying.

7 Posts
Ooc —
Happiness flooded into his chest as she was clearly hoping him to stay. Finally, after their moment, he acknowledged the other's presence with subtle eye contact. Not wanting to piss off this strangely intimidating leader with even more disrespect. He nodded with understanding, and a brief moment a thankful expression flashed over his face. 

"Thank you," He mumbled, best he could. His articulations jumped, poorly expressing what he was trying to say. Akuma didn't care to repeat it though, not wanting to sound even more idiotic.