Wheeling Gull Isle i'm merely contemplating what you feel inside
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
All Welcome 
set a day or so after seeing grimnismal. @Spiritwalker @Sorrel Marie @Coelacanth @Stockholm and any other interested Undersea wolves welcome! if we could let the MOS wolves post first, so we can cross, that would be excellent

the encounter with grimnismal had rattled him, slightly. it wasn't because he was so naive to believe that there were packs out there who not only eschewed company but did so with a snarl--every band of wolves was different. but every other pack he'd met so far in these lands had been welcoming, if terse, and to see such hostility, so close to his new border, disturbed him. he hoped grayday and easy had been given a better reception on the cliffs.

but his heart lightened as they approached closer to coelacanth's territory, the disappointment from before being replaced by gleeful anticipation. he was looking forward to catori's reunion with his cousin, and to see his friend again--as well as the island where he had once found respite.

they made good time, the isle being not so far away from the sound, and with a clear path, too--no mountains, this time. soon, he caught sight of the small mountains, dark humps against a gleaming afternoon sun, and his tail wagged, signaling for catori and sorrel to stop alongside him.

he cast an uneasy look at his companions. when he had first left the isle, he had swam the channel. not a terribly long voyage, and he had regained his strength well enough to do it. (he hadn't been without a little wanderlust, either.) catori he didn't doubt as much, for pregnancy often made women stronger and her excitement to see her cousin would surely push her through. but sorrel? aditya hummed under his breath, dubious. he wondered if he ought to call for seelie, here. . .

as if by magic, a thin strip of land caught his eye. tilting his head in curiosity, aditya trotted to the edge of the water, where he found--praise god!--a land bridge, stretching from the mainland all the way to the island. the tide must have been high when aditya had swam the channel; he wouldn't have done so if this marvel had been at his disposal!

"all right, let's go see coelacanth," aditya said, face splitting into a beaming grin.
"Once you've met someone you never really forget them.
131 Posts
Ooc —
Their first stop had turned Sorrel off from going any further away from home, but because Aditya and Catori didn't seem like they were ready to turn back, she didn't protest. Once they'd gotten back to travelling, she found her nerves falling lax and her paws carrying her closer to Adi's side. Where next? she asked, pleased to find that she knew how to say such a complex and mystifying phrase. 

They eventually came to a stop at the shore, before a long land bridge that connected a distant island to the rest of the wilds. Sorrel was apprehensive, but willing to continue with the others by her side. Coelacanth, she repeated, I think she's pretty. With a name like that, how could she have been anything else? Sorrel was over the moon, beaming with excitement to meet this mysterious Coelacanth.
"I'm dreaming! I'm dreaming!"
Chihiro, "Spirited Away" (2001)
61 Posts
Ooc —
Just a cameo to build up Droman's threadlog :)

Water was a good thing, Droman had decided. Seals and seagulls, he hadn't quite figured out yet, but water was definitely good. Sometimes, when no one was looking, he would sneak a bit too far away from the safety of the shoreline and walk into the shallow waves until they brushed against his chin. With each lick, the young Fearghal would giggle and turn away, fighting the instinctual urge to run back to land. 

Hello, Mr. Crab, Droman mused as he stepped onto the land bridge, Where ya goin'? With his body postured for play and his tail waving rhythmically over his back, Dro pawed at the crab one beat a minute, only taking a step back when he thought that Mr. Crab might actually strike back. In fact, he was so caught up in his play that he missed the three visitors; how irresponsible!
But I know every rock and tree and creature
226 Posts
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Catori was a bit disappointed by the other coastal pack if she was honest. She'd wanted to work on her skills as an ambassador of Morningside but it hadn't really worked that way this time. She had wanted more but it wasn't given and so there had been nothing to do but to continue on for the actual point of their journey. Seeing her sister-cousin only put her in a better mood; for Catori it wasn't too shocking considering that she was rarely actually unhappy. Seeing Aditya almost impressed by the bridge only made her laugh, shrugging as she took to it as naturally as a duck to water. This was going home for her. No matter where she was a large piece of her would always be with Coelacanth. "She is!" She said with a near girlish giggle, briefly nudging against Sorrel warmly. 

She picked up the pace the closer they got to the shore and the moment that her feet touched the familiar sands Catori lifted her head in a loud, warm, inviting song to draw her family close. Now they'd get to see her and her stomach was swollen; her pregnancy was confirmed and noticeable at this point. She was proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with the wolves of Morningside - they were her family too. But this was getting to reunite the bits of her very soul. 

As they waited she took as many scents in as she could, some were unfamiliar, some she knew from the Hunter's Moon. Others she knew like the back of her own paw. She was eager and wanted to run the shores but she expected that the babies probably wouldn't appreciate that at all. 

i grew a human and unfortunately as a horrible side effect lost an organ - as such will be slow from time to time.
587 Posts
Ooc — KJ
Master Medic
I wish I could say that Coelacanth had been engaged in something incredibly important, but really, all she’d been doing was taking a bath and watching a family of river otters play. Oversized ears perked atop her skull, crystalline droplets flying from their tufted tips as she scrambled out of the river and sprinted for the shoreline. She hadn’t expected Catori to visit so soon, but she wasn’t about to question her good fortune. The Aralez was proud of all the seawolves had accomplished.

Despite her eagerness to see her cousin, Droman caught the sheepdog’s eye first. Although the tide would hold for several hours yet, she longed to impress upon him that the land bridge wasn’t always safe to play on. Very gently, she made to nose at his shoulder and capture his fleeting attention, a soft whuff ruffling the fuzzy fur even as she drew away. She did not want to crowd the guppy, but she hoped that with the rest of the group coming ashore, he would want to join them.

She trotted toward the trio in halting steps, her Neptune gaze continually flitting back to the boy and his crustacean companion, and the moment she was within touching distance she snaked her body along her cousin’s breast and bathed the underside of her chin in kisses. The convex swelling of Catori’s sides bore a stark contrast to Seelie’s gamine framework, and the sheepdog dipped into a playful bow as if the puppies therein could already see her and respond. A soft, crooning whine more whisper than song danced upon the Groenendael’s lips, her cerulean eyes soft and fond as she bent her nose to the water and lightly anointed her cousin in a series of splashes. “Normally I would pounce you,” her mischievous expression seemed to say, “but since you are full of puppies I will settle for splashing you.” Brontide, Serein, and @Sirimiri would be so happy!

Aditya was the next wolf Seelie homed in on, but her gaze flashed apologetically to Sorrel Marie; she did not want the pretty girl to feel left out, but she was so happy to see her golden-eyed friend. She danced over to him, her dripping fur leaving a trail of teardrops in her wake, and greeted him with unabashed warmth. If he allowed it, she would nibble at the thick fur that bordered his cheek — but should he find such forward behavior abhorrent, she would abstain.

At long last, she greeted the blue-eyed yearling, tuning the wild shimmy of her body to a gentler key; despite the smile upon her pretty face and the scents of Aditya and Catori tangled intimately amongst her mottled fur, Sorrel Marie was an unknown quantity to the sheepdog. Seelie lowered her carriage, tufted ears folding and eyes arching with bashful friendliness as her feathered tail beat a frenetic rhythm against her hocks. She offered a soft “boof!” and tilted her head to one side, then the other, trusting her family to make the necessary introductions.
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
catori took off running, her eyes lit with excitement, and aditya smiled, gesturing at sorrel to follow. the trio, led by the mother-to-be, made their way across the land bridge, the island growing larger and larger in his line of sight. then, a dot of black against the bright sand--coelacanth!

his stomach clenched with excited trepidation as she drew near, greeting first catori--a marvelous grin stretched his muzzle as the sleek she-wolf splashed her cousin with delight--then coming towards him, her eyes bright as a summer's blue sky. he rumbled a wordless greeting, and grew warm as she lifted her head to preen at the fur along his cheek. his golden eyes followed her every move, even when she danced away to greet sorrel with friendly warmth.

"this is coelacanth, leader of a group of wolves that live on this island," aditya explained to sorrel, once all the pleasantries had been made. his gaze flickered back to seelie. "you've met catori, obviously, but this is sorrel," he introduced, dipping his nose at the tawny girl. his eyes flashed as he turned his grin toward coelacanth again. "we come bearing good news, as i assume you've figured out."
"Once you've met someone you never really forget them.
131 Posts
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As soon as Seelie came into view, Sorrel's tail began its trademark wag; friendly and non-threatening, but low and submissive. It spoke volumes to who she was, if one was to really consider it. The dark woman was etheral, almost unlike anything that Sorrel had ever seen (keyword: almost). In fact, to some degree, she reminded the girl of Maman, her missing caretaker. 

Seelie didn't say much and that was fine because Sorrel didn't say much, either. It seemed that the two of them would get on nicely, once they'd moved past introductions. You are pretty, Sorrel observed with an awe-struck smile, I like that.
"I'm dreaming! I'm dreaming!"
Chihiro, "Spirited Away" (2001)
\\ || //
151 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Komodo, since rejoining the band of seawolves and claiming the island for their own once more, had become prone to laziness. If he was not filling the caches or walking the border, he was likely napping in the cave or chatting with one of his cohorts. The man's piety and the sheer amount of time he devoted to the shamanistic arts waxed and waned, as did his energy, but he did not overthink it and he always returned to his priorities of reclaiming the island and then sleeping upon it.

The brute had been drawn to the edge of the island for one reason: a commotion that he felt almost as a sixth sense. For several moments, he watched the scene coalesce from afar — family reuniting, something he personally had never known — before approaching the group with heavy and lackadaisical strides. The earthstalker dipped his maw in greetings, but did not cede his posture, or the authority he believed he was owed [after Coelacanth, of course]. 

Now closer, he assessed the small group of rangers that had amassed upon their beach — a man, a young girl, and a pregnant woman. Catori he knew, had known for almost as long as he had known Coelacanth, but never had the chance to know her well. The man he recognized from the hunter’s moon festivities, but the young girl was unknown. He cleared his throat.  “Ah’m Komodo,”   he introduced to those who did not know him, but did not deign to steal the spotlight from the small family, who clearly had news to share.
night clubs & night stalkers
fast women, fast talkers
loose lips, loose limbs
the lovely loveless

you ain't seen nothing like me yet
391 Posts
Ooc — Sonia
Ooc/ mama! Cameo to tidy things up for folks :3

Hemlock paced, pondering if she should call her children or not. While she doubted anyone would have intentionally destroy the sparse bundles of herbs she'd had laid out it had still happened and the most likely candidates were her tumbling, scrapping, children. She called them anyways, no matter what had happened she wasn't mad at them, but they had to have a discussion about being careful around her herbs. 

When @Droman heard the call his ears fell back for a moment before giving a toothy grin. Only after he'd looked up did look actually see the strangers they were interesting, but, he didn't want his mama upset with him and so off the boy went. 

available for naturalist and medical threads just tag her!
i grew a human and unfortunately as a horrible side effect lost an organ - as such will be slow from time to time.

[Image: naturalist_master.gif] 12/20
But I know every rock and tree and creature
226 Posts
Ooc —

The kisses and touches of her gentle cousin only brought out the tender side of the Spiritwalker. Quick to return the affectionate display, she bounded and danced as she could, head butting and then rubbing against her quiet near sibling. She didn't miss the comment on Seelie's beauty; she turned to beam proudly at Sorrel for the statement. Of course Seelie was beautiful! She wasn't a perfect specimen of wolfish details but she didn't need to be. She was beautiful and ethereal, woven like the seas sculpted the shores. Her eyes were the very reflection of the most pristine waters and her body ebbed and flowed like the tides themselves, fading into those ebony wisps the way the waters receded into the faint line of bubbles. 

Maybe Catori thought too much of Coelacanth - but then, maybe, that was purely impossible and their love was something nothing would touch. Not even Stockholm or Grayday. No - they weren't their brothers of course, but then, they had served as cousin and sibling and sister all the same. Some bonds were forged in stardust, theirs, theirs was more uniquely commanded like the strongest currents. Eternal, even ordained by something beyond their worlds. Catori smiled conspiratorially among the assembled wolves before lifting her head proudly. "We'll have a new batch of guppies to teach to swim soon."  

i grew a human and unfortunately as a horrible side effect lost an organ - as such will be slow from time to time.
1,327 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
aditya dipped his muzzle to the man who'd emerged, giving a brief recap of all introductions thus far. he recognized him from the hunter's moon, but hadn't caught his name--just knew he was one of the island wolves.

all that settled, with everyone happy and vibrant, they set off on a tour 'round the island. aditya gave the cousins their space, letting them be close for the time they'd spend on the island. he hung back, watching coelacanth with eyes like stars, filled with wonderment.

"she is pretty," he murmured in answer to sorrel, though he didn't think the girl would hear him, what with all the commotion.

the isle stretched out before them; what had looked so small from the shore was instead a relatively vast paradise, a garden of delights. aditya padded forward, eager to explore more of the place he'd once washed up upon, so long ago it felt like a dream.