Big Salmon Lake Welcome to my other side
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa

Last thing she did here was mess up that little she wolf and her blood still stained her muzzle and her paws. She had some wounds herself but they had almost fully healed. Her body ached a little so she walked over to the lake and laid down in the cool water in an attempt to relax and clean herself.
”Common” "Spanish"
sometimes, dead is better
484 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Once he had left Rusalka, the coast, the behemoth made his way inward into the mainland. Further away from the beaches and into the more heavily forested areas - which to him, felt more like home than any coast would. His pelt blended well with the dark trees, and his prey felt more natural than that of fish and crabs, with the occasional hatchling sea turtles or waterfowl. 

What had drawn him toward the lake was the scent of another - blood. Blood stained the coat of another, of a female, that piqued his interest. The scents danced within themselves as it was not all from one, but of at least two individuals. As he breached the forest side and onto the lake, the dark figure of a woman soaking herself in the water; washing herself of the stench that had drawn him in. 

Why wash off your medal. Baritones purred harshly in the beast's vocals as he spoke, heavy feet slowly bringing him closer to the female. It is the sweetest perfume after all.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was not expecting to have anyone come up to her and she exited the lake. He asked why she washed herself. “To make room for more.” She said simply.

Now to his next saying. “Indeed it is.” His voice seemed to rattle in her head and she offered him a smile. “May I ask what brings you ‘round here?” She was curious, by the looks of it the male too has had his fair share of quarrels and she was curious.
”Common” "Spanish"
sometimes, dead is better
484 Posts
Ooc — Noki
To make room for more she says. A point that didn't make much sense to the brute. Intertwining with his pelt was the blood of many, washed by rain only and the occasional bath to only help heal battle wounds as opposed to washing himself.

You. He answered simply, a deep crimson glare watching the female as she rose from the waters. The scent of blood drew me in. Thinking perhaps a meal was at the ready.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Her? Why her? She pondered only slightly until hanging onto the next part of his sentence. He was expecting a meal well that part made sense at least. “My lunch escaped me when her friend stepped in but if it’s a meal you want I saw a few deer over that way. I was going to get one myself soon.” 

Perhaps he he was a good hunter. Yet part of him reminded her of the wolves of shadow mountain. Eaters of their kind flesh. Not that she minded it wouldn’t have been the first time.
”Common” "Spanish"
sometimes, dead is better
484 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Rolling onto his haunches, an odd gore-ish sophistication for a beast such as himself in one smooth motion, tail curled lightly around his hips as he watched forward. Ears drawn to her, eyes as steady onto her dark pellage. The thought of hunting did cross his mind, but to hunt, to exert himself after the thought of an easy wounded meal seemed far too strenuous for the moment. Tempting... but you seem weakened by your previous encounter. What's to stop me from indulging in something easier than a healthy doe.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She knew there was something about him and she just smirked. “If your talking about me, I’m still in peak state the other did very minimal damage.” He wouldn’t get the best of her nor would he frighten her. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d fought off someone who saw to take a bite of her hide.
”Common” "Spanish"
sometimes, dead is better
484 Posts
Ooc — Noki
As she responded, he found himself already excited with the thought. A sickening smile crawled onto his face as he rose once more, tail trashing to one side as his head lowers defensively. Show me. The words slithered from his maw in a gruesome tone, thick baritones beating the air with both words. A low growl rumbled within his chest before he explodes into action, muscles pushing him quickly to his target, maw poised to grasp and rip as he aimed for her face or shoulder - should she face him head-on or turn defensively. She spoke tough - it was about time she showed him.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He wanted to see her fight than so be it. She always appreciated a good challenge and he seemed like someone who could hold his own. “With pleasure.” He attack and Serem attempted to dodge it but wasn’t very quick enough and his teeth connected with her shoulder. She could feel the pain of it surge through her body and part of herself enjoyed it.

Serem tried to shake him off and once she was able to she herself went towards him with her jaw open and her teeth ready to strike at whatever peice of flesh she could grab.
”Common” "Spanish"
sometimes, dead is better
484 Posts
Ooc — Noki
His teeth gained contact on her, grasping at skin and muscle as he tore into her shoulder. Defensive it is, he thought. Quickly she shook him off, to protect his neck he lowered his head just enough so she may take her own turn at taking a mouth full of the grotesque man's nape. While lowered, he found himself in the perfect position to lunge for a foreleg, just above the elbow to take better control over the fight. With his head below hers, he didn't have to worry so much about her hitting any vitals...
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She managed to make contact and she was satisfied with that but her victory was short lived as his teeth grasped her foreleg and she let out a small wail of pain before her leg pain made her fall unable to make another attack.
”Common” "Spanish"
sometimes, dead is better
484 Posts
Ooc — Noki
As he tugged on her leg, the woman fell - a toothy grin found its way to his mug as he quickly bounced back into action, taking advantage of her on the ground to finish all this. He was thus far not very impressed by her - perhaps he would finish her off after all. Pulling himself swiftly to her, ontop as to hover over the dark female, he finally aimed for a finishing blow onto her jugular, should she chose to cower, he'd make death come quickly...
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
As she was down on the ground she controlled her breathing and to her eyes he had the means to kill her. Maybe she would die one day but certainly not today and with her energy for the most part returned she swiftly aimed her teeth at his face and the moment it connected she clamp down and attempt to make it so he was no longer hovering over her.
”Common” "Spanish"
sometimes, dead is better
484 Posts
Ooc — Noki
As much as he thirsts for her life, teeth reaching for her neck, he didn't expect what was to follow. The woman used her own attack to defend, turning his jaws to snap at the air next to her face as opposed to her neck, saliva exploding from his lips with the pressure as strings rocketed in all directions. Standing still for a moment, eyes wandering back onto the woman, he cracked a smile finally. Finally, that was something. Straightening himself out, he turned as he prepared to continue on his own path. 

Clearly, she was no easy meal as he had originally thought. Instead, he changed his mind on the fly - something that didn't happen all too often. You have promise. If you have nothing better to do, come find me. I might have some use for you. For now, he would let her linger on his words before explaining any further. The pack was not official, just an idea... but if he continued to find fighters like this one, perhaps there was future for them all after all.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Her move was a success and she managed to live another day and noticed she earned a smile from the male. Yes it was strange but she payed no mind to it much and gave one of her own. He spoke once more stating to find him if she had nothing to do and certainly it was something to consider. “Will do. “ She gave him one final glance before she departed. “Till we meet again.”
”Common” "Spanish"