Emberwood Singing Flame
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven

Though Andr frequently had his head down and nose to the ground the brilliant colors of the Emberwood trees made him smile. This was a pleasant and peaceful location. The spot sang with life and on this mid-Autumn day he slowly walked through the trees taking in the smells, sights, and sounds. 

He could see several game trails both that of small rodents and larger more valuable prey. The usual signs were all there, the game tails, scattered scat, ruffed-up tree bark, and small pack burrows on the ground. Andr remained well fed but it had been a few days since he ate. As he looked around he wondered if anything opportunistic might cross his path.
372 Posts
Ooc —
it was the furthest she had ever been.


as such she was tired, exhausted even. the cold had made work easier for the alien child, but it did not whisk away all problems. she only hoped that she could head back home with something worthwhile.


for gunnar, for her siblings.

only it was not food she spotted. it was a man. large and strong. dressed in warm browns. at once she dubbed him brown bear. softly a sound built in her throat. wordlessly introducing herself to him.

i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?
note: bjarna speaks broken english at best.
icelandic will be italicized with translations on hover/click.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Instead of prey a small white wolf crossed onto his path. Her paws were large, her coat matted and certain aspects of her physic also seemed strange to Andr. As young as she was he was surprised to see her alone out here. He thought that most young wolves at her age might join the pack outside of the territory but not venture out alone. She appeared tired and thin. "Hello there little Miss." he greeted politely lowering his head to get closer to her level. "Is there anything I might be able to assist you with?" he asked concerned.
372 Posts
Ooc —
ah, he too spoke the common tongue.

bjarna was hardly ever surprised by it now and yet she did find soft disappointment each time. softly she began the process of trying to sort words in her head. remembering which ones she said where and when.

ah, uh! a thoughtful little shift of her shoulders and paws. trade? her doggish head tilted to the side as her tail offered a tentative sway behind her.

i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?
note: bjarna speaks broken english at best.
icelandic will be italicized with translations on hover/click.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
A smile grew on his face as he took in the snowball's response. 

Trade. A trade of what he thought. It didn't appear she had anything to offer and he wasn't carrying anything he could provide in return. "What would you like to trade? Favors?" he asked curious to see what she was trying to convey.
372 Posts
Ooc —
he repeated the word and her smile became more certain, and warm.

aha! she beamed at him warmly. h-uh-nt? a hard emphasis around the word she had slowly come to learn.

for she could not go home without!

i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?
note: bjarna speaks broken english at best.
icelandic will be italicized with translations on hover/click.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
What little words she did speak Andr knew that one well, and his tail swayed expressing his approval.

"A hunt you say" he began. "Would you like to join me? Or shall I retrieve something for you?" 

Though this conversation had started with the concept of a trade Andr cared little of what he would get in return if anything. The opportunity to hunt a meal for another was reward enough.