Whitefish River With each sunrise brings a new adventure
22 Posts
Ooc — Ambz
All Welcome 
The morning light of the sun gradually broke through the shifting clouds above, its presence a welcoming one to those that felt its warmth whilst travelling the lands below - roaming within the growing chill of the encrouching winter. The air was brisk and charcoal fur bristled along the roaming canine's back as he began to make his way up river - leaving the great lake behind. 

Flint's walk was a slow and casual one as he listened to the sound of the flowing water beside him, along with the songs of the morning birds that were nestled in the nearby trees as he passed. His sore paws continued to guide him up North and even though his body still ached from his previous travels, Flint stubbornly pushed on regardless - an eager spirit too impatient to wait for adventure.

The young mutt didn't know how long nor how far he'd ventured beyond the great lake, but knew that its vast waters were out of sight by now. And with curiosity, he turned to cast his gaze down the route he had taken, only to see the countless bends and turns of the river behind. His good ear twitched as he gawked at the distance briefly, an unkempt tail swaying idly in the morning breeze that swept through the flat lands.
457 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
This area, too, was rife with activity. Sif missed the comfort of the weald, but she knew in her heart that she would not find what she was looking for between the trees. Companionship did not hide in roots, after all, and much as it discomforted her to admit it, she was most certainly looking for companionship.

And there - there was a wolf up ahead, standing beside the water. Sif watched him for a moment, made nervous by the way he looked over his shoulder. Was he waiting for someone? She couldn't approach until she knew they'd be completely alone. Well - she could, but she wouldn't.

But there was no scent of a companion on the breeze, and Sif edged toward him mechanically, calling out a tentative, "Hei." Remembering something Fen had told her, she gave her tail a gentle wag. "Bo her?" She paused a moment, allowing time for a response without really processing it. "Venn?"
1,330 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
hope you don't mind adi hopping in here on his way home

their journey was nearly at its end. aditya had broke off from dawn and pema for a little while to trot beside the river, hoping maybe to exercise his newly acquired fishing skills and find some food for the last stretch of the trip. he was eager to see grayday again, and to maybe meet these pups he'd heard so much about.

he had not gone far before seeing a pair of wolves nearby, one gray, one a dark brown. the latter spoke, her voice carrying over the breeze. neither of them carried any discernible pack scent--the journey had introduced him to the smells of moonspear, redhawk caldera, and the vale--so it seemed this was a meeting of lone wolves, wandering the wilds.

puffing his barrel chest out slightly, he approached with a neutral expression, ears pricked.
22 Posts
Ooc — Ambz
Azure eyes observed how the waters snaked through the terrain, his lean head tilting some as the mutt took the moment to value the great design of mother nature – becoming engrossed in thought of how much time she had spent forming its deep riverbanks. And with that the male allowed an admirable smirk of sorts to cross his maw, though it was a brief one – for suddenly an unexpected voice stole his attention away from the scenery and immediately, the young male turned to face the source. Soon he found his blue gaze falling upon the sight of a dark hued female with cream markings upon her face before him and Flint paused - quietly observing the girl as she gingerly approached, speaking to him in a foreign tongue. His good ear arched forward as more words he didn't understand slipped from her lips and the male slowly offered the female a shake of his head in response, finally letting his husky voice escape his maw after, ”I'm afraid, I don't understand.” He said, unsure if she would even understand him, though he'd noticed the wag of her tail on approach and Flint imitated the gesture in return, offering a small smile as he lowered his head slightly with a tilt – a sense of curiosity creeping over him as he studied the stranger more.

An unkept tail swayed idly in the breeze as Flint kept his bright-blue stare upon the girl, a friendly smile still presented to her to only disappear as his posture became tense, a niggling feeling washing over him, his leathery nose twitching as he gradually picked up on the scent of someone else lingering close by. The young male shifted himself on the spot, bright eyes searching across the landscape for anyone else that could possibly be heading their way – only to see a brown figure walking straight for them.
457 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The male reacted in Sif's favorite manner - calmly, and with plain words. Her ears quirked in understanding as he spoke - she did not understand much of the common tongue, but she understood enough to see that he did not speak her own language. "Okay," she replied, using one of the few words she was confident with. Simple. Two-syllables. No funny vowels.

The next word was more difficult, even though it was only one syllable. Sif was never sure she was saying it quite right, but the man seemed nice enough so she tried anyway.

"Freen?" she asked hopefully, wagging her tail again. That wasn't quite right, was it? "Frie - "

Another wolf appeared in the distance. Sif turned tail and ran.
Sif's out. Don't mind her! She gets nervous in crowds <3
1,330 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
before he could draw closer, the brown female took off like a shot, and then there were two. puzzled, aditya padded up to the gray man, brow furrowed as he tried to figure out what just went on there. they had been engaged in some kind of conversation, the depth or subject of which he had no clue.

"hello," he greeted, his voice low and steady. "did i scare her away?" he jested, but there was a part of him that remained on-edge, should this be some sort of strange set-up for an ambush.

they were quite close to the plateau, which made aditya even more tense. the male seemed harmless enough by himself, though he was built well and seemed strong. intelligent, too, with sharp blue eyes. if not a threat, perhaps he needed a place to stay? morningside could use more members throughout the winter to keep the pack fed.
22 Posts
Ooc — Ambz
Even though there seemed to be a language barrier between himself and the dark hued female, she had managed to speak one familiar word in return which was hopeful. Flint observed onward quietly, offering a wag of his tail as she attempted to pronounce another - only to become disappointed as she suddenly stopped and bolted away as the other approached. Now confused and curious, Flint continued to watch with bright blue eyes as the girl quickly vanised into the distance and out from sight. Leaving him with one question. What had just happened?

His good ear arched at the sound of the male's greeting, along with the jesting words that followed and it was then that Flint gradually turned his attention to the man, "I'm not entirely sure.. " He replied gruffly, his bushy tail swaying behind him in the warm morning breeze, "I think you did." Flint blurted, curlean eyes blinking as he slowly looked to the brown painted man, "Uh, sorry - I'm Flint." He added, offering a smile and a friendly wag of his tail.
Sucky mobile post x3
1,330 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
having been a bit rattled by his experience in the mountains with the ruddy young man, it was a relief to hear this male offer his name in an open and friendly manner. aditya respected good humor in a wolf, and it was with this respect that he bowed his head graciously, smiling.

"my name is aditya," he responded, with a flick of his banner tail. "do you wander alone? or do you have family nearby?"

he took in the other male's appearance. strong, with a pelt that seemed to carry every color under the sun, from nearly red to black to white to brown. he was missing half an ear; battle markings, adi surmised. morningside could do with a wolf of strength. . .

he shrugged off the thought, leaving it be for now. he would first hear this man out, then decide whether to offer an invitation. no need to be hasty.
22 Posts
Ooc — Ambz
He noticed the other bowing his head with a smile and automatically, Flint found himself copying the male's motions, his blue eyes still watching him quietly as they shimmered in the dense light of the lingering sun. Quickly, Flint turned to gaze around the open lands, his good ear remained arched forward, still listening to the man's friendly introduction and question as he spoke. And swiftly he turned to face the male once more, the young hybrid offering a wag of his tail and a small nod of his head to the man's first question, ”A pleasure Aditya and I do travel alone, yes. I came from the East.” He said, a slight gloomy expression befalling him for a second as his salmon colored tongue escaped his jaws to briefly lick at his snout. It wasn't a pleasant experience all the time, venturing the lands by ones self, but Flint couldn't ignore the fire burning within him, the yearn for adventure was too strong – so even if it meant that he had to do it alone.. he did.

Though now, Flint's mind thought about the man's second question, his good ear laying against his head as the stump merely twitched, ”I've no family within these parts.” He stated, ”I left them when I decided to journey away from my home in the East.” He added, a small smile managing to tug at the corner of his lips as he then fell silent, a curious but somewhat saddened glint being held within his gaze as he observed the mixed brown wolf before him. Flint hadn't thought of home since arriving within the Teekons and now that Aditya had brought up the subject, the hybrid couldn't help but feel a tad bit terrible about the whole concept. He hadn't taken the time to even consider how they were doing back home without him. Damn.
1,330 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he saw flint's face fall, and gave him a kind look. aditya, having undergone a similar journey just a few moons ago, knew exactly how this man felt. and even though he didn't have family to look back upon, he still could understand the bitterness of leaving behind people you cared about.

"well, happy to see you've made it here all right," adi said softly, smiling. switching gears abruptly, he added, "are you here to stay? what are your plans?"

he liked this wolf, liked him well enough to continue with this conversation. adi thought grayday would like him, too. they had lost a few hunters, deserting to some place or another, and morningside could use a fresh face to invite into the fold.
22 Posts
Ooc — Ambz
Aditya's kind words caused a smile to form across the loner's maw and Flint's unkept tail gave another gentle sway behind him as he offered a thankful nod in response, his stump and good ear arching forward as the male went on to ask if he was staying and what his plans were. And then it came to him, what were his plans? Flint paused, his expression becoming all the more thoughtful as he mulled over Aditya's questions, both of which (just like his family at home) he hadn't thought about. The young hybrid hadn't really thought his adventure through properly, had he? The wanderer felt comfortable within the stranger's presence and Aditya seemed a nice enough guy, so as his left ear lay back against his head, his lips parted – allowing his gruff voice to sound as he gradually replied to his new found friend, ”If I'm honest, I haven't really considered a plan.” Flint said blankly, ”I just kinda set off..” He stopped before adding, ”..and I doubt I'll be going back.” The young male finished with a long sigh, blue eyes trailing to look at the ground as he peered to his mud covered paws.

After a moment, though keeping his eyes to the floor, Flint spoke once more, but quietly, ”There's no place for me at home any more.” He said as he gave a nonchalant shrug, though deep down it really did bothered him, but as he noticed his sudden change of mood, the brute straightened himself and smiled, ”But that doesn't matter 'cause I'm here now.” Flint stated, giving an enthusiastic sway of his tail as he shifted his paws on the spot.
Sorry for sucky tired post x<
1,330 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
it was time to make a move. the wolf was clearly alone and without a home. he also seemed useful enough, friendly, and morningside needed more hunters. with a dip of his muzzle in an understanding nod, aditya opened his mouth to speak again.

"you are here now," he agreed, smiling. "would you like to have a place to stay? my pack is strong, with a big territory and plenty of hunting. i can take you to meet our leader, if you'd like."

with that, he shut up, waiting for flint to speak. it did no good blathering on further; he had made his case, and now the man had to make a choice. a choice between starving alone in a cold winter or keeping warm and fed with good company--aditya hardly felt that was much of a choice--but a decision nonetheless.
22 Posts
Ooc — Ambz
Sapphire eyes blinked as Aditya spoke, ear and stub twitching at his new friend's unexpected, but kind offer – an offer that caused the young loner to simply gawk in a stupor for a moment, staring blankly at the brown hued man before him silently. And as he did this, Flint tried to find his voice amongst the vortex of words and the bubbling excitement that threatened to erupt from within him at any moment - but the loner could already feel his tail thrashing wildly, making his rump swing back and forth with his unkept banners rapid motions. The hybrid was truly amazed that Aditya was offering him such an opportunity - to have an audience with his leader, in hopes to eventually have a place he could call home (h my gawd) and a wide smile only grew across the hybrid's maw as the idea sank in the more he thought about it. He would be apart of something bigger and wouldn't have to be alone.

Flint gave a prompt nod of his head in response, finally finding his words amongst the chaos of emotions that swirled within him, ”Would you, really?” He questioned happily, tilting his head inquisitively, not wanting to pass up on such an opportunity - he added, ”I'd really like that, Aditya.” He grinned, off-white, socked paws shifting some upon the ground as he started to bounce a little on the spot.
Should I go ahead and start a joining thread or wait till after we've wrapped this up? :3
1,330 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
I sent you a PM, but yeah you can start a joining thread, dated to like three days after this one started? that would work with the timeline. Tag me in it and we'll be good

his heart lifted at the male's excitement, and he couldn't resist a grin in return, nodding his head. "so long as you do your part, provide for the pack, and get on well with everyone," he explained, giving the usual spiel. "but i see no reason why you wouldn't fit in just fine."

aditya cocked his head back to where he had left dawn and pema. they were resting up for the last leg of the journey, the plateau oh-so enticingly close by. he must return to the women, to return as a group for not only solidarity's sake, but to ease grayday's mind. he must leave this man--for now.

"my pack lives on a plateau just north of here," he said, nodding in that general direction. "in the shadow of the mountains. you will find my scent along the border. go there and call for me. we'll see if we can't find you a home, then."

stepping back with another gracious bow, aditya smiled at flint, wagging his tail as he prepared to depart. "very nice to meet you, flint," he said kindly. "i hope to call you my packmate soon."

with that, he trotted off toward where dawn and pema were last, hoping that the gray wolf would not get lost or hurt along the way. it didn't bode well for his first recruitment session if something went awry.
22 Posts
Ooc — Ambz
The idea of possibly having another family hadn't crossed the yearlings mind at all since leaving his original home, but to now have a new found hope of having just that, a new family, has suddenly brought on a whole new sense of being to the hybrid. A goal. In excitement his raven and rust colored tail thrashed joyously behind him as Aditya spoke, the young hybrid's head nodding as his mind absorbed the information that was being given to him. ”I promise I'll do what I can – if given the opportunity, Aditya.” Flint said with a smile, head nodding again as the other man explained of him doing just fine if he pulled his weight and did as he had just explained. Which honestly, Flint would certainly do for family.

Right ear arching, the wolf mixed listened carefully to Aditya as he began to explain the direction in which to take in finding his packs location and Flint's bright blue gaze followed the other male's gesture as he briefly pointed in its general position. 'Shadow of the mountain, scent along the border.' Flint repeated them quietly in mind as he began to bounce some on the spot, unable to contain the joyous energy inside, ”I can't thank you enough my friend.” He said with a wag of his unkept tail, his gleaming gaze on his new ally as he too took a step back, ready to take his own leave from the lands, ”It was nice to meet you too.” Flint replied with a quick bow of his own head, a smile permanently visible across his muzzle from this meeting, ”Hopefully, but until then, take care my friend!” The hybrid barked before bounding off on his merry way.