Bearclaw Valley a dove is a glove that i wear on my heart
120 Posts
Ooc —
All Welcome 
AW to whoever wants to play but tagging @Ridge specifically!

Honestly, life as a baby was quite droll. There wasn't much to it. Eat, sleep, shit. This was exacerbated further in the early days by virtue of the fact that he was blind, deaf, and without language. All he knew was that there was a very warm tummy always nearby full of food, and some squirming bundles he'd eventually have to call his sisters, and that was that.

Things changed when his eyes finally opened, milky blue and guileless. Shapes began to take form--the lanky body of his mother, the creamy tones of his sisters. . .and his own snowy pelt, starkly white against the darkness of the den. The den itself was, well, not much to look at. . .

. . .but there was a light at the end of the tunnel! Literally!

One day, wee Marten detached himself from his mama's teat and began to wiggle-crawl toward the light, squinting as he drew nearer and nearer to something brighter than he'd ever seen. His vision was still bad enough that the outside world was a muddle of brown and gray, with a little bit of green. And he shivered--it was cold!

Curiosity warred with comfort inside his growing mind as he weighed the pros and cons of sitting on his front door, essentially, versus going back and snuggling with Mommy. He eventually decided the former, awkwardly hunched, an almost cynical look screwing up his young face--he really was just cold--as he got his first look at what was to be his home.
38 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Ridge had been perched in the tree for a while, his eyes scanning the area below him. He remembered this spot from when Indra and her sister had been here and Ridge had swooped down, fearing for their safety. Laurel seemed to not be around this area any longer, however, so Ridge didn't think Indra would mind him hanging about.

He had tried hunting in the area, and had been mostly successful. But, when a slight movement came from the dens entrance, he knew he could not pass up the opportunity for a meal. And since Laurel wasn't residing here, he was sure this couldn't be her puppy. 

The golden eagle was still as he watched as it squirmed its way out into the open. Ridge figured this was going to be a pretty easy meal, seeing as how wolf pups couldn't do much at a young age. He spread his wings, and as silent as a ghost, he swooped in, spreading his talons before him as he reached for the pup. His intent was clear: to grab the pup within his sharp talons. He would not be worried about injuries to he may give to the pup, since he was going to die anyways.
120 Posts
Ooc —
The boy blithely sat, staring at the scenery. Pretty. Well, sort of. It certainly was a lot more color than he was used to, and it was quite bright; the sun reflected off his downy baby fur, individual hairs shimmering. He gave a little whine, looking back to Mommy and the two bundles, wanting them to come check this out, too.

He'd barely turned his head, too big for his plump little body, back around before--ouch! That hurt! Worse than Nuna kicking him around! The pup let out a squeal as the talons pierced his skin, wriggling like a worm on a hook.
all the world will be your enemy
129 Posts
Ooc — Cactus
The thief had done well enough to keep the caches near the mothering dens full. Tadec had sought every kind of small prey he could hunt and deposited them equally between two. He had been on his way back to find Indra when he had seen the great predator circling overhead one of the dens. Fear had flooded him for the safety of the young whelps who knew nothing of how dangerous the world could be. His pace quickened until he had reached a swift lope and then into a sprint. When he closed some of the distance, it was just in enough time to see the russet predator swoop and dive in a dramatic spread of its wings. Tadec released a worried yip and then threw himself forward. 

The humble creature transformed within moments. The fiery fur along his neck and shoulders stood rigidly. His narrow muzzle was crinkled to reveal glistening fangs, and the fire within his gaze burned rampantly. Tadec growled from within the pit of his gut and lunged toward the bird, aiming to grip a wing between his fangs and yank down. 
all the world will be your enemy, Prince of a Thousand Enemies. 
and when they catch you, they will kill you. but first they must catch you; 
digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. 
be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.
38 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
He had just barely got a grip on the pup when it started to shriek and squirm around. Ridge felt he had a pretty good grip, and didn't need to worry that his intended meal would get away. He didn't care if his punctured or scratched the pup, as it would only help him die faster in Ridge's eyes. He flapped his wings in an effort to get himself off the ground.

Eyes that caught movement to his right just before the growl reached his ears. The wolf was too close for Ridge to think he could get away unscathed and with his meal. If he wanted his feathers, he'd have to give the meal up since it was only weighing him down. He was only a foot or two above the ground, and he twisted to toss the pup at the wolf in hopes of distracting the male long enough for him to get away. It wasn't a strong toss, as Ridge wasn't skilled in throwing his meals, but hopefully he would land just in front of the wolf trying to save him. He pumped his wings in an attempt to get off the ground, his talons preparing to defend himself from the savior wolf.
120 Posts
Ooc —
I wrote this post to the tune of "Yakety Sax"
Hooo, boy. Things all happened really fast, and one moment, he was being squeezed by something really sharp--that really hurt!--and the next, flung toward another shadow, who was making scary noises he'd never really heard before.

Unable to, well, really do much, Marten sorta just lay there and wailed, the puncture wounds on his sides oozing little trickles of blood that stood in stark contrast to his creamy pelt. His little eyes, so wide with wonder just moments ago, were squeezed shut in this moment of confusion and agony. He rolled, as best he could, away from the brown blur of motion above him.

Screeches and growls filled the once-peaceful air, and all he could think of was how ouchy he was feeling--and, well, he was kinda hungry, too.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

she had only taken her eyes off of her children for a moment, drifting off into delicate slumber.  a rippling growl caused her heart to lurch and she bounded out of the den with her hackles raised.

tadec.  her two-toned gaze raked from her friend to the winged beast and then to her son.  with fervent rage, she leapt towards the eagle and attempted to rend his flesh from his bone in any way she could.  nobody hurt the pups of bearclaw and got away with it.

all the world will be your enemy
129 Posts
Ooc — Cactus
i asked stray if she wants to conclude this since Anna is on ppc - will edit an ending if needed based on her answer, but i suppose it's open now and the pup can be pp'ed to finish it off :)
The young boy was tossed by the predator. Tadec had moments to react, stretching himself out so that he might catch Marten with as much of a tender touch as he could manage between his fangs. The half-blooded beast was baffled at the thought of a bird whisking one of the young away. The valley did not provide them with the most ideal coverage; it was an aspect of the terrain that had caused him great alarm upon arriving there. With the young pup clutched between his teeth, the thief made a powerful effort to keep the whelp safely out of harm’s reach while the young boy’s mother waged war with the winged hunter. Tadec had seen young carried away before; it was a way of life, but he did not imagine that he could have sat by idly while the hawk made way with their future.
all the world will be your enemy, Prince of a Thousand Enemies. 
and when they catch you, they will kill you. but first they must catch you; 
digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. 
be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.
38 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Last post from me

While one wolf went for the pup, another came for him. Ridge screeched and swiped his talons at her as he flapped his wings to get away. Once he felt he was high enough, he turned his attention to the sky and flew off, far away from this area.
all the world will be your enemy
129 Posts
Ooc — Cactus
i'm archiving this as it's outdated, reigi is no longer in the pack (and was on ppc at the time), and marten has switched players
The bird, realizing it had found itself in a position of being outnumbered and threatened by an angry mother, seemed to take one final swipe of its talons toward Reigi before the sound of beating wings signaled a departure. Tadec clutched the child in his mouth with a reverence that he had never had for anything else. With a low skull and a tail that was clutched tightly to his rear, the dark coywolf placed Marten at the feet of his mother and he disappeared. The moonlighter was certain that the young pup would have been safe with the female who had birthed him; she had fought for his life, after all.  
all the world will be your enemy, Prince of a Thousand Enemies. 
and when they catch you, they will kill you. but first they must catch you; 
digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. 
be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.