Haunted Wood Así es mi vida, es sólo mía Tú no la vivas
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
All Welcome 
Hoping for @Vanity but AW

She was deeply pissed off at the results of the events that passed and found herself violently digging into a rabbit. Tearing it apart vigorously and devouring all the meat until none was left and she was merely gnawing on the bones. She didn't care who came up to her at that point she only hoped it was a pleasant meeting otherwise the unexpected victim would be met with her fangs.
”Common” "Spanish"
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
When a wolf was eating alone, they are automatically more aware of their surroundings and notice almost instantly when they are being watched. The trick was to get close without watching your prey to ensure their full concentration is on their meal. It also helps if their meal is the receiving end of anger that can't be unleashed on pack-mates.

Though today, Vanity found Serem without sneaking up on her, should an explosive reaction like in their spar should happen. She calmly wandered towards her, not trying to force her from her food, but to wonder why the unrecognizable remains were being mauled so much. 

"Why is it I find you, you are always trying to kill something that is already dead?" Her voice drifted smoothly from her lips with a serpentine smile coiling upon her face.
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683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was busy doing her own thing but she heard the footsteps of someone approaching and her ears swiveled towards it then followed by her eyes and saw vanity. She was glad that she wasn't unexpectedly attacked this time and paused what she was doing. "Bad timing I guess?" She said simply.
”Common” "Spanish"
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Her nose wrinkled at the splattered mess. Why was no one here a tidy eater? Vengeance literally throws his food around and expects birds to clean it up. She shook her head softly, "It always is." 
What was Vanity looking for today? She wasn't sure but now she was here, she wasn't sure she wanted to get involved.

"So, what got under your skin missy?"
She wanted to find out, but she wasn't sure really.
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683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She didn't know why everything agitated her today but serem took what the woman stated insulting but never put it to words. "Did you not hear? Captive got away." Serem wondered if the woman had been living under a rock or just plain oblivious.
”Common” "Spanish"
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Ah. The captive was finally left alone long enough to escape. It was no wonder why Serem was pissed, she was the one in charge of making sure he was drugged enough.
A shame. She could've had some fun.

"I didn't know, I was looking for the herds and doing my job." Like you should be. Well, as far as the woman knew it was Serem's job. The herds were all gone anyway, but she had a suspicion that there was a small group of deer living close by. She would lead a hunt on them, providing everyone was is fit enough shape. At least some morsels could be found, and the whelps were large enough to learn now.
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683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She caught the end tone of what the female had said she immediately let out a growl and stood up. "If your assuming I was not doing my job, think again." She was snarling now at the female and if she had half a mind, she should back up before shot really happened. "I am a medic, they were healed, I did do my fucking job. Where as you came back with nothing!" She was beyond fuming.
”Common” "Spanish"
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
So she was healing him. Too well, it seemed.
"Tell me if I'm wrong, but as he not supposed to be kept drugged so he didn't just hop out when he was healed?" 
Please, oh please let her be right. She didn't know her orders, but she could guess it was common sense for a captive to be kept captive by any and all means.

Her chin tucked, ears slicked so they couldn't be ripped off. Her tail rode high and fur was brisked like dragon spines. However, her shoulder turned to her; it was defensive but in a hostile way. In the way that screamed attack me and I'll beat you into the ground.
Her words were harsh but now...now she had moved and was coming closer... "You are Consort."
Consort to Vengeance. So, her plan did not work. 
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683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Serem was much bigger than the female and also outranked her but serem didn't care about any of that. "My only orders were to keep them alive." She snapped back quickly and once the female got closer, serem bulked her body up and snarled at the female. "Yes I am." Was all she said.
”Common” "Spanish"
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
She glared daggers at her. She couldn't fight her. You couldn't challenge a consort for their position. 
Not unless she challenged Vengeance, and now was a bad time to do so.
But there were other means of getting rid of a consort.

She let her teeth bare at Serem.
She walked sideways away, making sure she put enough space between them to prevent her launching and to give her space to turn and run.
"I wouldn't advise you murdering the Hunter here. This is famine and I know where the food is." 
She grinned, then darted back a few more steps. She waited for any further movements. If she charged at her, Vanity would just run. Run until Serem got tired of running, and then she'd gather for a hunt. Though, if Serem spoke, she'd wait.
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683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She growled back at her and Serem wasn't going to attack. "I know fairly better hunters." She stood tall, her posture never faulting. Serem remained quiet and just glared at the woman, hoping she would take the hint and leave before shit really got worse for her
”Common” "Spanish"
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
She stared at her, but nothing more came. She straightened like she was some sort of Queen. Vanity snorted, she was a Queen. A real one. Serem was undermined by a man. 
Then, she realized she had laughed and quickly made an exit before Serem could snatch at her.
She wouldn't let that happen.

Soon, a hunt would come and the mouths would no longer be empty.
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