Whitefish River That just happened
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
It was barely the morning and the sun was beginning to rise when she first noticed the strange feeling coming from her stomach. She knew what it was and feared it, she had avoided everyone since everything transpired and made it her mission to avoid the two entirely however she knew she couldn't for long.

The dark woman could feel the restlessness of her offspring and she sought out a den to whelp them in. Laying down on her side as she could feel her contractions getting worse the woman did her best to remain quiet as she pushed the first slimy ball into the world. 

She grabbed the sack carefully with her teeth and began to lick the small child @Ravaryn fiercely until it squealed it's first sounds as well as biting off the thing that kept it attached to her. Once that one was taken care of she went to push the second one out.

It took a bit longer then the first and the pain was a lot. She whimpered as she gave one last push and put it came and Moonshadow repeated what she had done with the first. @Shiloh Without long at all she laid there panting as she looked upon the mewling pups at her belly.
60 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
She was pushed into the world, out of the comfort of the warm, safe womb of her toiling Mother.
She immediately screamed for attention when her Mother's loving tongue worked over her body to keep her warm and to make her breathe for herself.

And breathe she did.
Taking deep inhales after each scream, the sensation the only recognizable feeling she had at the time. No sights, sounds or smells.
Only that harsh tongue making her scream pitifully until she was finally shushed by a teat being mushed into her face.
She latched on, the sweet, tangy flavour flooding her mouth.
Soon enough, another wriggling form was shoved beside her, warmth being caressed into her tiny, bean body as she suckled.

Soon enough, after she'd drank her fill until milk was practically pouring from her mouth as she burped, shuffling with her back legs closer to whatever body of warmth she could feel.
And then, so soon after her mind became alive with sensations, it was dark and quiet again as she fell asleep, undisturbed further.
Shiloh and parents are allowed in all threads
12 Posts
Ooc — lullaby
she was warm and safe in this cocoon of existence, it was nice. Sometimes she could feel there was another with her, they would touch briefly until the recently. It would seem that there space had shrunk or was it they had gotten bigger? She had not idea but something suddenly changed in this little paradise, sure it was cramped but that was not it. Something moved, no, not something. The other moved, no, the other was gone!

What on earth? How did that happen, where did they go?

Now she was moving, no, she was on a cold unforgiving ground. she shivered and gave a weak squeak until she wiggled her nose an not a smell reached her. A tongue came, warming her causing another squeak out of the tiny monochromatic child. What was this? She could not hear the other's screams but she let loose a cry of her own until her nose bumped something, what was this? Before long she was grasping what she had bumped, oh, oh! This was heavenly, this was warm like the place she was before. She began to feed then, her tiny tail moving just slightly as if she was happy or something.
703 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Moonshadow had been avoiding him; it was obvious. Despite him trying to converse with her and have the discussion they needed to have, at every chance, she had dodged him. That wouldn't stop Howl, however. He wasn't about to hunt her down and force her to speak with him, it went against his gentlemanly nature, but a bit of spying couldn't hurt.

Even with her elusiveness Howl was able to catch glances of her and track the progress of her pregnancy, comparing it to the shape Heartha had been in when they were expecting. He also made note of where he saw her most often and deduced the location of a den she would slip into. It was a well-made den, but Howl wished she had simply asked him for help as he wouldn't have had any trouble doing so. Despite what she had done and continued to do, those were his children she was carrying, and he would take full responsibility for them as their father. But there was only so much he could do when their mother acted this way.

The area around the den had been where he hovered for the past few weeks. Trying to see when she would stay in the den for extended periods of time as her estimated due date approached. When she did not emerge for some time, he walked up closer to the den's entrance, pivoting his ears so that he could listen. Moonshadow's breath was heavy, and the intense smell of her alone made him believe that she was in labor. He sat down and waited continuing to listen. Worrying for the fate of his children and praying they would not sucome to the same as their former siblings. Moonshadow's moans and whimpers were hard to hear as he didn't wish her any pain.

The next sound he heard he had never heard before, but he knew instantaneously what it was. The loud and persistent calling of his children as they entered into the world, alive and breathing. His chest filled with warmth that went throughout the whole of his body. The feeling you get when you think you might die but survive in the end. The feeling of joy and elation was one he had never felt before. A simple cry from such youth was enough. The continued sound of panting from Moonshadow, regardless of her actions, was also a great relief to him, showing to him that she too hadn't sucome to Heartha's fate. 

After a few minutes, when Moonshadow's breath became somewhat more even, he daringly crawled into the entrance of the den. As he continued to crawl through the long tunnel, she had dug the sounds of his children's calling grew tremendously, causing him to hasten his movements. Moon had clearly made with den with only herself in mind as he felt almost as if he were squeezing himself through the doorway into the whelping area of the den at the end of the tunnel. Noticing Moon's immediate aggravation, he didn't enter fully. His head and paws through the minister doorway and the rest of him laid in the tunnel. "I won't come in any further if you don't want me to. But I need to see them. I need to know they are OK... I need to know you're OK,he explained.

And they were OK. They were better than OK. In Howl's medical opinion (He has none). For they were alive and breathing eagerly suckling at the teets of their mother. The more voiceterious one was a dark brown with black and white accents. The other, slightly more composed, was a mixture of dark and light grays. They were both sooo beautiful, more beautiful then any other he had ever seen (though he had seen plenty of beautiful women). "Thank you Moon," he said lightly in the more earnest voice that had ever come from him, "Thank you for them."
Howl is always open to some interesting plots.
Just PM me and we and plot and thread!
Big Man, Walking In The Park
198 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
Connor didn't know what to do, he mated with Moonshadow and was unaware that she had mated with Howl before and now everything was chaos to him, the male didn't know what to think. But what he did know for certain was that Moonshadow was pregnant with his pups and she was being quite elusive and avoiding both him and Howl. The titan was still upset at her but now, he had a bigger responsibility and that was to raise his kids, but not like this, he wanted to have a strong relationship with a woman and have pups that way. His fears grew, would Moonshadow let him see his children after what just happened? Connor knew that he should respect mother wolves and their space until they feel that they are ready to show the whelp to their fathers but the cinnamon male didn't have prior experience.

All he knew was that he had to be there for his kids, and perhaps he could mend the relationship between him and Moonshadow.

The titan knew he had to see them, he didn't care if he would get warned away by Moonshadow, so he followed her scent with one mindset, to see if she was okay and if the pups were okay. That was all that mattered to him. Connor would have to put his bitterness aside and focus on what was really important and that was raising his future, no matter what, those kids were his future. So when the Herald tracked her down with ease, he found that Howl was already there, Connor shouldn't have been surprised but he should have known for he had mated with her before. So the man approached, unafraid as Howl was pleading with Moonshadow which made Connor a bit more sympathetic towards the birthing woman.

He was starting to feel bad now.

The cinnamon male arrived next to Howl with sympathy painted all over in his emerald gaze, and once Howl stated his peace, the Herald needed to speak his. "Moonshadow... I don't know if you want to see me right now... And that's okay... I let my anger consume me and shunned you when I shouldn't have," his coal tipped ears slowly dropped down to the sides of his head, his heart was starting to pump faster for the feelings of guilt were starting to take hold of him.

He was starting to feel that he was being selfish when she should have been there for Moonshadow, he had no idea what was going on in her life, but yet again, she didn't have the right to manipulate his feelings. But he would talk to her about that later, right now this was MUCH more important to him, "I just... I just can't-can't sit here and watch you or-or hear you go through a painful process...," he needed to take a breath because his guilt was starting to manifest into a feeling of distraught, he felt like he had done this to her. "I just want you to know that I am here for you... Even though you may not believe me... But I am telling you from the bottom of my heart that I shouldn't have turned my back on you... I just didn't know what to think... And I just want to ask... Ask if you are doing okay... and-and see if you are alright..." Connor sat on his haunches with his head hanging and his emerald eyes wide with shame and concern, the one thing the male will always hate is seeing others hurt or in pain, especially if it's from his doing.

The squirms and squeaking of the pups were alarming him, but he knew that this was normal, but he so badly wanted to go in and gently nose the little ones to give them comfort, but he respected Moonshadow's space and stayed put. "If this means anything to you then... I'm glad that these little miracles are here... Even if we had a bumpy start... I am willing to clean the slate with you and... be there for them... Even though... I am not sure if they are mine or not... I promise to be here and help raise them," his face brightened up as he gave his sincerest promise and try not to disrespect Howl by automatically claiming the pups as entirely his since the Guardian too cared for them.