Ravensblood Forest Only the gods love me
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Ash Paw walked from the coast. Her worship done for the day. Though now she was on a mission for herbs. It was the month of August. The Ram moon. This time of month was for the harvest. Collecting herbs and the like. Her grandma and her auntie had been reknowned healers, and she could if the occasion called for it heal.

She had the willow collar about her throat, the shell hanging there by her chest. It had broken part of her toe nail to get the hole in the top of the shell, but she had done it. So with that thought on her mind. She roamed. There was a pack nearby she could smell it. A young blood @Vale was a strong scent. She remembered her foray with the dreadfather, so she skirted around the pack territory line. Close, but  not crossing.
91 Posts
Ooc — The System
Vale was almost five months old now, and he was bolder than ever. He knew better than to patrol all on his own, but he wasn't near the borders — not yet, anyways. Still, he did mark, and as he was clawing the bark of a great sequoia, the winds shifted and a stranger's scent blew his way.

Vale stiffened, part of him wanting to go and investigate, another part of him knowing he'd probably get in trouble if he did. After a few moments, Vale decided on the smart thing — he called for his father, @Vagabond.

Then, he began to edge towards the border, wanting to see without being seen.
Physical Health (100/100)

Vale is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Vale is mentally well.
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw remembered well the itch to explore when she had been much younger. And now she was doing exactly what she had wished. Though she was a bit lonely. She missed her father and her grandmother. Her auntie. All were gone now. She was the only one left. Well other than Auntie's children, but she didn't know any of them. Other than their names and perhaps what they looked like now. Auntie Thistle had been so proud of her children, but she was broken. When her mate had died. It had just broke her. Ash would not fall for that. She would not. Or so she hoped.

She had a raising of her hackles as a sixth sense curled about her. Letting her know she was not alone. However, she could see no one. And she wasn't crossing the borders. So she stayed on course. though she did move a little further away from the borders. Not wanting anymore wounds. Her nose would scar as it were now anyway.
174 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Vagabond was out on his own patrol. Having worn his own grooves into the same Sequoia tree that he had day in and day out. With his leg lifted to mark it he stopped mid-stream when his son howled for him. It was one of urgency. An intruder was nearby. Vagabond put on as much speed as his three legs could muster. It took him only minutes to cross their territory to find Vale. "Thank you for calling for me, let us run our border together. We may not need to intervene, the stranger seems to be avoiding the border so far."
91 Posts
Ooc — The System
His father appeared, and together they made their way to the border. The stranger's scent was strong now, but Vagabond was right — they had not approached the border yet. At the edge of the forest, he could see the stranger. His tail lifted and he stared at her, though he kept quiet for now.
Physical Health (100/100)

Vale is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Vale is mentally well.
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash paw saw them. She frowned, but moved closer though kept a respectable distance.

 hello. May I ask what you're called? Pack wise?
174 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Now that both he and Vale had arrived the stranger grew curious. They approached cautioisly, but maintained a respectful distance. So it was with a friendly smile that Vagabond answered their question. "Hello, my name is Vagabond, I am one of the leaders of Sacrarium alongside my mate. My son runs alongside me." He would allow Vale to introduce himself.
91 Posts
Ooc — The System
The stranger wanted to know their pack, but his father beat him to it. When it was his turn to introduce himself, he said proudly, I'm Vale Cruor, aspiring hunter/guardian! Our pack is small, just family and close friends. He eyed the female curiously. Where do you come from?
Physical Health (100/100)

Vale is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Vale is mentally well.
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw settled to her haunches a good ways away. Eyes on the two. She smiled at the youngling. I am far from here. But I am looking to make a new home here. I am Ash Paw.

She tilted her head and waited. Wondering what they would say. She was trying a gentler approach to these ones. Not to mention that she was not distracted as she had been with the dreadfather. She had been distracted and disrespectful, but aye so had he.
174 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Sacrarium was founded with the intention of being a sanctuary for all types of wolves. Vagabond gestured to his missing leg. Tell me, how long have you been seeking a home? His question was curious. He himself struggled to find peace within pack life after all. It was different here, in his home that he had made with his mate and family.
91 Posts
Ooc — The System
Vale found he had little to say as his father and Ash Paw spoke, so he stayed quiet and sat, a watchful guardian. Perhaps the stranger would join. It was an exciting thought.
Physical Health (100/100)

Vale is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Vale is mentally well.
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw blinked, thinking hard. How long had she been here. For months it seemed, though it wasn't that long. She had been traveling for months, behind her auntie Thistle. Hoping to keep her safe, before she had made it to her last pilgrimage as it were. Only once her auntie had made it and she had buried the body, did she realize she now had no mission.

Not long. I followed my auntie on her.. She looked at the youngling and then back to his father. It was her last pilgrimage of her life. Then once I made sure she rested. I started searching for my own journey and home.

He hoped he would understand what she was trying to say. She did not need to mar the day with tidings of death. It was a cycle that continued. But there was a youngling present, who had probably not seen the makings of such things yet.
174 Posts
Ooc — Aero
It was enough for him, but he had always been a sucker for a good sob story. He gestured with his head for her to cross the boundary. Welcome to Sacrarium. He rang out a call to the rest of his pack and family, particularly his mate @Violante so they all knew there was another among them. 

He led her into the heart of their territory, the rushing of the river centering him. Vale will be taking over the tour once I've gotten over the formalities. Do you have any particular skills that interest you, that will help us to find a place to lay your head.
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash listened closely and tilted her head. She gave a nod. I am used to caring for the elderly,  and i tell stories. I also have my own set of religious beliefs i follow most closely, but that is neither here nor there.

She frowned. My knowledge of herbs and plantlife for healing is quite large. And I am a fairhand at hunting.

She had quite a few skills to offer were they in need of anything she had to offer.
174 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Vagabond nodded as she spoke. We have plenty of hunters and defenders. In Sacrarium we have healers of both the body and mind, they hold the title of Mystic. You are welcome to take a spot among them as our newest Mystic. He smiled at their newest member. He hoped she'd go far. I will be turning you over to Vale unless you have any questions, he can show you to camp and help get you settled in. He knows the way as well as I do. He winked at his son who had been calm and quiet for some time now. They were already nearing the circle and only minutes from camp
91 Posts
Ooc — The System
Another Mystic — there would always be a need for healers. Vale offered Ash Paw a friendly smile, and a gentle wave of his tail. I'm ready if you are. Um, can I call you Ash? he asked of the female.
Physical Health (100/100)

Vale is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Vale is mentally well.
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash paw moved forward towards tbe youngling. She gave a nod of her head. Yes you can, Vale.

She turned to face his father. Thank you for the admittance to your pack.
174 Posts
Ooc — Aero
last from me for this thread :)

Vagabond dismissed himself with a nod of his head. He knew their newcomer was in good hands. In the meantime he'd fill in the rest of their pack on their new addition and afterwards, return to his patrol.
91 Posts
Ooc — The System
Vale would gladly lead the way back to the dens, tail waving. He'd follow the river south, telling Ash, This river leads out into the ocean, but I've never followed it that far. Soon enough, they would pass the circle and the pond came into view. Over the rush of the falls, Vale would gesture to the tunnel entrance. We sleep here, and Lorelai keeps her medicine den here as well. For now, there was not much else to show Ash. He turned to her, smiling. Do you need anything else before I go?
Physical Health (100/100)

Vale is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Vale is mentally well.
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash put everything to memory. The herbal den catching her interest for more than a minute. She would add to it for the wolf Lorelai. She knew enough to get by. What else she knew, and they could use only time would tell.

She shook her head. No I'm good for now. Thank you, Vale.

Azure blue eyes met his, but briefly. Then she bent her nose to sniff. Putting scents to memory.