Sleepy Fox Hollow dead wife is what I told her
Party City
hi im baby
225 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
All Welcome 

That was another pinecone. The sap was bitter and acidic on his tongue and the stiff tines came apart in peppery flakes.


Bits and pieces of it rained down as he pulverized it with his back molars, black lips peeled back to protect them from all the sharp and pokey pieces that sugar pine cones naturally came with, as well as the ones that he was creating in the process of chewing up his prize.

The coywolf wasn’t eating it. Well, okay. Maybe just a little. As a treat. But mainly he just wanted to chew on something and pinecones presented a fun challenge — and the taste of the sap was sort of growing on him. Regardless of the flavoring, however, chewing things made it easier to keep quiet and calm as he adjusted to the family that’d taken him in. He missed his own family something awful, sometimes at night he shrieked about it with his toothy maw pointed up at the heavens, jaws wide open to achieve maximum volume.

But that just made him feel lonelier, most of the time. And he knew that his songs weren’t the ones they sang out here.


A little shard of pinecone lodged itself into the back of his tongue. Dusty began working his tongue like a dog eating peanut butter trying to get it out.

For @Isa
* Dusty is a little shit who is always up in people's business. Feel free to bite him and inflict minor injuries without asking permission.
43 Posts
Ooc — Tasha
Isa had been lazily lounging, enjoying her afternoon away from her studies when she heard one of the most disturbing noises. Cronch. The sound was enough to cause her to cringe, a flair of annoyance burning in her as the Princess huffed and pushed to her paws. Cronch. Cronch. Gods, what was that noise? And why did it need to even enter the plane of existence to begin with? Hints of misophonia showed as she felt the irrational anger bubble in her.
So she did what she would always do, went to find out which one of her brothers it was creating such a god awful noise. She was willing to bet it was Emmerich. His one goal in life seemed to be to annoy her.
Cronch. Cronch. GYUAK. As she got closer, the noise got louder but it was just going to have to be a necessary evil for her to right this offense against her eardrums. “Vhat do you think you are doing?” She demanded, the lingering effects of speaking her father’s tongue so often starting to show on her as they had on him. “Vhy do you think you can make such a despicable noise and interrupt mein sleep?” She demanded, her tail lashing angrily from side to side, though in truth she was far from terrifying. “Do you know who I am.” Clearly, he was new, and was not aware of the great crime he had committed.
Party City
hi im baby
225 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The coywolf heard the interloper before he saw her. Of course, he'd been smelling her for some time by then, but that hardly meant anything being that they lived together.  Still, he didn't expect to be approached until she was already upon him, and he was immediately defensive of his pinecone prize.

Vhat did he think he was doing? Vhy was he making noise?

The accent they were spoken in held his attention far more than the words themselves. Dusty Rose gazed at the girl with a mystified look on his face, slowly realizing his pinecone was safe from her advances.

"I'm afraid I don't know," said Dusty, rising to his full height. He was a wolf of middling size, but still bigger than the girl before him. "You'll have to introduce yourself."

He did know who she was, of course. One of Mahler and Wylla's children. Dusty understood that regardless of his superior size, the girl's place in the pack was stone while his own was still just sand. Even so, the passive submission he normally exuded around company was entirely absent.

"My name's Dusty Rose," he told her, as if this were a perfectly amicable exchange. He stepped over his pinecone to draw closer, thinking that she might have missed the fact that she was smaller than him, since he'd been lying down and all right at first.
* Dusty is a little shit who is always up in people's business. Feel free to bite him and inflict minor injuries without asking permission.