Barrow Fields Arsonist's Lullabye
Call me Fighter
62 Posts
Ooc — Sprout
All Welcome 
Backdated to Oct. 10th. The morning after the conclusion of this thread.
For Briar Cayde! (can't get the tag to work sob)

A brisk trot through the fields was just the remedy Grackle needed after whatever the hell had happened back in those woods. She settled into a gallop, long legs pumping beneath an obsidian frame, carrying her swiftly over the terrain. The wind sliced through her fur, whispering a soothing melody in her large ears. This felt better, more like herself. She could sense her heart returning to its regular rhythm and her lungs welcoming each breath without restraint. The unexplained foolishness that had gripped her earlier was nothing but a distant memory now.

There was something odd about this place, Grackle noticed as she continued on in the direction opposite Sapphique's territory. Something that urged her to quicken her pace and keep close watch on her surroundings. But the wind revealed no scents to her outside of the sweet grasses and distant sea. No. That wasn't true. In an abrupt halt, she skidded to a stop, leaving a noticeable groove in the soft earth beneath her sturdy paws. There was someone else. Another wolf. She spun around, emerald eyes scanning the surroundings with an intense focus. The feeling of solitude that had accompanied her for so long seemed to shatter here on this mysterious coast. Wolves appeared to converge upon this place from every direction. Was this some meeting ground she wasn't aware of? What was going on?

Am I past repair?
49 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Many weeks had passed since his short time in the desert. There was little to show for it. Briar was uncertain if it was all in his head but he never quite chased the ache away from his paws. The sun kept a malevolent nature about it even far beyond the endless sea of sand. Even if it's wicked touch was less potent, he remained wary of daytime travel. Although now the sun spent less time in the sky with the change of seasons.

He now found himself much farther north. The occasional hint of salt drifted with the wind as he stalked across the fields. Eyes scouring the odd terrain of this landscape. The raised mounds of earth were a curiosity. He had half a mind to dig into one, yet the other half urged him not to. Fragments of puphood ghost tales seeming to worm themselves into the forefront of his thoughts. It was better to cross the fields and be done with this place.

Large ears twitched and swiveled at a rhythmic beat. Briar paused, recognizing footfall. Multicolored eyes narrowing, he moved to the nearest mound and climbed up. Standing sentinel, his new vantage point sourced the sound. A black cloaked wolf with a spooked demeanor. He felt perhaps just the teeniest bit sorry for her.

Something chasing you?
Call me Fighter
62 Posts
Ooc — Sprout
 Cool green flashed to meet shining gold as his words registered with Grackle. No. Her eyes flicked over him as if trying to gauge his intentions, keeping herself at a safe distance that allowed for a quick escape if the situation turned hostile. Just a morning jog, nothing more, A measured calm to her tone, her emerald gaze remaining fixed upon the stranger. He didn't present an immediate threat despite his capable appearance. This gangly figure seemed more likely to engage with words than teeth.

However, this land was playing tricks on her, making her doubt her instincts. The sensation of unseen eyes weighed upon her, like hidden predators lurking in the grasses just beyond her sight. Grackle suppressed the urge to shake out her pelt, loathing the feeling of vulnerability that had settled upon her like an ill-fitting coat. She probably looked like an easy target to anyone with a mind for confrontation, and his self-assured demeanor only stoked her suspicion.

Are you alone? She called, her words accompanied by a scrutinizing gaze that seemed more of a glare than an innocent inquiry.

Am I past repair?
49 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Briar lifted a brow at the cloaked woman, expression unguarded as she set out to interrogate him. Multicolored eyes broke away to glance about the fields, the odd mounds that dotted them. He remarked softly under his breath, Not my first choice for a scenic view.

His attention return to the woman. Her verdant gaze armed with daggers as he came to the conclusion that she most assuredly attempt to skin him if he stepped off the mound at that moment. Sitting back on his haunches, his jaws parted into a yawn. It was awfully early in the morning for this.

Well, to answer your question technically, no. You're here now after all. His shoulders lifted into a shrug. But before you were here it was just me and my shadow, if that is the answer you actually want to hear.

Briar tilted his head to her. Eyes fixed upon her as he gauged her response.
Call me Fighter
62 Posts
Ooc — Sprout
Grackle's notched ear flicked as though swishing away an irritating fly, the only physical expression of her annoyance. Did he find her suspicion amusing?

She continued to scan the surroundings, nose alert for any signs of his concealed companions. It wouldn't be long before their scent betrayed them.

Is that so? She asked, calling up to the russet man, who she now noticed had settled himself down quite comfortably. It was hard for her to decide what grated on her nerves more: his sarcasm or his brazen demeanor. With a measured step forward, she examined him, maintaining a careful distance.

What brings you out here? She inquired, her vision darting across the landscape again but revealing no hidden accomplices. So he really was telling the truth.
Bucktooth bitch.

Am I past repair?
49 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Hmm... I suppose I am passing through. Same as you, I presume?His head returned to its proper axis. Carrying on without waiting for an answer, Just walking away from the godforsaken desert.

A grimace set upon his face. His gaze looking past the cloaked woman and into his own mind. Recollection replacing the rolling green field and fresh sea air with a golden expanse. Air rippling under the weight of the sun's rays. Sand underfoot threatening to set him alight. Voice embittered as he murmured, Anywhere is better than that dried up wasteland.

He snapped to the present. Tensing with a sharp intake of air. Eyes sweeping of the raven like form of the stranger. Inky pelt reminding him of a certain owl-eyed imp. A twitch at the corners of his mouth pulled his lips into a wry smile. If only he knew that this woman too had a less than desirable moniker for him.

I trust you're enjoying your jog? Or, at least were.
Call me Fighter
62 Posts
Ooc — Sprout
A desert? The thought brought her back to the jackdaw woman she had met her first week in these lands, the one with eyes like the moon and a twitchy disposition. She had carried the scent of clean, warm earth and herbs. Had she been from the desert as well? Perhaps this man had run into her.

I was, Grackle responded rather curtly. I don't believe I'll be sticking around here for too long, however. She continued, more to herself than the stranger. There was something about this place that made her want to run, but in a way that made her pelt roil and paws itch.

Am I past repair?
49 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
If Briar had been a mind reader he would have been able to identify his desert roving imp. The little, wide-eyed she-devil that proved his (begrudgingly admitted) savior. Of course, he was not gifted with telepathy.

Briar was, however, gifted with large ears. Multicolored eyes narrowed as his eyes lingered on her. Metaphorically pinning her to the dish as he studied her. Her initial unease had not gone unnoticed, nor did her strained politeness. Unsurprisingly, he had overstayed his welcome. Briar rose to his paws. By all means, don't stay on my account. I'm not in as big of a rush, but don't let that stop you.
Call me Fighter
62 Posts
Ooc — Sprout
Going to start wrapping this up! I hope these two can meet again sometime! (Hopefully, with a little less hostility LOL) <3

Grackle was at an impasse. On one paw, she wanted to leave; on the other, this man was in her way. She looked past the man to the mountains beyond, then over her shoulder briefly, remembering the woods. What was worse, boiling in the sand or turning tail and heading back to the coast? Jade eyes returned to the stranger with a glare; why couldn't he leave so she could figure out what to do in peace? Asking him to was out of the question; she would rather die than bear the mortification.

If you continue this way to the woods and then down past the cliffs, you'll arrive at the sea. I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for, but at least as opposed to the desert, you'll find no shortage of water. She informed, with an indication of her snout. If she couldn't ask him to leave, maybe she could make him. She would try to, anyway.

Am I past repair?