Blackfeather Woods How could this happen?
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
How could I possibly say no to a thread with these two? Aha

The tunnels had become a place that he rather enjoyed navigating, though they seemed to have lost their appeal the moment everyone had been ushered down into them. It felt as if he couldn't round a single corner without running into someone, which often resulted in him growing annoyed. He'd developed a fondness for the tunnels previously because of the escape they provided from the world above ground, yet there it was, having followed him down there. Now, the tables had turned, his interest being in the world above, rather than the one below. More often than not he'd sneak away from the masses, following a trail he'd become most familiar with and fleeing to the woods—well, if one could call a place so barren a woods. Though, without the thick canopies of the trees, the sun seemed to glare down on him with a newfound intensity, often forcing him to squint as he made his way around whatever was left of the territory. Still, he viewed it as a better alternative to being crammed down in the tunnels with the others.

On his most recent of treks to the outside world, he'd encountered several ruffed grouse. They'd been spread out through the territory, dining on what locusts littered the ground. After several he had chased, managing only to spread them out further, until there came one that was slow enough for him to catch. The bird had met it's death quickly, having barely put up a struggle against him—perhaps it had already been dying, or maybe it was just stupid, but either way he'd managed to kill it. Rather than eating it out in the open, he'd retreated back to the tunnels, wishing not to anger any other birds and invoke their wrath. There was also the matter of any scavengers that might be lingering around, none of which he was willing to share with. Thus, back into the tunnels he'd gone, taking the same path he'd followed in order to leave them earlier that day. After turning off from that tunnel, he'd taken a new one, hoping it might take him to a less frequented area. As he'd entered a chamber, however, it was made known to him that his wishes were not answered, for against a wall he could just barely make out the form of another wolf. Xan had prepared to slip away into the darkness, but then he'd noticed who it was and his body went rigid.

The girl appeared to be entirely still, and he'd once again considered just leaving, but had ultimately decided against it. They were still friends, weren't they? And friends helped one another—or at least that's what he'd been told, but whether or not that was actually true, he'd yet to test out. It was with slow steps that he'd then approached her, dropping the bird between them with a soft thud and then drawing his tongue out over his muzzle. "Hey," he'd greeted, eyeing her for a moment before focusing on the space behind her. "You okay?" Of course, he had no idea what she was feeling, nor could he honestly relate to it. Despite him having never lost a sibling to the claws of death (that he knew of), he'd tried to relate the feeling of his having left him to her brother having left her. The only difference being that, for her, his departure was permanent. For the boy, however, a part of him still wanted to believe that his sisters would return to him someday. Yet, even with him thinking in that way, he'd tried to see things under the same light as she currently was. "You can have some, if you want," he'd added shortly after, motioning to the now crumpled body of the bird. He didn't know when she'd last eaten, as he'd been more focused on himself rather than others, so he'd offered it to her. The gesture was also done, in part, because he wanted to try and cheer her up.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
Messages In This Thread
How could this happen? - by Kendra - May 04, 2016, 03:17 PM
RE: How could this happen? - by Xan - May 04, 2016, 04:57 PM
RE: How could this happen? - by Kendra - May 05, 2016, 03:51 AM
RE: How could this happen? - by Xan - May 14, 2016, 03:17 PM
RE: How could this happen? - by Kendra - May 14, 2016, 04:31 PM
RE: How could this happen? - by Xan - May 14, 2016, 04:46 PM
RE: How could this happen? - by Kendra - May 14, 2016, 04:57 PM
RE: How could this happen? - by Xan - May 14, 2016, 05:36 PM
RE: How could this happen? - by Kendra - May 15, 2016, 10:23 AM
RE: How could this happen? - by Xan - May 15, 2016, 05:50 PM
RE: How could this happen? - by Kendra - May 16, 2016, 07:37 AM
RE: How could this happen? - by Xan - May 27, 2016, 03:15 AM
RE: How could this happen? - by Kendra - May 28, 2016, 07:37 AM
RE: How could this happen? - by Xan - June 08, 2016, 01:42 AM
RE: How could this happen? - by Kendra - June 12, 2016, 03:19 PM