cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl
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615 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Hey guys! Sorry for the wait on this post, bear with me while I flounder around and try to figure things out!

This is Bon Dye's official pack claiming thread! This will be a single round, 1-post-per-person thread where your wolf simply has to howl their support as allegiance. Please reply to this thread if you want your wolf to be a ranked member of Bon Dye! This thread will be archived on September 29th, giving you guys a week to get a post in for your official joining!

Everybody but the three pre-creation founders will begin in the Sigma rank, but will be shifted around in the named ranks according to their behaviour/ambition/IC contributions during the week. Any wolf that posts in this thread will be considered a founder of Bon Dye and will go on record for founding the pack when we have an info station, and I thiiiink there might be some XP rewards or something for being a founder, can't promise that yet though!

There will be a pack meeting (likely once I've gotten the ranks all sort of sorted out) where Jinx will explain more in-depth the Loa and the Spirit Bears, so don't worry if your character is really confused right off the bat! If you do have an idea already for what co-rank tier your character fits in, simply put that name as an OOC note in your post and I'll make a note of it! We wanna keep these sort of balanced so while there isn't a limit, if there are 5 Ogoun and no Loco'en, maybe consider having your wolf be a Loco'en for pack balance.
Ogoun: Sentries, hunters, fighters. Element is fire, and Ogoun is a "dark" Loa.
Agwe'en: Clerics, sitters, teachers, fishers. Element is water and Agwe is a "light" Loa.
Bade'un: Scouts, spies, headhunters, trackers. Element is wind and Bade is a "dark" Loa.
Loco'en: Strategists, advisors, quartermasters. Element is earth and Loco is a "light" Loa.

When dawn crept through the veil of leaves that hid sleeping Blackfoot Forest and its haunting denizens from the prying eyes of those in the mountains, Jinx rose from her hollow under a tree, her temporary lodgings for the night, and stretched. She winced as pain pulsed through her bruised and smashed side, but refused to allow it to show on her face beyond that; she affixed a steely expression to it, with her heart full of intent and promise. She had abandoned Neverwinter in the dead of night, following on the coattails of a Dream, and she was now here, and knew what had to be done.

Her paws had carried her for some time through the forest until she found what she had been looking for: a hillock overlooking a tangled, overgrown clearing, where logs had fallen and been reclaimed by nature. There were a myriad high points and treacherous climbs here, and Jinx found her swift and surefooted way to the top of her favourite: a fallen whitebark pine, draped perilously over another log that was propped against a nearby hemlock. Prowling her way to the point where it crossed over the unidentifiable log holding it off the floor, the pale Kesuk seated herself with a smile of contentment and satisfaction.

This is where they would rebuild, and begin anew. This was where Sos and Atka would again reign, although it was to Sos alone that she pledged her allegiance, and it was Sos' eagle, Bade the Second, that had confirmed her ties to Him.

Her head threw back into the morning air and from it was loosed a powerful howl, so strong it could only be aided, she believed, by the Gods themselves. It rang out over the forest and sent the foxes into silence and the birds fluttering nervously, and rippled out from its origin, reaching all wolves in vicinity, and likely even those quite far away. Its message was simple, straightforward, and direct: rise now, wolves of Bon Dye, to glory and honour!
Messages In This Thread
cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl - by Jinx - September 22, 2013, 05:28 PM
RE: cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl - by Ylvex - September 22, 2013, 06:22 PM
RE: cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl - by Hawkeye - September 22, 2013, 09:14 PM
RE: cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl - by Lecter - September 22, 2013, 10:36 PM
RE: cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl - by Cuan - September 22, 2013, 10:49 PM
RE: cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl - by Leto - September 22, 2013, 11:09 PM
RE: cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl - by Clarice - September 23, 2013, 01:53 AM
RE: cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl - by Kerberos - September 23, 2013, 06:48 AM
RE: cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl - by Vires - September 25, 2013, 10:01 AM