Haunted Wood If you must leave, Leave as though fire burns under your feet
266 Posts
Ooc — Van
Santiago had left, with Serem. That was what Clarence had expected them to do, but... he didn't really want to third wheel with the two of them. It was probably better for him to let them go off on their own for a while anyway, and for him to do some growing up of his own. After all, there was so much he hadn't seen and so much he hadn't done. Still, it was painful, knowing that he was going to be alone. For the first time in his entire life, pretty much.

Valour called him and Clarence didn't really think on it too much before he approached his friend. He must look pretty bad, all droopy and unhappy. But then again, were any of them happy, to be splitting up like this?

The spotted boy approached the former leader and offered him a small smile, stopping only a few feet away. "Hi, Valour," he greeted quietly, meeting his eyes.
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RE: If you must leave, Leave as though fire burns under your feet - by RIP Clarence - July 22, 2020, 08:43 PM