Stone Circle i love you, and if you want, I'll call you king
191 Posts
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His muscles twitched and tugged at the descriptors, knowing in his heart that yes, that was the woman who called herself a god.

He swallowed, shaking in place with the effort to not curl into a ball, to not lurch to his feet and snap wildly at the shadows as if she was there. She wasn’t. Rationality had yet to touch the boy though, and his eye rolled to the surrounding shadows.

Her. He said, lying stiff in his sickbed. She couldn’t touch him here, but he felt the slicing fingers digging into his brain anyway.

Her. His breath hitched, his world dissolving away for a minute. When he registered words again, it was the question of where

Mountains. Just below them. He clenched his jaw so hard his teeth ached.

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RE: i love you, and if you want, I'll call you king - by Aquillius - April 16, 2023, 09:07 PM