This had been home to @Reverie, but it stifled him. She found peace enough, safety. Everett spent his better days pacing, gazing out, looking for any splash of ruddy fur and gold.
And every night, he tucked back down to bed, surrounding the children and Reverie, where the space where Reina's songs once whispered round them remained too quiet to bear.
He had mentioned going to look for her, but one look in Reverie's eyes, wide and full of terror, spoke every word she soon worried from her mouth. If he had been another, he might have slunk away and ignored her pleas to chase down Tybault's winding trail to find @Reina together. Who had taken her? He only had one answer: the man who'd tried to take her before must not have been alone. It was enough to shake his vision, to cause his legs to quiver and his stomach to churn with nauseous unrest.
His hunger fled. He could only think of the terrible things he must be doing - of his useless he had been. Their only enemies had ever been fire, who they had fought with song and dance. But song and dance couldn't fight this. Useless, weak in tooth and claw.
Unable to protect her.
She deserved better. Reverie, too. So he had prayed for Evander to return and shore up those sides of him he felt lacking in his absence.
His God had answered, and gave him Tybault instead.
Tybault, to go after Reina.
The hound of the Gilded Sea, but Everett reeled. Tybault, of every wolf! Of every choice, Tybault?
He ought to go after them. Tybault was capable, but he did not trust him. And yet, to leave would tear him from Reverie's side, who would crumble if he didn't stay.
It is for this purpose I have brought you here.
No! But he knew, he knew!
To take care of Reverie --
-- to finally trust Tybault.
He eyes, and with a heavy sigh, Everett turned away from the edge of the Emberwood to find his way back to his sister's side, who needed him, as much a Reina.
In the morning, he would take up his watch again. Looking for brown and gold. Singing, too reach her ears. Praying, to lead her home.
Tybault would find her.
He had to.
And every night, he tucked back down to bed, surrounding the children and Reverie, where the space where Reina's songs once whispered round them remained too quiet to bear.
He had mentioned going to look for her, but one look in Reverie's eyes, wide and full of terror, spoke every word she soon worried from her mouth. If he had been another, he might have slunk away and ignored her pleas to chase down Tybault's winding trail to find @Reina together. Who had taken her? He only had one answer: the man who'd tried to take her before must not have been alone. It was enough to shake his vision, to cause his legs to quiver and his stomach to churn with nauseous unrest.
His hunger fled. He could only think of the terrible things he must be doing - of his useless he had been. Their only enemies had ever been fire, who they had fought with song and dance. But song and dance couldn't fight this. Useless, weak in tooth and claw.
Unable to protect her.
She deserved better. Reverie, too. So he had prayed for Evander to return and shore up those sides of him he felt lacking in his absence.
His God had answered, and gave him Tybault instead.
Tybault, to go after Reina.
The hound of the Gilded Sea, but Everett reeled. Tybault, of every wolf! Of every choice, Tybault?
He ought to go after them. Tybault was capable, but he did not trust him. And yet, to leave would tear him from Reverie's side, who would crumble if he didn't stay.
It is for this purpose I have brought you here.
No! But he knew, he knew!
To take care of Reverie --
-- to finally trust Tybault.
He eyes, and with a heavy sigh, Everett turned away from the edge of the Emberwood to find his way back to his sister's side, who needed him, as much a Reina.
In the morning, he would take up his watch again. Looking for brown and gold. Singing, too reach her ears. Praying, to lead her home.
Tybault would find her.
He had to.
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synchoró - by Everett - April 26, 2024, 12:40 AM