Firefly Ravine kawagishi
6 Posts
Ooc — Anon
No worries! I'm happy to thread this out. She's a v low priority toon rn!

To her relief, her submission invited the approach of the other. Raijin's nose came to rest near the fluff of her cheek, drinking in the information that came with the scent of her fur as her tail picked up sped behind her.

She drew back after a moment, having gathered what she needed. From up close, she admired the hunters build, the ripple of strong muscle beneath a fire-kissed coat. It spoke of the strength of her pack, though the princess knew not what to refer to them as. "Where do you come from?" she came to break the friendly silence, curiosity driving her need to converse.
Messages In This Thread
kawagishi - by Raijin - April 30, 2024, 11:35 AM
RE: kawagishi - by Redd - May 12, 2024, 10:12 AM
RE: kawagishi - by Raijin - May 12, 2024, 11:49 AM
RE: kawagishi - by Redd - May 25, 2024, 11:18 AM
RE: kawagishi - by Raijin - May 26, 2024, 11:15 AM
RE: kawagishi - by Redd - June 01, 2024, 11:22 AM