Ocean's Breath Plateau got a dollar to my name and some hours to burn
30 Posts
Ooc — bon
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he hated it.
he hated the lodge that chak-chak had brought him and aaka to, it isn't home.
so akiak often sat post outside the den, only entering to check on @Red Leaf. today, he'd been playing with his amulet when a boy near his age approached him.

admittedly, his tail wagged at the sight, but akiak notices that all four of the boy's legs were moving. it didn't ring him as odd that the adults could do that, but other boys? akiak sinks into himself, and returns the chuff only with the perk of his ears.
ghelan for lanzadoii & common, akiak (brave one) for sharadoii & seal hunters.
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RE: got a dollar to my name and some hours to burn - by Ghelan - May 28, 2024, 12:01 PM