Blacktail Deer Plateau teach a man to fish
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Ooc — mercury
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All Welcome! But perhaps he could meet @Sunny? Dated to the 13th

this cool but sunny morning, he found himself alone with his thoughts, walking alongside the stream that flowed into the catfish pond. he was to travel with dawn and pema soon, but neither woman had made the call yet to leave, so he lingered here for now, trying to find constructive things to do.

he looked down into the water, looking at the fleeting forms of fishes big and small. despite being a child of the coast, aditya had never been a good fisher. only once or twice had he managed to catch the little buggers; he preferred the game on land, or at least the seabirds on the cliffs. he did have good balance on those rocks, despite falling off that one fateful time. . .

but how did you even go about snaring one of these skinny things? the ocean fish were much larger, it seemed. perhaps catfish pond held better specimens.

"oh, what the hell," aditya muttered, and scooped a large paw into the water as he saw one of them wiggle by. he was rewarded not with a tasty treat but instead a splash of water directly to his face, ice cold. sputtering, he took a couple steps back, laughing despite the failure.
But I know every rock and tree and creature
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Catori had been checking out the waters around the area - things she was familiar with, things she was comfortable with. It made it easier than trying to get on with people she didn't know when she still felt so....near bashful trying to claim a spot in this pack built on something other than familial bonds. She approached as she spotted someone standing over and then lashing out at the water, doing what she assumed was an attempt at fishing. Now this she could handle entirely. It brought a little smile to her face not because she liked seeing others fail, quite the contrary really, but because this was something she was familiar with. 

"First try?" She asked curiously, approaching the edge of the water to peer down at the fish there as they swam too and fro. "I grew up on the coast. Y'think it's hard enough when the fish aren't playing fair - how about when the water itself won't settle." She offered her words up with a bubble of a laugh, good natured as ever. She squared her shoulders a bit to focus on the water and the fish as they swam, eventually making her move - clawing a fish out and onto the bank behind them. "My trick is aiming just where they'll be instead of where they are." 

1,328 Posts
Ooc — mercury
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Master Ranger
a voice disturbed him as he was shaking water from his muzzle, and he opened his eyes, the source of the noise slowly coming into his vision. a wolf he hadn't encountered before--though she must be morningside, if she were here. and she smelt of grayday and dawn, so she must be in the pack's good graces as well.

aditya stood silently, watching her expertly snag a fish from the water's depths, and smiled. "i grew up on the coast, too," he replied, his voice rueful. "didn't get much fishing in there, though. preferred the land animals."

he sighed in remembrance. "there was this one herd of deer near the giant sequoias whose numbers never seemed to dwindle. i feasted well when i was in the area." stopping his babbling for a moment, he took another look at the woman. she was very unique, cream-colored with a ginger ruff and tail. her golden-brown eyes had a sparkle that he quite liked.

"my name is aditya, but call me 'adi,'" he introduced himself, giving a small nod to her, not unlike a respectful bow. "your face is new to me. i haven't yet met everyone here."
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
*throws sunny in* Sorry for being so late!

He had taken some time to check out the new territory, exploring a little bit each day and mapping out where everything was in his mind. Today brought him to a new place that he hadn't seen before, a pond that the stream flowed into. He was going to walk out into the open when he saw a male sitting there already, someone he had yet to meet. Honestly there were a lot of new faces he had to meet in Morningside which was both exciting and frightening to the boy. He wondered how many wolves had been told of the way he left his father behind...

The splash grabbed his attention and he laughed beneath his breath, ears flicking as the voice of yet another wolf made him look. Eyes widening he looked at the odd mane type markings around her chest and neck finding it to be pretty and intriguing all at once. Stepping from where he was hiding he walked toward the water's edge dipping his head to them both but he gave the oddly marked female a curious look. "Fishin? Never tried it honestly, but that looks hard." he said in greeting giving the male a friendly smile.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
But I know every rock and tree and creature
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Catori offered an easy smile, eyes flicking towards the fish as it continued it's flapping and flipping about. This was the point she almost regretted her kills, but, she had always been so much more comfortable with eating fish than anything else out. "We had lots of prey from the sea, the only thing we didn't eat regularly were the sea lions." Catori didn't find many people who understood her upbringing - nor her utter love for the brine of the sea. It was exciting to her to find someone who might understand even a little and her tail swayed happily behind her. "I'm Catori Corten. You can call me Cat, Grayday does." Well, he called her a number of things and that was utterly different than letting someone address her by a shorter name. 

"I've been a bit reclusive - trying to map out the waterways around here honestly." Catori felt the most comfortable in that regard, taking a head to keep things under control in that regard. She heard the approach of another, turning to watch the younger male as he approached them. She gave a chuckle as he asked about the fishing, nodding with a smile. "Mhm. Could give you some pointers, if you wanted to give it a try." Catori offered - she didn't mind the chance to get to know the others, as well, and it would be good for her to really integrate into the pack more. 

1,328 Posts
Ooc — mercury
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Master Ranger
before he could respond to catori--'cat,' rather--another wolf appeared, his expression friendly. aditya looked him over with curiosity. he looked an awfully lot like grayday, and dawn, for that matter, which meant that this must be the son his alpha had mentioned before. he gave him a jovial smile and a wag of his tail.

"you must be sunny!" he greeted. "the family resemblance is strong. i'm aditya, but everyone can call me 'adi.' pleased to meet both of you," aditya added, turning his head toward catori.

he snapped his gaze back down to the water, where the fish that had been scared away by cat's catch were slowly starting to come back round, their silvery bulging eyes wary--well, as wary as a fish could look, anyway. "you're from the sea," he muttered to catori, more of a statement than a responsive question. "north or south?"

then in puzzlement, he looked back up, turning his eyes to sunny. "wait a minute. if you are sunny--which you must be, you look so like your father--what brings you here? grayday mentioned you were part of another pack." if the young man was truly here to stay, then it was a hell of a reunion for the leader and his kids.
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Sunny relaxed fully as they responded with friendliness, something he was grateful for. Nodding his head eagerly to Catori he sat down on his haunches "I'd love that! I am always open for new things to hunt. I used ta' always go for pheasants and turkeys back at Easthollow" he agreed eagerly. Turning to the male with wide eyes as he was recognized by family similarity and smiled nervously before once again relaxing as the male introduced himself. "I am yeah. Nice to meet ya both" he said with a grin. He sat silently as Adi turned back to Cat and he himself studied her for a few moments, zoning out as he admired her pelt. She really was beautiful, one of the prettiest he had ever seen besides Keoni.

Startled by Adi's sudden words to him he jumped and looked at Adi with the guilty look of a pup caught playing with his prey, ears flattened as he silently prayed that Cat didn't notice his staring. "Wha? oh uh....Dawn came to get me at Dad's request. Since Akuti- uh i mean Khoe left, the kids have been sad. Me and Dawn went through the same thing and our family was torn apart but we want to prevent it from happening to Dauntless,Easy, and Lavender while maybe fixing our relationship." he explained honestly. He had almost forgotten that everyone here might not know Khoe had changed her name from Akuti before coming to Morningside.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
But I know every rock and tree and creature
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She'd felt his eyes on her, as fixated as he was, that near sixth-sense sensation making her fur bristle just a bit before she gave her coat a shake. It was quick enough that she expected no one to realize, after all, she'd just had her face in the water and she was certain that hadn't been the most beautiful of moments, either. She gave a low hum, considering that this was Grayday's oldest boy, and then he mentioned that Khoe had left the children motherless. It was clear that this wasn't the first time this had happened, and it wasn't an easy thing to handle - certainly the children needed someone to help them with the transition. Or maybe they'd been so young they wouldn't even remember her. That was uncomfortable of course, and she didn't want to hope for such a thing. 

"North of here," She explained as she looked to Adi again, smiling gently. "It's a bit different, and honestly, I'd never anticipated living so far inland." And they weren't even that far either. To her though as long as she'd spent it was very different trying to consider a life never on the sea again. "My cousin lives on the isle not too far from here. It's a bit more like home." But then she was here for another reason - one she wasn't exactly open to sharing at that point. 

1,328 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
adi raised an eyebrow as he noticed sunny staring transfixed at cat but said nothing, stifling a wry smile instead. the boy was young, and catori very pretty, if a bit too old for him. (then again, he thought, dawn was more than two years his junior and there seemed to be no problem. . .he hoped.) he wondered briefly whether grayday himself had eyes for this woman; breeding season was approaching fast, and the alpha unattached.

sunny was back to stay, it looked like. and for good reason, too. adi hadn't had yet the pleasure of meeting grayday's youngest litter, but he assumed the presence of both their older siblings would certainly bolster their spirits. he hadn't had any brothers or sisters and often wished he had. for company, if nothing else.

he nodded at sunny and turned back to catori, listening to her explain her roots.

"another northerner," he said ruefully, though grinning at her even as he shook his head in feigned disappointment. "eh, well, you'll deal with the winter cold a lot better than i will." and even if she did not, the pretty girl would certainly have some guy who she could curl up next to during the nights.
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
If he had been caught staring then it hadn't been brought up, So Sunny sat silently while the other two conversed. Deciding to leave them be to discuss the ocean and the north, things he hadn't really seen, he walked to the water's edge. Standing there he crouched and watched until he saw a flicker of silver just below the surface. He tensed up and leaned forward lifting a forepaw to try and swipe it from the stream. A startled yelp left his maw as the slippery creature floundered and slapped his face making him flail and end up falling face first into the water.

The coldness of it shocked him and he burst to the surface, standing up and leaping out prancing away from edge and sputtering. Not caring that he was probably being watched at this point he continued to dance around in pain as he shook his forepaw. Finally he managed to shake what was attached loose and he looked down to see a large weird shelled creature with pincers. He whimpered and backed away from it shaking the water from his pelt and eyeing Catori and Aditya hoping they wouldn't laugh at him.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
But I know every rock and tree and creature
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"I'm sure it'll be different, but, probably not as harsh as the coastline." Catori wasn't eager either for the cold. She had just never liked it much. But then, still, the teasing only made her grin too and she gave a shrug as if to say 'c'est la vie' - what could she do? And her intentions were exactly what he'd suspected. Keeping warm with someone else, cozy as could be. Sunny's movements got Catori's attention and she had to bite her lip not to laugh at him directly. Oh, she knew that frustration - she'd definitely been there before. "Here," She said soothingly as she pressed her paw to the back of it's shell and pinned it down in the muck. A few careful maneuvers and she crunched one of the pinchers off - and hopefully Sunny was paying attention. 

"You wanna try it?" She asked, keeping a careful eye and trying to avoid the other pincher whenever it swung towards her. She had always liked shellfish but it was frustrating to try and earn your meal so many times. "Once the pinchers are out of the way, it's not too hard to get to the meat. Rocks are definitely your friends for the process." She said with a little smile. Not many had the patience to try and just chew and claw through to the meat and often it wasn't enough of a caloric pay out anyways.

1,328 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
adi couldn't help but smile ruefully at sunny's misfortune, though he had the presence of mind not to laugh: the boy looked quite embarrassed, after all. instead, he sat and watched as cat showed him the ways of shellfish hunting and harvesting.

he had encountered the creatures before, down by the southern coast. been pinched a couple of times. had tried the meat, too, though he hadn't cared for it--too sweet. but they certainly were interesting animals, and catori at least knew how to deal with them.
But I know every rock and tree and creature
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Ooc —
wanna write out an ending on this one since Sunny has poofed?


Catori shrugged and took a moment, chomping the other pincher off to illustrate a decent way to avoid getting pinched. She was probably desensitized to the pinches - they still hurt, but, she was mostly used to them. Catori took a bit to work the shell open since she didn't want to leave the creature just to find a rock and then passed it over, now not moving and opened up. "Go ahead," She said encouragingly, before grinning at the pair. "Some folks never acquire the taste for it but I've always liked shellfish." Catori didn't think the others were wrong either for their choice but she definitely knew where she stood on the question of yes or no when it came to eating the tender meat. 

"How about we go check the cache?" She asked the duo - if it was lacking some maybe they could find something small to run down to boost it up a bit. Both males seemed capable, so, why not? 

i grew a human and unfortunately as a horrible side effect lost an organ - as such will be slow from time to time.
1,328 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger

he gave her a polite smile but declined, shaking his head and giving voice to the thoughts that had come to mind before. "i've tried it. not my thing," he murmured, nudging it over to sunny. "i'd take the sea fish over shellfish, salty as they are."

aditya nodded at her suggestion, wagging his tail in response. "perhaps we could take this guy back for the kids to eat. . .or, just as likely, play with," he said, pointing his nose at the kill. he smiled. "pema showed me where the caches are. i can lead the way, if you're not sure."

with a bowed head in respect toward the cream-pelted woman, he began to pad off, looking over his shoulder at sunny and catori to follow.
But I know every rock and tree and creature
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Catori gave a nod as the kill was declined, no faults there; not everyone liked the taste after all. She gave a friendly smile as she glanced over to Sunny before the suggestion was made to leave it for the kids. "That sounds perfect," She wouldn't mind seeing how they fared with the fresh meat. She scooped up the kill and took off after Aditya, shoulder bumping pleasantly against Sunny's in passing as they made their way first towards the rendezvous to deposit the shellfish for the children and then towards the caches to check how they were doing. 

By the time they parted, Catori felt comfortable with both males and a bit more in the pack too. She wanted to make sure that she was warmly received, still feeling like she somehow owed it to Grayday to make a good impression on his wolves to prove she deserved a spot there too. 

i grew a human and unfortunately as a horrible side effect lost an organ - as such will be slow from time to time.