Firefly Glen you kept your vow.
121 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
All Welcome 
Poe woke bright and early that morning, feeling ready to take on the world. The world was grey and misty with a pinkish hue that told her dawn was approaching. With a quick word to @Rye Black requesting he let the powers that be know what she was headed off to do, Poe headed out to do it. The weather was cool, but warmer than it had been in weeks. She was well-rested and well-fed. It was time to head East and see if she could find those willows somewhere in the Sunspire mountain range.

Ostregas seemed to be innately built for long, solo journeys, so she was perfectly at ease as she cantered North and East across forests, plains and forests again. There was a new pack in the Weald which had not been there when last she'd come this way, so she paused to sniff at their borders for a bit before sweeping South and respectfully around their claim. That was about midday. Fast forward another couple of hours and she found herself in the glen, sort of wishing she'd gone around this particular piece of land as well in spite of no claim being upon it.

It was awful wet, and dark. Poe quickly found herself missing the sun and lingering in the pockets of light that did manage to drip down between the thick limbs overhead. She paused to lap up a mouthful of muddy water, but quickly decided that one was enough. She glanced around then, considering. Continue East or go straight North to get out of this glen?
1,336 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he didn't want to linger too long by the lake, with all its memories. at this point, he'd no idea where he was headed, or for what purpose. all he knew was to keep moving. perhaps something worthwhile would reveal itself to him in time.

moonspear he knew was close, which he made a mental note to stay away from. alya was yet another figure from his past that he didn't want to run into. she had been the last wolf he had truly spoken to before heading to undersea; she, out of anyone, would have had the greatest clue as to his state of mind. his ugly, broken state of mind.

aditya slipped through the glen, trying to keep the blue-eyed shadow woman—or the ghost of her, at least—at bay. he was so focused on this that he was startled, a little, by the girl nearby. he bristled by instinct, but forced himself to relax, lifting his chin instead in query as he chuffed to her.

lost? he asked.
121 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Poe was trying to get her bearings when she heard the stranger approach. She turned to spot him through the trees just as he spotted her. She watched him as he bristled, but remained calm herself and met him with a friendly smile. He didn't look dangerous to her. But of course, no one ever had. She was too good at giving others the benefit of the doubt. It'd probably get her killed one day.

"Nah, I don't think I've ever been lost before," Poe answered with a wag of her tail, "Though I am wondering what might be the quickest way out of this place. I'm not really loving the scenery. Do you happen to know?" She lifted a mucky paw and gave it a shake to fling some of the mud off of it.
1,336 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he raised a brow at her bold statement, but said nothing otherwise, contemplating the query given. i don't know if it's the quickest way, aditya responded slowly, but for what it's worth, i haven't been traveling for very long, and i came through that way. he craned his neck to peer over his shoulder, down the path he had cut through the glen.

his golden eyes rested on her as he straightened once more. sorry i can't be of more help, he murmured, his voice rueful. at least you're not, well, lost. are you headed anywhere in particular? perhaps i know your destination.

yes, perhaps. and perhaps it's a destination he wants to forget, too.
121 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Poe peered in the direction he had come from and nodded gratefully. It would be a little bit of backtracking for her, but she was okay with anything at this point. She just wanted the sun on her fur again. Winter wasn't her season, and to finally get some sunshine again, only to be deprived of it under these trees was more than she could stand.

She smiled at his offer to help, even though he didn't seem particularly emphatic about offering it. "Hey, I appreciate anything you got - no need for sorries," Poe said with a small shake of her head before answering his question, "I'm headed East towards the mountains. I'm looking for a forest of willows where a pack might reside that I've been told sits on the North Eastern edge of a long mountain range called the Sunspire mountains. D'you know it?" The Ostrega was feeling pretty confident she was on the right track already, but validation was always welcome.
1,336 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
she had a nice, easy demeanor; it gave him back his gentle smile, transforming his face to something more like it once was. she was asking for directions (though not lost!)—a willow forest at the base of the sunspire mountains. a willow forest northeast of the sunspire mountains. . .

"no, chikni raat, you're not sick, i know."

aditya smelled her, suddenly, so sweet it was almost cloying. even the memory of the scent was enough to make his legs tremble.

"i love you, coelacanth."

yes, he said faintly, mouth suddenly dry, the smile gone from his face. well, i've encountered a forest like that, near the sunspire mountains. full of willows. there wasn't a pack there, though—

they had been very alone

i-i think. yes. no one was there. aditya paused, trying to get the pounding of his heart under control, and attempted a glance at her. sorry. again. i wish i could be of more help.
121 Posts
Ooc — Stevie

"Oh my gosh, that is so wonderful. Thank you so much for the information," Poe grinned broadly when the stranger confirmed she was likely on the right track. The news that the pack wasn't there was slightly a bummer, but not an entirely unexpected one. In her travels she had learned that packs like the one her mother lead that had lived in the forest for generations and generations were not exactly common. Wolves stuck together, sure, but they didn't always stay put. They followed herds, were forced out by natural disaster, or simply longed for changes of scenery. The Keep had been new when Harlyn and Mordecai had lived there, and it was apparently the rare pack that was able to hang on and become a dynasty.

It was, at least, enough of a downer that she caught onto the shift in the mood here, though. That stole her attention entirely once she spotted it. Her head tilted slightly as she looked at him and her eyes filled with concern. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked, her ears falling back as she studied him and more signs of his distress began to stand out to her.
1,336 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
her reaction, at least, was a ray of sunlight through the clouds that had rolled in, so suddenly. he gave her a weak smile, nodding in acceptance of her thanks. at her query, he shrugged and shook his head, trying to find the easy, breezy attitude he'd once wielded so well before.

i'm fine, ladki, aditya said, gently but with an edge to it that suggested argument to the contrary was futile. memories, you know? just some old memories, old friends. . .

with one small, final shake of his pelt, he canted his head at her, the smile still remaining. so, are you headed that way now, then? i'd love to accompany you, except i'm headed the other way. but i've friends in that area; they're— he swallowed again. friends. right. not as if he could tell her to say hello for him, or anything.

it's full of good wolves, adi mustered, a hasty amendment of his previous thought. you'll be just fine, there.
121 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
His I'm fine, ladki was unconvincing (and a little confusing... what's a ladki? is she a ladki? She assumed she must be), but Poe was not going to argue. She was perceptive enough to recognize when she'd stumbled upon a topic someone didn't particularly want to discuss. He seemed haunted by the memories and friends he mentioned, which she could understand. Poe didn't carry ghosts of her own with her, but she was not unfamiliar with what they could do to a person.

"Well, I do love hearing there are good wolves in my future," Poe said lightly, hoping to bring a smile out of him (or something like it at least), "I'm told way too often in my travels to avoid going that direction or steer clear of that pack--they're a bunch of crazies. It's so refreshing to hear of goodness in the world."
1,336 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
his eyes sparkled. i've heard quite a bit of that, myself. not that it's not true, aditya amended, thinking of some of the less-friendly faces he'd come across here. but there are still good wolves, yes. it's only that they're quiet about being good, and the bad ones make their presence known. unfortunately for her; this fact of life had a way of souring someone quite early on.

the dank, cold water seeping into his paws reminded him that it was time to move on. he shifted and gave her a sheepish smile. best of luck finding what you're looking for, he said in farewell. i'm sure you'll be just fine. . .ah, did you mention your name? did i?

he chuckled, shaking his head. i'm aditya. it was good to meet you.

once they had, presumably, exchanged names, the man went on his way again, slogging through the mire with a much better attitude than he'd had before, despite the (unwelcome) blast from the past. he was just happy that optimism seemed to still be a thing, even though he himself had become so jaded.
121 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
It seemed to work, but only just. His mood seemed lighter as he responded to her, speaking of truths that made great sense to her. "I suppose we'll just have to be a little louder then," Poe commented with a wry smile, "Remind the world that we're still here."

He went onto farewells and, funnily enough, introductions. "I didn't! I'm Poe," she responded in kind, "It was really nice meeting you too. I hope you have safe travels, wherever your road is taking you." With that, she trotted happily forward and gave a friendly poke to his cheek before heading out in the direction he had recommended.