flourishing with sexual ardour she is perfect, but it were perfectly determined breeding that had crafted her. she was designed to be a wife long before her forming in the womb. groomed, teached, and decorated to be a perfect lady. her voloptuous figure naturally moving in only complementary fashion. her gait is almost fashionable, her thick fur seeming to float alongside her. the vision is almost ethereal. she would bring herself to a slow as she arrived at a stream and before she met exhaustions cruel fingers. it was not becoming of a lady to be left breathless unless it were her soldier leaving her in such a state. tongue ravishing the cool spring there was delight in the chill that coursed through her, and much as she had found to be typical of this place--she is brought to the realization she is not alone. it was best she weren't. magdalene had never done well on her own. it was an inferior state of mind.
The huntress walked with palpable pride. She'd come to realize two things: both her worth as a leader, and her potential as a mother. After her meeting with Astaroth, Ying decided to visit the stream and try her luck with an afternoon meal.
There was an unfamiliar woman waiting there, drinking from the islanders' stream. Ying barked, but smelled the faint scent of her sister on the wind and quieted her initial doubts. Still unsure, she lifted her tail and trotted closer to investigate.
There was an unfamiliar woman waiting there, drinking from the islanders' stream. Ying barked, but smelled the faint scent of her sister on the wind and quieted her initial doubts. Still unsure, she lifted her tail and trotted closer to investigate.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

April 03, 2020, 09:30 PM
magdalene is quiet, cautious, and yet remains poised all while awaiting her newest acquintance. immediately her eyes are drawn to a hell of a woman. unfortunately, magdalene meant exactly that. she was a warrior's build. there was the innate feminity, but beyond that she was clearly built for something else. why was she bred this way? the inquiry lingering on her mind as the woman found herself admiring the sinew that curled betwixt her fur and flesh as she impeded the space she had felt was her own. "madame," her velvety lyrics filling the air between them as magdalene has retired from the water and left her attention for the taking. "do you need zomething?" she is quick to ask for her purpose. there is little disposable time in her world and she is found only wandering what she could do to impress upon her that her time was actually running short. tick tock.
April 03, 2020, 09:34 PM
Do you need something?—
Ying remained at attention, her hackles now standing on edge.
You are close to my territory. This is my hunting land.She quickly examined the stranger, eyeing each area of the woman's body with careful gaze. Although attractive, she was rude, both of which appeared as threats in her current position.
Ying remained at attention, her hackles now standing on edge.
Do you need something?she asked in turn. If not, she would expect the stranger to escort herself out.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

April 03, 2020, 09:49 PM
how remarkable. the woman's land? this would grasp the immediate attention of the cream clad woman and her lips would find themselved morphed into a coy fashion, "oh mon dieu," she drawls on with direct disregard. land belonged to man. silly girl. she reclines on her rear. there was no need to act as though she posed a thread, for she did not, and she did not want meaningless war between women. if this one tried perhaps a man could love her as one would adore her soon enough, "i am close to your territory, but have i traversed your lines? non," she clarifies for her. spoken so matter of factly the vanilla body is relaxed. she would not find herself threatening anyone. it was uncharacteric of her and entirely unladylike. uncalled for. "non, i need for nothing. zimply a drink. i would offer little problem had you not happened upon me,"
April 03, 2020, 10:00 PM
The stranger hadn't crossed their border, but she had wandered onto a claimed part of their home. There were caches hidden here, valuable goods stored within them. Although she didn't appear to pose a threat, Ying did not like the idea of allowing her to roam freely.
She held her stance, watching the woman shift onto her side.
She held her stance, watching the woman shift onto her side.
There would be no problem if you had not been here, she argued. Ying couldn't blame the woman for having not known, but she chose to ignore the faults in her own logic.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

April 03, 2020, 10:08 PM
The chatter of voices soon drew her to the river. Both familiar- eyes narrow as she comes upon Ying and the brainless girl, her sister especially bristling in defense. Huā could not blame her- this was the second time, the girl had been found wandering too close to the island for comfort. Once, forgiveness would be given. Twice, was too much. Of course this was likely Ying's first encounter with the woman- but it was Huā's second, and it did not take her long to form an opinion on the admittedly pretty snake.
She approaches bristling like a reflection of her sister. Albeit less muscular, more willowy and curvy- but annoyed all the same. Her tail lashes as she approaches, chin lifted into the air. She wastes no time today,
She approaches bristling like a reflection of her sister. Albeit less muscular, more willowy and curvy- but annoyed all the same. Her tail lashes as she approaches, chin lifted into the air. She wastes no time today,
What you think you doing here, fool? Leave. Before we call out the warriors,She hisses, seaglass eyes narrowed into shards of ice. Paying a glance to Ying, she murmurs

April 04, 2020, 05:32 PM
reveling in the chaos that has come down around herself the woman would find herself ever so pleased that two women would be so jealous they felt the need to violently run her off. [[i]god doesn't like ugly] "dieu n'aime pas laid," her body remains relaxed. truth be told she had never been put into a situation like so. women were much more reasonable where she came from. they knew thier place and rarely did more than bitch at one another. a new figure, albeit not new to her, would apparate and the beginning of a smile would grimace over her features. it immediately returned to a narrow line as she realized this familiar woman was not going to be any better company than before. she had assumed that the issue aforementioned had been with abaddon. she would learn otherwise today., "i'm on my way out, jezebel," she coos with elegant control, "you would disturb your men to come handle a problem as simple as me?" her head twists in questioning--confusion encompassing her mind. why would--dear god were her warriors women? magdalene felt the urge to ask her why she was this way. did her parents not raise her properly? sad.
April 04, 2020, 05:52 PM
The men answer when called, she replied. Another step forward, this one accompanied by a bubbling growl.
This problem is not simple, and I can handle it alone.Fighting, she assumed, would be too risky in her current state; although Ying wanted to begin a chase, she didn't want to endanger either of the present litters.
The guardian snapped her jaws and took another step, then another, until she was close enough to feel plumes of the woman's breath. She turned to Hua and squinted her eyes, silently asking her sister to remain uninvolved. Her attention shifted back to the stranger, and again, she snarled her final warning.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

The unbearable woman speaks more and more, worshipping men as it seemed she always did. Brainless. Ying signals for her not to get involved, and though Huā had no intentions of risking the babies growing within, she would not stand back and let her sister be the only aggressor. Two women were stronger than one, and certainly one experienced warrior and one experienced swimmer were stronger than a fat bitch with an attitude.
Huā did not approach, but hung back, pearly fangs bared into a fearsome snarl.
Huā did not approach, but hung back, pearly fangs bared into a fearsome snarl.
Fuck off, mindless bitch,She snarls, her accent doing nothing to downplay the strength in her words.
Maybe where you come from, man is your god. Go find one and lick his ass. Here women are in charge,She growls, ears flattened against her head. Chin lifted upward,
Get a drink elsewhere.

April 04, 2020, 10:05 PM
these were positively the most dull women she had ever met and she knew that there would be no fun to be had here in any near future. perhaps it were the differing perspectives? no, they had harshly judged her and so magdalene would come to the discovery there would be no reasoning with them. still, the hostility in the premisis was growing rapidly and magdalene knew that fighting was not within her scope. she couldn't risk coming out damaged--but could they?
a crooked smile curved her inky lips and she would rise to her feet and while she would not offer any visible submission she would hold her head this day. she had done nothing wrong and was being pressured into fleeing a perfectly fair land to share, "ive had my share," she taunts to them before verbally she adheres to their wishes, "i'll leave the area as soon as i collect my man and you'll not be bothered again, dames," and she does aim to leave the area by passing by them and shaking her head in an attempt to make sense of anything.
a crooked smile curved her inky lips and she would rise to her feet and while she would not offer any visible submission she would hold her head this day. she had done nothing wrong and was being pressured into fleeing a perfectly fair land to share, "ive had my share," she taunts to them before verbally she adheres to their wishes, "i'll leave the area as soon as i collect my man and you'll not be bothered again, dames," and she does aim to leave the area by passing by them and shaking her head in an attempt to make sense of anything.
April 05, 2020, 02:48 PM
花镇, she laughed,
谁教你这么说的?Her eyes were still trained on the stranger's path. There were too many wolves wandering this part of the coast, and knowing their opinions of the unofficial claim didn't soothe the guardian's nerves.
She bent down and sniffed at the woman's tracks.
她会回来的, Ying sighed. Unfortunately, there weren't enough soldiers to enact their large aspirations.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

April 05, 2020, 03:09 PM
she speaking chinese I just b lazy
The girl leaves, and the siren watches on until the ugly bitch dissapeared from sight. She turns back to Ying then, expression finally brightening. Huā only laughs in response to her sister's question.
Sometimes words like this are the only way to rid ourselves of these people except violence.She chuckles light-heartedly.
As her sister assumes the girl would be back, Huā nods.
Unforetunately. I wish sometimes that there were two of me- one to live on the island, and the other to patrol our hunting grounds.She sighs then, but offers the silver a little smile.
Thank you for stepping up.

April 10, 2020, 07:41 AM
something about her sister's statement made ying uncomfortable. she didn't want to mislead hua, making her believe that ying would accept the duties of a domestic empress. although she had agreed to lead, it wouldn't necessarily be in the way which had been assumed.
那是我的职责.ying looked over her shoulder, directly into hua's eyes. she wanted to be understood.
您将领导该岛,而我将领导我们的防御.hua would remain the empress of their people, while ying continued with her duties as the head of jūnshì. of course, these would overlap, but she liked the idea of keeping the lanes separate.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

April 15, 2020, 06:42 PM
Ying looked into her eyes, expression something serious. The siren listened closely; they were a team, and if Ying had a specific way she wanted to operate, Huā would be satisfied with it as long as it was perfect for both of them.
Once the nuvujak was done explaining, Huā nodded simply.
Once the nuvujak was done explaining, Huā nodded simply.
好。She affirmed, and then turned back to the isle. She was ready to return home, and began to wander off towards their base whether or not Ying followed.

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