@Santiago - set immediately after this thread. Mild powerplay - let me know if I need to change it!
Warnings: dissociation, suicidal thoughts and discussion.
Warnings: dissociation, suicidal thoughts and discussion.
The blood drying on his fur was sticky and uncomfortable, but it was nothing in comparison to the feeling of the proverbial hole punched through his chest. Of course, the puncture wounds didn't help his case, oozing blood all over his snowy white pelt and causing his vision to tunnel. His paws felt numb, his chest was empty, and nothing felt real. Was Clarence real? Or was he just 734T3?
It took some cajoling and nudging, but eventually Clarence was guided away from the training grounds. The boy had never felt so overwhelmingly desolate before in his life, tears and blood staining his cheeks and muzzle. He needed to wash off, and he knew it, but he didn't want to.
This is who he was. And if Memory died from this, he would never forgive himself.
Clarence turned to face Santiago, garnet eyes broken. "Kill me," he whispered, ears lowering to press against his skull. "Please. I can't... I can't hurt anyone else like this. What if I killed him?" he asked, voice shallow and hushed in the space between himself and the older wolf.
April 09, 2020, 06:42 AM
Sorry for the late reply! Didn’t get a pm saying I was tagged haha! And Nah you’re fine! Also sorry for the actual book I just wrote lol
He gently ushers the other wolf away from the prying eyes of the pack. He knows the younger isn’t fairing well at all. The utter pain, emotionally and physically, displayed in those ruby red eyes that amaze the older male so. The color of fresh, hot blood. The thought brings Santi back to the younger stained all over in his own, and Memory’s, life force. He maimed the others face fairly well but Santi knows the other will make it. The damage wasn’t as life threatening as it seemed, the only way he sees the other dying is from infection or blood loss but still the threat is there.
As they come to a shaky halt, those same eyes come to gaze up to his own. They’re so broken. Tears filling them, the rugged misery so blatant, his eyes so crystal clear as to display every emotion. Santi’s own eyes are unable to leave the others, Clarence utters out to him. For the monstrous wolf to kill him. Sputters about hurting others and the possibility of Memory’s pending death.
Instantly Santiago’s face falls from hardened to strikingly sweet. He shakes his head to the other, gently but briefly landing a paw onto his shoulder. “Sit.” He orders to the other softly.
As they sit, the larger male comes impossibly close, as he inches closer to press their chest together, he hooks his neck around the others in a type of hug. Gabriel is the last person to expect any type of soft boy comfort from but somehow this naive little shithead has wiggled his way into Santi’s defenses. The motion is slow and comforting, the male cautious of his wounds.
He pulls back only slightly to gaze upon the punctures that are so pronounced with blood. He hums thoughtfully and hushes the other. Tongue flicking out to run over the others wounds gently. The tang of the others blood is metallic on his tongue just as many before, it doesn’t taste as good. It’s not satisfying. Santi blames it on his odd sweet spot for the wolf-dog before him. So he licks the wound a couple more times, whispering comforting Spanish words that he’s sure the other won’t understand.
He pulls back once more giving him a break from the pain and gazing down intently into his eyes. “I will not kill you. You don’t need to die. It wasn’t anyone’s fault, shit happens sometimes, cariño.” He whispers down to him. “I will help you overcome this fear in time, but you have to understand that it’s possible to learn to control it. Maybe not now, but you will learn.” He offers his services. He wants the younger to get better, to be better at everything. To be a fierce warrior without the fear of his past.
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April 10, 2020, 12:16 AM
You're totally fine ^^
Now was probably a bad time for awakening feelings, but as Clarence was pushed into a sitting position and wrapped up in a hug - possibly his first one ever - his emotions began to war inside of him. Sadness, misery, fear, it was all there of course, but there was this warmth settling in his chest that surprised the boy. He'd never really felt anything like that before.
Clarence leaned into the touch slowly, almost greedily, and rested his head on the massive wolf's shoulder. Red eyes fell shut as he soaked up the comfort, ears lowered and face smoothing out. There was no doubt that physical touch was certainly the best way to soothe the younger wolf.
The boy was dizzy from emotions, but also the fact that the injuries on his chest were still oozing and he hadn't had food that day to keep his blood sugar up. And with blood loss on top of it, it had been an awful combination. He poorly stifled a whine when Santiago leaned away from him just to come back in and lick the injuries on his chest, and Clarence tilted toward him.
Cautiously, almost afraid that he was doing something wrong, the boy nosed at the older wolf's cropped ears. It wasn't the best time to be taking in Santi's scent, with his senses so tinged with blood as they were, but it was so comforting that he couldn't help it.
Dazed, he had to catch himself when Santiago pulled away the second time. Round eyes looked up at the older man and he sagged just a bit. "I... why do you care about me so much?" he asked, ears burning and shoulders tensing up just a bit in anticipation. He'd thought Santiago would be too busy with the woman - Serem. They seemed to spend so much time together.
April 11, 2020, 05:39 AM
The bloodied wolf-dog greedily takes in the affection Santi offers. He doesn’t hesitate to lean into the other, it doesn’t seem to surprise Gabe either. Already he can see the change, Clarence’s muscles previously drawn tight are finally relaxing as much as they’re able to as he lies his heavy head on his shoulder.
Only moments later, Santiago pulls away and can see the wanting in the others body language. He’s not away for long before he begins licking his wounds and the other is nosing his ruined ears intriguingly. The breath from the others nostrils makes the tag on his ear shift and his ears twitch at such close contact. The larger wolf can’t take his eyes of the attention starved boy. Ivory hues stuck onto the softening face of the other as his tongue runs along the wounds. Not at all bothered by their close quarters, he decides he rather enjoys the urgent way the other thrives for touch. A lopsided grin makes it home on his face at the others reaction.
Then as he pulls away and explains to him how he could help, the other hits him with quite the curious question. Why do you care about me so much? Then it hits him. Does he care about him? He quite possibly could, he doesn’t see why not. The boy has a certain type of naive charm that makes him irresistible to toy with, accompanied with his soft, dog like features that are easy on the eyes. Santi finds himself protective of him after their journey west. Even though he’s triggered his horrid flashbacks multiple times, the boy still obediently runs back; a smile, a confident wag of his tail, and that sweet look in his eyes.
To answer his question is hard even for himself. He doesn’t know particularly why but he just knows that he does care for him. So he gazes down to the other, a lightly cocked brow in thought and his usual smirk slowly spreads across his face, thankfully it’s not as malicious as usual. He watches the others face contort with emotion and he finds it lovely. He stands to his full height still gazing down to the other fondly.
“Not too sure,” He says to him. “But just know that I do.” Then he leans in closer with a wink and a comforting bump of his muzzle to the others cheek. “Don’t fucking tell anyone I said that.” The male chuckles slightly. “They’ll think I’m soft.” He adds ruefully.
Backing up only slightly he nods to him. “Your wounds aren’t the worst but you’ll still need attention. And please,” Santi pauses and looks to him expectantly. “don’t beat yourself up about it, amigo. If you feel some type of way come find me.” He says softly once more. “You can come sleep by my den tonight if you need, cariño.” He offers.
Only moments later, Santiago pulls away and can see the wanting in the others body language. He’s not away for long before he begins licking his wounds and the other is nosing his ruined ears intriguingly. The breath from the others nostrils makes the tag on his ear shift and his ears twitch at such close contact. The larger wolf can’t take his eyes of the attention starved boy. Ivory hues stuck onto the softening face of the other as his tongue runs along the wounds. Not at all bothered by their close quarters, he decides he rather enjoys the urgent way the other thrives for touch. A lopsided grin makes it home on his face at the others reaction.
Then as he pulls away and explains to him how he could help, the other hits him with quite the curious question. Why do you care about me so much? Then it hits him. Does he care about him? He quite possibly could, he doesn’t see why not. The boy has a certain type of naive charm that makes him irresistible to toy with, accompanied with his soft, dog like features that are easy on the eyes. Santi finds himself protective of him after their journey west. Even though he’s triggered his horrid flashbacks multiple times, the boy still obediently runs back; a smile, a confident wag of his tail, and that sweet look in his eyes.
To answer his question is hard even for himself. He doesn’t know particularly why but he just knows that he does care for him. So he gazes down to the other, a lightly cocked brow in thought and his usual smirk slowly spreads across his face, thankfully it’s not as malicious as usual. He watches the others face contort with emotion and he finds it lovely. He stands to his full height still gazing down to the other fondly.
“Not too sure,” He says to him. “But just know that I do.” Then he leans in closer with a wink and a comforting bump of his muzzle to the others cheek. “Don’t fucking tell anyone I said that.” The male chuckles slightly. “They’ll think I’m soft.” He adds ruefully.
Backing up only slightly he nods to him. “Your wounds aren’t the worst but you’ll still need attention. And please,” Santi pauses and looks to him expectantly. “don’t beat yourself up about it, amigo. If you feel some type of way come find me.” He says softly once more. “You can come sleep by my den tonight if you need, cariño.” He offers.
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April 12, 2020, 12:31 AM
Physical touch was not something Clarence had ever been indulged with, but it certainly did the trick, soothing him and calming him down. But perhaps it was because it was Santiago that was doing the comforting that made him feel so much better. Maybe the man would scare others - he was huge, after all, with mangled ears and scars covering his body. But there was something so calming about the silver of his eyes, like the moon itself reflecting off of ice.
And perhaps Clarence should be more careful. Perhaps it would be smarter to be more cautious with the man, but even if he could manage to be suspicious, he most likely wouldn't want to be. Not with how warm his chest was around Santiago, and how safe he felt. The camaraderie they had, both being part of a fighting ring. Both surviving.
Clarence stood alongside the man, head tilting slightly to the side and tail setting at a hesitant wag as he waited on Santiago's response. It wasn't anxiety that he felt about how he would reply, but more eagerness. And the man responded much the way the younger expected, which caused another smile to form on his maw.
"I won't tell," he assured, pressing the side of his head against Santiago's shoulder before they separated again. "I care about you too, Santiago. You're a really good friend." Friend. Clarence had never really had friends before, but he was glad that he had one now. One that cared about him, and who he cared about too. Nightwalkers might not be the perfect home, but he was happy with Santiago here.
He'd almost forgotten the stinging in his chest and the drying blood on his fur. "The wounds will be okay," he said, looking down at them. They weren't nearly as deep as what he'd experienced before - Memory had been holding back. "I don't want to bother Serem. If it gets worse, I'll see her." His ears angled toward the man and he furrowed his brows at the invitation, head tilting to the opposite side. "Does she not sleep with you?" he asked, trying to ignore the sharp spike of jealousy that hit him out of nowhere. His paws shuffled and he lowered his ears, willing the feeling away.
So what if Santiago and Serem shared a den? They could do whatever they wanted to do, and it was none of Clarence's business.
And perhaps Clarence should be more careful. Perhaps it would be smarter to be more cautious with the man, but even if he could manage to be suspicious, he most likely wouldn't want to be. Not with how warm his chest was around Santiago, and how safe he felt. The camaraderie they had, both being part of a fighting ring. Both surviving.
Clarence stood alongside the man, head tilting slightly to the side and tail setting at a hesitant wag as he waited on Santiago's response. It wasn't anxiety that he felt about how he would reply, but more eagerness. And the man responded much the way the younger expected, which caused another smile to form on his maw.
"I won't tell," he assured, pressing the side of his head against Santiago's shoulder before they separated again. "I care about you too, Santiago. You're a really good friend." Friend. Clarence had never really had friends before, but he was glad that he had one now. One that cared about him, and who he cared about too. Nightwalkers might not be the perfect home, but he was happy with Santiago here.
He'd almost forgotten the stinging in his chest and the drying blood on his fur. "The wounds will be okay," he said, looking down at them. They weren't nearly as deep as what he'd experienced before - Memory had been holding back. "I don't want to bother Serem. If it gets worse, I'll see her." His ears angled toward the man and he furrowed his brows at the invitation, head tilting to the opposite side. "Does she not sleep with you?" he asked, trying to ignore the sharp spike of jealousy that hit him out of nowhere. His paws shuffled and he lowered his ears, willing the feeling away.
So what if Santiago and Serem shared a den? They could do whatever they wanted to do, and it was none of Clarence's business.
April 12, 2020, 02:02 AM
Oh my goodness. You’re post was a work of art! <3
When the other sprouts a smile and basically cries to the whole world that he cares about Santiago as well it makes his teeth show in a more genuine grin. Then he mentions only going to see Serem if the wounds get worse and Santi raises a brow at him. “No, no, no, you need to at least put medicine on it and wash it.” He chides not too seriously, smile still there.
Then the kids spouts the most incredulous sentence. Does she not sleep with you? And he dares ask it with those big, ruby red eyes of his. Santi tilts his head curiously. No they haven’t shared a den. Is that what it looks like? He thinks with a devious smile crossing his features once more. He notices the other shift uncomfortably, the ears falling back and it only causes his smirk to curl menacingly.
The boy either feels weird to ask and assumes the answer is correct or there’s something else Santi is picking up on. Judging by the doe eyed way the male gazes upon Santi. The larger male is beginning to believe there’s something sweet little Clarence could be hiding.
So, as per usual, Santi likes to push him to the edge to gauge his reactions. He winks to the other, “Only sometimes, cariño.” He jokes smoothly. Even though the answer is a complete lie.
He circles around the male and brushes against is previously wagging tail and comes to halt on his right side. Pressing against him, his breath tickles the rim of the others ear as whispers, “You’re more than welcome to tonight though.”
Walking ahead of him he chuckles. “Would you like to come with me to the water so I can help you wash your wounds?” He asks seriously now, only the ghost of a smirk on his maw.
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April 12, 2020, 02:19 AM
thank you <3 i've gotta work hard to keep up with yours though!!
Clarence wanted to argue against the medicine, that just the washing would be fine, but he didn't. Not when Santiago was being so nice to him and taking care of him like this - it would just be rude of him to try and argue with the man.
If he were better at picking up on it, he'd be able to tell Santiago was lying about Serem sleeping with him, but as it were, a bit of disappointment opened up in the boy's belly. Was it wrong of him to be upset about that? He wasn't sure. It wasn't like he was the boss of Santiago or anything, so if the man wanted to share his den with the woman he could. She was probably much more Santiago's type anyway - bigger, stronger, more stable.
Before he could fathom an answer to that, the older wolf was pressing up against his side, and since Clarence could hide no emotion, he was helpless as the hair along his back stood up and his body went stiff. The warmth that had built in his chest blossomed and spread throughout his entire body and he wanted to hear that voice all the time.
But there were two parts of him at war. One, the one that liked it, wanted to lean in and do whatever the man wanted. The other wanted to shy away, afraid of that type of contact. And Clarence wasn't sure what to do.
"Do you want me to, tonight?" he asks, voice hushed, and turns his eyes up to look at the man. Hopeful, anxious, unsure. Every emotion laid out on the table for anyone to see.
And then the man was turning away and heading off, and Clarence hesitated slightly before padding after him. The injuries on his chest were beginning to hurt, and he winced a little before straightening his gait - showing weakness was frowned upon where he'd come from. "Y-yes, please," he said, still flustered, as he fell into step behind the man. He needed to get the wounds cleaned and the blood off of his fur, and Santiago was being so nice - if a little confusing. "Thank you."
April 12, 2020, 02:55 AM
(This post was last modified: April 12, 2020, 02:56 AM by Santiago Arcos.)
Thank you for the kudos!! And thank again for the compliment!! And honestly your writing is great all the time so don’t fret! ;)
Santi soaks up the way the smaller reacts when he pressed against him. When the boy asks him the question, he’s barely moving off of him. “If I didn’t want you to I wouldn’t have asked, cariño.” He offers, voice soft as to not scare the boy off. His choice of words sounded rough enough, so he has to soften it up with that deep leathery voice of his.
Then the other is follows him eagerly as he begins to walk away. It’s not too far till the closest stream. Though with night settling in, a fog rolls in as well as the darkness. He nods for the other to catch up and walk beside him, slowing his gait so as the other can keep up more comfortably. The company between them comfortable as they trek closer to their destination.
Eventually the whisper of a flowing stream is within earshot. Sidling over to the water, Santi lowers his head, black tongue falling out to lap up the clear liquid. They aren’t alone, for fireflies are out tonight, illuminating the fog that blankets the forest floor. They dance along the stream and only catch Santi’s moon like eyes for a minute. Rather those devious hues stick on the male beside him, mouth daring to curl at the ends subtly.
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April 13, 2020, 11:15 PM
You're so sweet ;-;
Clarence offered the man a small smile and waved his tail slowly, padding after him. It was odd the effect Santiago had on him, though Clarence was unaware of his own affect on the older wolf as well. How easy it was to forget the incident with Memory, even momentarily.
It was darkening by the time they reached the stream, and the boy hesitated before lowering his head to take a drink for himself. It was tinged with the flavor of blood and he cringed, pupils dilating just a little before he shook the feeling off.
Red eyes flicked up to Santiago and he smiled, waiting for the man to finish drinking before he stepped more fully into the water. Blood washed off of him in a dense, rusty cloud. It was almost pretty, washing off of his white fur in the moonlight. He didn't want to do this, really, but if he was going to be sleeping near Santiago, he didn't want to be dirty.
April 14, 2020, 12:40 AM
As they drink together the older male continues to keep eyes on Clarence. The boy is sensitive at the moment no doubt. Raising his head he watches the other dip himself into the water and he cocks a brow. “You’re gonna be cold tonight, amigo.” He comments as the other bravely dips his body in the stream.
Santi’s silver eyes are akin to the moon as he gazes upon the other. The crimson that seems so black in the dim light is beginning to wash off that silver coat of his. He disappoints himself when he realizes that he doesn’t want to see the wolf dogs own blood staining his white fur; he wants to see the blood of others staining it.
As the other seems cleaned off Santi grins and backs away from the shoreline as he’s sure the other will shake the water from his pelt. “After you’re done, we’ll head to the dens. Medicine can wait ‘till tomorrow.”
Santi’s silver eyes are akin to the moon as he gazes upon the other. The crimson that seems so black in the dim light is beginning to wash off that silver coat of his. He disappoints himself when he realizes that he doesn’t want to see the wolf dogs own blood staining his white fur; he wants to see the blood of others staining it.
As the other seems cleaned off Santi grins and backs away from the shoreline as he’s sure the other will shake the water from his pelt. “After you’re done, we’ll head to the dens. Medicine can wait ‘till tomorrow.”
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April 14, 2020, 11:57 PM
"That's okay." Better cold than bloody. But that didn't seem to want to happen, however, as the water did reopen the puncture wounds on his chest. It wasn't going to be that bad, he could already tell, but his blood was running in diluted rivulets down his chest as he stepped out. The boy let Santiago step back appropriately before shaking his fur off.
Clarence looked up to Santiago, still damp but considerably cleaner, sans the current fresh blood on his chest. "Thank you for being here with me," he said genuinely, offering him a small smile. "I'm sorry I'm so... fucked up." That word sounded about right for what he was, Clarence thought.
Clarence looked up to Santiago, still damp but considerably cleaner, sans the current fresh blood on his chest. "Thank you for being here with me," he said genuinely, offering him a small smile. "I'm sorry I'm so... fucked up." That word sounded about right for what he was, Clarence thought.
April 15, 2020, 01:17 AM
The smaller sidles over to the great bear of a wolf and thanks him. Fucking thanks him. For a minute, Santi doesn’t know what to say or really how to feel. He understands everyone needs someone, but he’s never had that someone. He’s getting soft. He’d laugh in the face of those who’re weak, but he just assumes it’s him getting softer with age. Or so he hopes.
Again Santi wonders what to say before finally settling on a simple, rolling “You’re welcome, cariño.” He even dares to return the words accompanied by a gentle smile, embarrassingly out of character. Even as he says these things so sweetly to the other his twin moons stare at the blood leaking from his wound devilishly.
The other moves onto his next sentence too fast and Santi snaps his eyes back to the big ol’ red ones gazing hopefully back up to him. How sweet. Then he remembers vaguely hearing the word fuck come from the boy and he marks it down as one of the first times he’s heard the other curse. Unless he just doesn’t remember when he did it before.
It causes him to chuckle, the laugh reaching his eyes genuinely. “Amigo,” he starts dramatically. “I’m sorry I’m so fucked up. And you have to deal with me.” He says to lighten up the mood, even though he’s moderately serious. The boy seems to enjoy his company so he’s sure he wouldn’t even want an apology. “And fuck, look at you; using your big boy words ‘n’ shit.” He laughs even harder.
After his light laugher dies down, he shakes his head, that same smile back on his maw. “Let’s head back.” He murmurs as he turns to lead the path back to the grotto.
Again Santi wonders what to say before finally settling on a simple, rolling “You’re welcome, cariño.” He even dares to return the words accompanied by a gentle smile, embarrassingly out of character. Even as he says these things so sweetly to the other his twin moons stare at the blood leaking from his wound devilishly.
The other moves onto his next sentence too fast and Santi snaps his eyes back to the big ol’ red ones gazing hopefully back up to him. How sweet. Then he remembers vaguely hearing the word fuck come from the boy and he marks it down as one of the first times he’s heard the other curse. Unless he just doesn’t remember when he did it before.
It causes him to chuckle, the laugh reaching his eyes genuinely. “Amigo,” he starts dramatically. “I’m sorry I’m so fucked up. And you have to deal with me.” He says to lighten up the mood, even though he’s moderately serious. The boy seems to enjoy his company so he’s sure he wouldn’t even want an apology. “And fuck, look at you; using your big boy words ‘n’ shit.” He laughs even harder.
After his light laugher dies down, he shakes his head, that same smile back on his maw. “Let’s head back.” He murmurs as he turns to lead the path back to the grotto.
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April 15, 2020, 10:44 PM
Clarence wasn't really aware of the type of affect he was having on the older wolf, nor how Santiago was affecting him in return. There was just this immense feeling of rightness and contentment whenever he was with the man, like he was safe and secure and home. And maybe it was weird, or unusual, or a strange arrangement that they had, but it worked, and Clarence didn't want it to go away.
Santiago says the customary 'you're welcome' and Clarence had thought that would be the end of it, but instead, he goes on to apologize for his own shortcomings, and that just wouldn't do. "No," he said quickly, shaking his head. "I don't have to deal with you. I like you." His ears grew hot at the next words from the man and he looked away. "I do know those words. I just don't like them much," he defended.
Indignancy bubbled in his chest - a teenager embarrassed to be made fun of by his crush. "You're laughing at me," he whined, definitely pouting but completely unaware. Still, he followed the black-and-white wolf. If he were human, his whole face would be red. "I didn't realize it was so funny."
Santiago says the customary 'you're welcome' and Clarence had thought that would be the end of it, but instead, he goes on to apologize for his own shortcomings, and that just wouldn't do. "No," he said quickly, shaking his head. "I don't have to deal with you. I like you." His ears grew hot at the next words from the man and he looked away. "I do know those words. I just don't like them much," he defended.
Indignancy bubbled in his chest - a teenager embarrassed to be made fun of by his crush. "You're laughing at me," he whined, definitely pouting but completely unaware. Still, he followed the black-and-white wolf. If he were human, his whole face would be red. "I didn't realize it was so funny."
April 15, 2020, 11:32 PM
Clarence acts exactly how he thought he would and it lightens Santi’s heart. He scolds the large male for apologizing and then confesses that he actually likes him. Which Santi knew all along. Of course Clarence likes him, but just how much, is the real question.
Then just as he thought he would, poor Clarence is rightly embarrassed by the man in the next moment. Of course he can’t help by pick fun at the other, he loves it. It makes him laugh even more as they begin making their way back. You’re laughing at me. He whines and yes, Santi is definitely laughing.
“It’s only funny because I never hear you say that kind of shit, and I like to make fun of you.” He adds playfully, eyes glancing to the other beside him. “Don’t worry cariño, it’s all in good fun.” He soothes gently, small bits of laughter still bubbling from his chest.
From then on, they walk back to the grotto. Santi jumps up on a few rocks and finds the rock wall/ledge he’s decided is his bed. Only accessible if one jumps onto a few other rocks, for its about ten feet from the ground. The rock wall juts up and closer to the top widens up into a flat surface. It’s big enough for the both of them thankfully. Rather the space is probably big enough for three other wolves Santi’s size.
He gazes up to the ledge then to his companion. “Here we are.” He says finally, tiredness evident in his deep voice.
Rolling up to one of two rocks, he jumps on top, then jumps to one just a bit higher than the previous. Lastly his paws meet the ledge he usually sleeps on. It’s covered in leaves and dirt to soften up the rock and Santi flops his heavy body down right when he gets up there. Legs kicked out to the left as he leans onto his right side, resting atop his elbow he waits for the other to join him with a tip of his chin.
Then Santi thinks that maybe the smaller will figure out that he joked to him about the raven furred she-wolf sleeping with him. Her scent is hopeless to be found here, especially where Santi sleeps.
Then just as he thought he would, poor Clarence is rightly embarrassed by the man in the next moment. Of course he can’t help by pick fun at the other, he loves it. It makes him laugh even more as they begin making their way back. You’re laughing at me. He whines and yes, Santi is definitely laughing.
“It’s only funny because I never hear you say that kind of shit, and I like to make fun of you.” He adds playfully, eyes glancing to the other beside him. “Don’t worry cariño, it’s all in good fun.” He soothes gently, small bits of laughter still bubbling from his chest.
From then on, they walk back to the grotto. Santi jumps up on a few rocks and finds the rock wall/ledge he’s decided is his bed. Only accessible if one jumps onto a few other rocks, for its about ten feet from the ground. The rock wall juts up and closer to the top widens up into a flat surface. It’s big enough for the both of them thankfully. Rather the space is probably big enough for three other wolves Santi’s size.
He gazes up to the ledge then to his companion. “Here we are.” He says finally, tiredness evident in his deep voice.
Rolling up to one of two rocks, he jumps on top, then jumps to one just a bit higher than the previous. Lastly his paws meet the ledge he usually sleeps on. It’s covered in leaves and dirt to soften up the rock and Santi flops his heavy body down right when he gets up there. Legs kicked out to the left as he leans onto his right side, resting atop his elbow he waits for the other to join him with a tip of his chin.
Then Santi thinks that maybe the smaller will figure out that he joked to him about the raven furred she-wolf sleeping with him. Her scent is hopeless to be found here, especially where Santi sleeps.
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April 17, 2020, 09:59 PM
A lot would be the answer to the question of how much Clarence liked Santiago. Unfortunately for the man - or fortunately, depending on his feelings in return - his teenage feelings had decided to make Santiago the object of their affection. And perhaps that would change with time - perhaps he would find that Santiago may be happier with Serem instead, or maybe Clarence himself would find someone else. But for now, he was very much overwhelmed by his boyish crush on the older wolf.
His lower jaw set in a pout when Santiago continued to tease him and he let out a petulant little whine, but he didn't respond to that. It would probably just get him picked on further, so he walked beside the older wolf in silence.
They reached the ledge that Santiago had chosen and Clarence watched the man climb before following his footsteps near perfectly. Sensitive nose picked up no trace of Serem, but he made no comment, instead feeling just a bit of pride and satisfaction in the fact that she at least hadn't been there recently.
The boy settled down on the ground a little off from Santiago - about a foot. He was still damp, after all, and he didn't want to get Santiago wet as well. Crimson eyes flicked up to the man and he rested his chin on spotted paws. "Thank you for letting me come spend the night with you."
His lower jaw set in a pout when Santiago continued to tease him and he let out a petulant little whine, but he didn't respond to that. It would probably just get him picked on further, so he walked beside the older wolf in silence.
They reached the ledge that Santiago had chosen and Clarence watched the man climb before following his footsteps near perfectly. Sensitive nose picked up no trace of Serem, but he made no comment, instead feeling just a bit of pride and satisfaction in the fact that she at least hadn't been there recently.
The boy settled down on the ground a little off from Santiago - about a foot. He was still damp, after all, and he didn't want to get Santiago wet as well. Crimson eyes flicked up to the man and he rested his chin on spotted paws. "Thank you for letting me come spend the night with you."
April 17, 2020, 11:08 PM
Santi watches the male follow his footsteps to reach the sleeping area, continues eyeing him as he settles himself in just a bit away. He thanks him once more and Santi gives him a rather soft smile. “De nada.” He says simply. Even though he knows he probably won’t understand. He tends to use less Spanish around the boy since he knows he’s clueless to it. Even then, his ivory eyes rake down the others damp pelt. He’s gonna be cold tonight. He thinks absentmindedly.
Then wonders for just a second why he even cares. Even though he already knows why–he’s got a little weakness for those scarlet eyes and soft looking white coat. His doggish features also give Santi something interesting to look at and don’t forget that sweet, naive personality of his.
So Santi makes the executive decision to help the boy not freeze his ass off tonight. Even though the days are getting warmer, the nights still bite with the bitterness of cold. With an airy huff, he stands to his feet and saunters the short distance over to the other. Going to stand behind the other, he flops his massive body behind him. Their bodies are completely touching and he’s pressed tightly against him with the soul purpose of keeping him warm tonight ;). Looks like Clarence is going to be the little spoon tonight. Once he laid down and set his head across the males back and rips, his white eyes flick to meet the others own with a devilish smirk on his face that hadn’t seemed to be there until the male sat down.
“I hope this is okay. You’re still damp, don’t want you to freeze.” He rolls out to the other in his deep, Spanish lilt.
Then wonders for just a second why he even cares. Even though he already knows why–he’s got a little weakness for those scarlet eyes and soft looking white coat. His doggish features also give Santi something interesting to look at and don’t forget that sweet, naive personality of his.
So Santi makes the executive decision to help the boy not freeze his ass off tonight. Even though the days are getting warmer, the nights still bite with the bitterness of cold. With an airy huff, he stands to his feet and saunters the short distance over to the other. Going to stand behind the other, he flops his massive body behind him. Their bodies are completely touching and he’s pressed tightly against him with the soul purpose of keeping him warm tonight ;). Looks like Clarence is going to be the little spoon tonight. Once he laid down and set his head across the males back and rips, his white eyes flick to meet the others own with a devilish smirk on his face that hadn’t seemed to be there until the male sat down.
“I hope this is okay. You’re still damp, don’t want you to freeze.” He rolls out to the other in his deep, Spanish lilt.
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April 17, 2020, 11:27 PM
ahhhhhh clarence is going to die. my poor son.
It was cold, Clarence had to admit. After laying down, especially, with no motion to keep him warmer. He wasn't going to think about it too hard - he'd been cold before, much colder than this, so he would be fine. Clarence's pelt was thick and he was tough, he'd be-
A warm body settled in behind him, flooding his senses with rain and smoke. It took a couple of seconds for him to realize what was going on, but it hit him all at once - Santiago was laying with him. Santiago was laid over his side and looking at him with those pale moonlit eyes, big and warm and solid and he smelled really good. He smelled like the night Clarence escaped from hell.
The boy felt his body warm up and he tensed, visibly surprised and nervous and stiff. Clarence had never felt this way before, and he was absolutely certain Santiago could feel his heart pounding behind his ribs. When had everything gotten so hot?
"I-it's okay!" he squeaked out embarrassingly, laying his head back down to avoid eye contact, though his own eyes were blown wide open. This was going to make it so much more difficult to sleep. "I'm uh, yeah. Not gonna be cold like this. Thank you." His breath stuttered in his chest as he tried to get ahold of himself, and get his body back under control.
April 18, 2020, 12:02 AM
(This post was last modified: April 18, 2020, 12:07 AM by Santiago Arcos.)
[ooc][size=medium]ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ <~~~ Santi on his way to steal ya bitch. Also yes I was crying because of his reaction lol. Also this whole post is fucked lol, sorry. I hope you can still read it on dark mode haha. :’)[ooc][/size]
[size=medium]Instantly the smaller’s body tenses, it’s at this point Santi thinks he might know exactly just how much Clarence actually likes him. As the wolf lies his heavy head on his rips he can definitely feel the previously steady heartbeat dare to go twice as fast and it almost makes the man bust out in hearty laughter. Thankfully he corks it, sure not to let his teasing laugh out. [/size]
[size=medium]As the other mildly embarrasses himself Santi laughs internally. Clarence rests his head on his paws to avoid his own eyes and Santi loves his reaction, but admittedly decides that he hasn’t had his fill of fun for the night. The poor boy has had a long day and Santi feels bad for doing this to him and giving him a mini-heart attack but he just can’t help himself.[/size]
[size=medium]That grin curls further and he lets loose a smooth chuckle. Picking his head off his torso, Santi looks to the puncture wounds on the others neck once more. Not wanting to lick them since they’d already been cleaned off, he settles to run a black tongue over the back of the smaller males ear. To Santi, he’s casually grooming him, although he knows it’s a bigger deal to the male beside him. [/size]
[size=medium]“Relax, cariño”. He rolls out to him, with that sensual accent of his. “You’re too tense.” And an interesting idea pops into his head and his smirk becomes evil once more. “Unless you’d like for me to leave.” He offers to the other.[/size]
[size=medium]Instantly the smaller’s body tenses, it’s at this point Santi thinks he might know exactly just how much Clarence actually likes him. As the wolf lies his heavy head on his rips he can definitely feel the previously steady heartbeat dare to go twice as fast and it almost makes the man bust out in hearty laughter. Thankfully he corks it, sure not to let his teasing laugh out. [/size]
[size=medium]As the other mildly embarrasses himself Santi laughs internally. Clarence rests his head on his paws to avoid his own eyes and Santi loves his reaction, but admittedly decides that he hasn’t had his fill of fun for the night. The poor boy has had a long day and Santi feels bad for doing this to him and giving him a mini-heart attack but he just can’t help himself.[/size]
[size=medium]That grin curls further and he lets loose a smooth chuckle. Picking his head off his torso, Santi looks to the puncture wounds on the others neck once more. Not wanting to lick them since they’d already been cleaned off, he settles to run a black tongue over the back of the smaller males ear. To Santi, he’s casually grooming him, although he knows it’s a bigger deal to the male beside him. [/size]
[size=medium]“Relax, cariño”. He rolls out to him, with that sensual accent of his. “You’re too tense.” And an interesting idea pops into his head and his smirk becomes evil once more. “Unless you’d like for me to leave.” He offers to the other.[/size]
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April 18, 2020, 12:20 AM
Clarence is just a little in love okay? He can't help it.
This was... odd. Part of Clarence was trying to convince himself that Santiago was just doing this as a friend - someone who was caring for the other and just making sure he was clean and warm for the night. Another part of him was wondering why Santiago wasn't doing this to Serem right now, and was wondering if he'd done it with her before. Or maybe he wished Clarence was her, right now.
He shuddered when he felt Santiago's breath on the back of his ear and squeezed his eyes shut, biting back a whine. It was beginning to occur to him that he was being teased. And it was mean and it hurt, but Clarence didn't move away. Instead, his body did relax, but not for the way Santiago might've hoped it would.
"You're being mean to me," he said quietly after Santiago asked if he'd wanted him to leave. "You did that in the mountain. Not... the licking thing, but the leaving." The boy held still, red eyes looking out into the forest. "Is it fun?" he asked, flicking one ear back toward the man. "Do you want to leave?"
April 18, 2020, 01:29 AM
Oh fUCK. My heart.
Santi originally intended to tease him but now that the male says these things he feels guilty for what he said. His licking stops abruptly and he sits there staring at the back of the others head. “No.” He admits in regard to the other asking if leaving him was fun. All teasing gone from his voice, the single worded reply is stoic.
“I don’t.” He says to the next question, deep voice devoid of any malicious intent. “Lo siento.” He apologizes. “I won’t do it anymore. No matter what.” He says, guilt evident in the way he speaks as he lies his head back down onto the other. The short replies and apology rather out of character for him. He feels like he’s been scolded and it only matters to him for the souls reason that Santi might actually give a fuck about this wolf-dog.
![[Image: giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892...=giphy.gif]](https://media3.giphy.com/media/pKvpOaMnyrwS4/giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892c58a0339fe0b6244d0d78a&rid=giphy.gif)
April 18, 2020, 10:54 PM
Clarence hadn't expected such a change in behavior from the man. His ears flicked back toward him and he frowned, sighing through his nose. It was comforting to know that Santiago didn't actually want to leave, and that he didn't move away when he was done talking. Instead, he laid his head back down onto Clarence's side.
The boy took a deep breath and turned his head to bury his nose into the fur on Santiago's cheek before he laid his head back down onto his paws. "I'm not mad or anything," he assured, curling his tail around his haunches. "I don't want you to go away. I like being with you, a lot."
The boy took a deep breath and turned his head to bury his nose into the fur on Santiago's cheek before he laid his head back down onto his paws. "I'm not mad or anything," he assured, curling his tail around his haunches. "I don't want you to go away. I like being with you, a lot."
April 18, 2020, 11:26 PM
Within moments of Clarence confirming he wasn’t mad and confesses that he likes being with him Santi’s smile is back and his twin moons are on the other once more. “Mm, could you say that last part again, cariño?” He rolls out deeply. “I like hearing you say it.” He chuckles as he scoots ever closer to the other, resting his head this time on Clarence’s shoulder blades. “I will let you sleep now.” He chuckles, sparing the other so he can finally rest.
![[Image: giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892...=giphy.gif]](https://media3.giphy.com/media/pKvpOaMnyrwS4/giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892c58a0339fe0b6244d0d78a&rid=giphy.gif)
April 18, 2020, 11:29 PM
"I like being with you, Santiago," Clarence said with a small smile, letting his eyes close. He felt warm and safe and content here with the man - safe enough to get a full night's sleep, and warm enough to not be uncomfortable. Perhaps he could sleep here more often.
April 18, 2020, 11:37 PM
Fade! :) they go to sleep
Santi similes back and loves the sound of his name on the others lips. He too decides he can sleep peacefully now. Finally allowing himself to close his eyes they fall into a deep sleep on each others company.
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