For @Hua and @Ying if she's still around!
After Orochi had stormed off she was left hollow. She hadn't gone anywhere, just shambling up and down the coast and fishing in the sea. Her fur was beginning to stiffen with the sea salt and licking it had begun to make her thirsty. She was wearing down fast without a safe home and there was only one place she could think to go. Orochi's scent had lead her to a land bridge where she had spent the past few weeks watching and seeing that wolves came and went. None were her son and she realized he had left, vanishing into thin air when she was so close. After deliberating for some time she finally crossed the bridge when it was low enough and once upon the sand of her new potential home she howled for the leaders.
Merc. Mastery: 6/20
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April 26, 2020, 10:09 PM
depending on time of day Ying may or may not be here but I think it's safe to assume she doesnt know anything about being a leader at this point, so prolly gonna be just hua :P
The howl that caught her attention was a much needed distraction for the pregnant queen. She hauled herself upward, making her way to the borders upon the sand without haste. Once she was a few yards off she paused and took a moment to gaze at the woman- a pretty girl, largely dark albeit the light that shone around one eye. Huā cleared her throat.
I am Huāzhen. You stand at the border of Yuèlóng, what bring you to us?

April 26, 2020, 11:22 PM
Rather quickly a figure strode forward from the depths of the island. It was a woman, a beautiful one who seemed to belong strikingly well as a leader of a sea-side pack with her sandy fur and seaglass eyes. Minori tore her eyes away, gaze catching on the wide hips and abdomen that pointed out pregnancy before the woman's scent did. Assuming a more polite posture she gave a dip of her head as an introduction was given and a name to call the place she stood upon. "My name is Minori, it's nice to meet you" she said politely and then went right into it "I was wondering if there was need for another helping paw or perhaps just space for someone looking for a home?" she was embarrassed by the hopeful lift in her voice desperate for a safe place to get some rest and get back to health. She could feel the itch of the season beginning too despite thinking she'd missed it because of stress and poor health, she didn't want to be out alone when in heat when she wasn't sure she could fight a strong male off alone in this shape. It'd take at least a week of rest and food to be at full strength.
Merc. Mastery: 6/20
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April 27, 2020, 02:37 AM
Polite posture, dipped head. Huā always liked that. To this day, she still felt it was some fairytale dream she was living in, where people paid respect to her. It felt... good. The woman introduced herself as Minori, very polite and not too demanding, albeit a bit eager. Good manners always played well in the siren's book. Huā liked her already.
Yes. Nice to meet you, also. We have lot of room, especially for person who help.Her seafoam eyes trailed the girl's pelt momentarily, which was littered with old scars, telling the tale of her trade for her.
You are warrior type, yes?

April 27, 2020, 09:18 AM
There was room, Hūa said. Minori wasn't worried about proving herself, she wasn't the type to join a pack and not work. Every pack she'd had, she had put her all into to lose it in the end. The way she was studied was noticed but she didn't react, unsurprised when she was asked if she was a warrior. With a nod and standing just a bit taller with pride she confirmed "Trained since I could walk. I was meant to lead an army back in my Homeland" she hoped it wouldn't be taken as a brag though she usually wasn't shy showing her prowess either. Falling silent again she lifted her gaze to look around the island behind the woman, curious to see how life was with such proximity to the sea.
Merc. Mastery: 6/20
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April 28, 2020, 01:39 AM
A nod of confirmation, and then words that were awfully bold lies if they were not true. Huā believed her sincerely, though- she certainly had the muscle for it. Thinking of how valuable mercenaries were- how much Ying had wanted them around, had pushed for it- Huā was happy to accept this girl.
Our best warrior... well, she is in a state, where she can not be lead warrior anymore. I welcome you to Yuèlóng, and make you my head general- we will see if this suit you well. As long as you show you worthy, I not move you down the rank. Okay?Her tail began to wag amiably then, ready to invite the woman to look around her new home.

April 28, 2020, 03:50 PM
At the news that the current lead warrior was indisposed for unspecified reasons she lowered her head showing respect, preparing to say that she hoped they were well but as the Empress continued she was stunned and left unable to form much thought. Lifting her head with an expression that betrayed her surprise she gave a slow sway of her tail and came closer, standing stronger under the woman's gaze. "Thank you" she said gently as she paused at the woman's side waiting for her to allow her inside with a kind smile. The tension she'd built up the past few weeks dragged her down but she felt better now that she had a home and a purpose already "You honor me. I will do my best for Yuèlóng" she meant it and prayed this pack would remain her home this time.
do you want to close this out yet?
Merc. Mastery: 6/20
Purple= japanese
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May 01, 2020, 06:36 PM
Minori dips her head respectfully, which pleased the siren queen. And she seemed surprised to recieve such a rank- Huā only smiled softly, glad that the woman was not demanding or expecting of such things. A humble heart made a strong leader. At the general's words, Huā shook her head.
No, Minori,She breathed,
Thank you.The two would continue into the island, Huā showing Minori the essential spots but leaving the rest as a pearl for the woman to discover herself.

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