Blacktail Deer Plateau New faces
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I hope this is okay. @Sanguinex

There were new faces and new bodies and more she needed to know besides. And though she was not the best at attempting to make friends or shall we say more so allies, she did know that she needed too. It was only a kindness, and she was loyal to Ingram. Which she found strange really if she thought hard on it. They had such a terrible first meeting. She bore the scar from it.

She moved towards the borders, she would leave water on the edges and scratches in the trees. And if she happened upon an other, well all the merrier. 

Petite paw steps moved through the grassy area. Nose wrinkling to take in teh scents of others and the abundance of plants and herbs that lit up the area with great blankets of color and smells.

It truly was beautiful here. She could barely wait until spring to see how beautiful it truly was.
83 Posts
Ooc —
And on he went. His first encounter with a man called Baudelaire hadn't ended on the brightest of fashions. But hey, who said they were required to be friends? Exactly... no one.

The borders were quiet, save for the occasional rustling of critters beneath the ferns. Sanguinex couldn't help but tug at a wry smile when he lifted a leg to piss on said shrubs. Where the prey roamed, predators would be near in tow. This territory was no longer open to all, and he was quite keen to ensure they received the message without fail.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
As such she did land upon another. A man of lily white, broken up with colors of clay. Dark eyes though what color they were she couldn't fully tell. 

He certainly made himself known with his scent and his sheer size. She grumbled quietly to herself about all teh men that surrounded her all were larger than she. By much.

She stepped into view, and dipped a muzzle down. Petite paws upon the ground. She rubbed against a tree with patchwork colors. Blue eyes alight upon the day.

She would speak if he wanted too, otherwise they could simply pass the marking of the borders in silence.
83 Posts
Ooc —
Ah, so there was another. As it seemed, his days wouldn't be limited solely to the brash, boyish encounter.

Someone petite stepped close, frame unashamedly rubbing near against a tree. Their own form of marking, he supposed. A woman, no doubt. They were often more bashful.

One of the dreadfather, I take it? Sanguinex questioned, slinking a step closer. The answer was obvious, be he wanted to hear it from her lips.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
If this wolf thought Ash was ashamed of her bodily functions and marking the borders. He was very very wrong. She eyed him and squatted a few feet away. Leaving her own water at the roots of the tree.

Do I follow him you mean? Or am I of the same religion?

She tilted her head and also slinked a step closer, head craning to look up at him. I'm Ash Paw.

He took up all the space in the area. Enough to steer the breath from her lungs. His proximity and his size. If she were anyone else, it would be quite frightening.
83 Posts
Ooc —
Was it that difficult of a question?

Him. I care not of what religion anyone follows. This woman had the same idea as that fool, Baudelaire. 

Ash Paw. An even curious name than he'd ever heard before. Another to keep in mind.

Deathbringer. Sanguinex offered, again, the name that had been chosen by the dreadfather.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw narrowed her eyes. And I was supposed to know that how? I can't read your mind.

His name, she stared at him, could certainly see how such a name would fit him. He certainly looked like a beast that could cause a death or two.

She shifted. You should get used to that question. Given that both Dreadfather and I follow religions, and will share that with others. It would make sense that someone would ask. especially if they have a religious interest.

She shifted away from him and continued to mark upon the borders and trees. Letting the silence grow, but it was not uncomfortable. He didn't seem like a big talker and she could respect that.
83 Posts
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Sanguinex snorted lightly, grimacing at the way the conversation had swayed. Not to mention this woman's sharp attitude. 

No matter how many ask, I will not favor the question. Though his mouth was still stained with distaste, he allowed his tone to settle; to not be as tyrannical. Though, I suppose if I live long enough in this place, I may just come to follow one of my own... A small, amused chuckle followed after. It wasn't too much of an appealing thought, but still a present one.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She saw the grimace on his face, and felt pity for him. Clearly this topic made him uncomfortable. But she wasn't certain how to approach a conversation any other way. She eyed him with pretty blues and placed a dainty paw against a tree, while she scoured it.

Perhaps Sos would be to your liking, or Ares, or Mars, or even Sithis. All gods of death, war, the shadows. You are clearly a warrior. it is etched in your soul and your body clear as day.
83 Posts
Ooc —
Before, he had been slightly irritated by the topic. Sad, but truthful. But now, as she began to list various deities and what they were known for, he couldn't help but tilt an ear closer.

Head cocking slightly to the side, Sanguinex stared curiously. Death, War, Shadows. There are gods for these things? If not told now, he would have never known. 
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He tilted large head, and ear closer and she  moved towards him now, settling to her haunches and looking up. She had to strain her neck to do so. This large creature here in front of her, with a strange pelt.

Yes. WHere there is light there must also be dark, yes? Balance. Sos is the god of greed, darkness, vanity, trickery, rage, power, just to name a few. Sithisis the god of emptiness, of death adn the void. Mars the god of war and battle and strategy. Ares a god of war and courage. All different religions all over the world.

She tilted her head and pressed her paws hard into the ground in her excitement to speak of such things to teach.
83 Posts
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She moved closer. Now he was forced to strain his own neck, snout hanging limp like a dangling branch. My, how small she was compared to him. He'd hardly paid notice before.

Excitement writhed within her. Sanguinex could see it in the way her eyes shone. Oh! He hadn't realized how closely he'd been staring at them. Quickly, the man shifted away his gaze, while allowing his body to sink slowly to the ground. Perhaps now it would be easier for both of them, and also comfortable for him as she went on to explain these gods.

Each are similar, but different. Yes, he was starting to understand. But what makes them the gods of these things? Who named them such? Or-.. did they proclaim it for themselves? One was the god of greed after all. Why should he put it past the lot of them to hold themselves by such high means?
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw was both pleased and relieved as he bent to her level. And then further down. He met her gaze, could probably see her excitement there. She loved to speak of gods. Her own more so than any other, but she could forgive this time, since he sought knowledge.

She patted a paw on his head for a moment, barely a brush while she continued. It depends on who you speak with, but i like to think they proclaimed it themselves. After all they are gods, Dreadfather himself is inhabited by the great god Sithis. They take mortal flesh at times. But why shouldn't they proclaim who they are and what they are. All powerful, darkness incarnate or whatever it is they proclaim. It is said that the god Mars can make people go crazy and fight them. Sos takes those who betray him to death with fear.
83 Posts
Ooc —
When her paw lifted, nearing his head, he fought the urge to lunge with his teeth. He withheld, though with hesitance. Instead, the man's ears lay flat against his crown for a moment, lip pulling back slightly. But then, as she went on, he returned his attention in full.

They are no gods of mercy. Not by the sound of things, anyway. But powerful beings. The thought is appealing. He was no greedy creature himself; but when it came to holding great strength and power over others, who could ever turn that away? Maybe some... but not he.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She saw his expression and frowned. I'm sorry I forgot myself in the moment. I will endeavor not to touch you.

She shifted and held her paws tightly to the ground. Her body vibrating with the knowledge she wished to share. A happy wiggle in there.

they are not, no. But there are gods of mercy. As I said there must be balance. For instance Sos's counterpart is Atka who is everything he is not. Goddess of light, life, courage, and so forth. See it can be appealing. And were one of the gods of war to favor you, as our death bringer. WHo I am sure already have great skill. But who doesn't want to be the lead in their area of expertise.
83 Posts
Ooc —
He stared with a hard, cold expression for a moment. He wasn't too sure how to respond to the apology, but eventually figured it was best to simply dismiss it without much acknowledgement. 

Instead, he would focus on the information she continued to share of the gods.

Do all of them have these counterparts, or only the major few? 

Sanguinex then considered what these counterparts meant for him. If he happened to be blessed by a god of war, or maybe one of death, did that mean there was someone out there as his counterpart; one blessed by the counter of his god?
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
His expressions were monstrous and they made her nervous. She lay her ears to her head for a moment and curled one paw around the other. He seemed that he could be a brute sometimes.

She nodded with a smile. There must be balance in all things, and thus balance of gods and power. For those who revel in life, there are those who revel in death, and thus winter and summer, autumn and spring and so forth.

One could never know who had blessings and who didn't. And she had heard of those who sometimes had blessings and other times did not. It was the way to keep the balance as she was so fond of.

She tilted her head and spoke softly. I have given you must to think on. Come find me if you have more questions.

Tacking an ending on this. Let me know if you want to realive it :)