Stone Circle Its getting cold
Ike Means Laughter
81 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
All Welcome 
Ike woke to a surprise. The temperature outside was freezing, as it had been, but something else was happening. There were soft-looking small white flakes coming from the sky and landing on the ground, forming a thin layer. He tentatively stepped outside. The ground was freezing. Whatever the white stuff was froze his pads with a cold, wet, sensation. He shivered. The flakes were landing and melting on his pelt as well.

He turned his head up and felt them hit his face, kind of liking the sensation. Some landed on his nose. He opened his mouth and let them stick to his tongue. Ike had seen snow before, but he was much too young to truly remember it, or its name, as he was born in fall and was only 2-4 or so months during the last snow season.
Ike is great with pups and younger wolves, and wishes to be a caretaker towards them and even a teacher

231 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Skáld was new to winter, and its snow. His coat had begun to grow in thicker, its curly nature making him look quite round and soft, sheep-like. Autumn had been exciting for a while, watching the leaves and plants change colour- but as the colour faded and plants died, he found his interests becoming harder to fulfill. The only plants still bearing their foliage were bristly and sharp. 

Now, fluffy white flakes fell from the sky, and began to coat the ground which had become quite hard underfoot. His breath was a puff of mist on the air. This wasn't new, and had been happening on cold mornings but today, it was especially visible. 

He began to woof, quietly at first- watching as his breath faded, and melted the snowflakes that came too close to it. Then, it became a game. As soon as he realized he could melt the snowflakes with a bark, he then wanted to melt as many of them as he could before they fell and touched the earth. So, the boy began to bound about- still within the boundaries of the rendez-vous site as set by his mother- and barked at every snowflake he could, melting them with each excited exhale.
Ike Means Laughter
81 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ike noticed one of the packs youngest members, a son of Sanjas, also enjoying these white flakes. He was bounding around, barking, and melting flakes with his breath. He smiled and barked in the boys direction, to announce his own presence in exploring this new sensation. He was probably the boys age when he first saw snow, but he doesn't remember his experience in it much. He wonders if this youngster will remember this time.

"Hi." Ike said, getting close to the boy.
Ike is great with pups and younger wolves, and wishes to be a caretaker towards them and even a teacher

231 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Skáld halted when he heard a voice, and found the earth tilted sideways unpleasantly when he stopped. Dizzy. He side-stepped, and recovered well, with a half-amused smile. The greeting was in another tongue, but he understood the intention. "Hi," he chirped back, a puff of breath flowing from his mouth. The falling snowflakes withered in it again, catching his attention. 

The boy smiled. He barked again, and watched as the puff of breath melted the snowflakes that fell through it. "Melt! See?" He said, exhaling a puff of breath (sans bark this time) to show the blue-eyed boy what he'd discovered.
Ike Means Laughter
81 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ike nodded and smiled, acknowledging the boys discovery. He let out a breathy bark, melting snowflakes with it like the boy was doing. "Yeah, our breath is hot so it melts the cold." He explained. He hoped the boy could pick up at least some of that, knowing Sanja's kids spoke both her language and his, but seemingly a broken version of his own. Either that or the boy was just still young.

"I'm Ike, one of Ethan's kids." He said, introducing himself, since he didn't know the boys name and was pretty sure the boy didn't know him either. He didn't know if he'd know his dad either though, but the chances of Sanja speaking of Ethan were higher than that of her speaking of himself. "Ethan is the snow white wolf with blue eyes, and black marks, kinda like myself, but without the beige mask on my face." Ike explained, in case the pup had maybe seen his dad.
Ike is great with pups and younger wolves, and wishes to be a caretaker towards them and even a teacher

231 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Skáld hopped on the sopt and giggled when Ike- who was much larger than he was- exhaled. He had so much more breath to use to melt the snow! The young boy's head tilted to the side when Ike spoke, though. Having been isolated with his family so much throughout his youth, he understood and spoke very little of the common tongue. A couple of the words sounded familiar, though. cold, for example, sounded like his word, kaldur. He replied with "What is?" questioningly, looking at the falling snowflakes before looking to Ike. He didn't know the word in either language. 

Everything else Ike said was too fast and too much. What he did pick up on, though, was how names were often spoken with a different inflection than other words. The word 'Ethan' was used twice, and it stuck out to him. "Ethan?" He asked, gesturing toward Ike.
Ike Means Laughter
81 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"I don't know what this is. The cold, coming from the sky. Like rain, but different. I was just a pup, like you, when it last was like this. I don't remember." Ike said. He pointed at things with his tail, or nodded his head at them if they were around to help the boy associate his words with things he knew of.

"Ethan, is my father. Like Sanja is your mother." He explained. "And Mya, is my sister. You have siblings too." Ike told him. "I'm Ike, me." Ike said, thinking the pup had gotten the idea that he was his father. "Whats your name?" He asked.

im in the middle of a class rn and should be doing my work but idc cuz i like this RP more lol
Ike is great with pups and younger wolves, and wishes to be a caretaker towards them and even a teacher

231 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Ike spoke a lot, but Skáld did not mind listening, even if he didn't understand what Ike was saying. He had a pleasant and honest tone to his voice. Skáld studied his face, the sparkling of his eyes and the way the fur was just a shade darker on his face than it was on the rest of him, as though there was a shadow hanging over him. He wasn't sure exactly what Ike was gesturing to, either- sometimes to Skáld who picked up on the word you and assumed it meant him. The rest of the gestures he followed with his gaze, looking up at the sky, but mostly, he watched Ike talk. 

"Sanja?" Skáld echoed happily, when his mother was mentioned. He then introduced himself in such a way that the boy understood. "Ike!" He said, reaching out to paw at Ike's chest with his paw. "And Ethan your mother?" He interpreted incorrectly. He'd mentioned Sanja, so Skáld simply assumed Ethan was to Ike what Sanja was to him, having not understood the word father. He understood when his name was being asked as well. "I'm Skáld!"
Ike Means Laughter
81 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ike nodded when the boy got his name. He said "Yes, Ike, Me", pointing his own paw at his chest to show the boy he was Ike.

When the boy somewhat got the idea of Sanja and Ethan being parents to Ike, he said. "Kind of. Sanja is mother, Ethan is father. Sanja is Systir, making her mother, and Ethan is Bróðir, making him father." Ike said, using the few words he knew in the boys language to try to get him to understand the difference between male and female parental roles.

When the boy gave his name, Skáld, Ike smiled. "Skáld is a cool name." He said, not sure if the boy would understand the word cool, but hopefully he'd understand Ike's smile in association with the name as a positive thing.

"You like the cold?" He asked, knowing Skáld knew the word cold, and hoping he knew 'like'.
Ike is great with pups and younger wolves, and wishes to be a caretaker towards them and even a teacher

231 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He wasn't quite right. Ethan, then, was something to Ike, but he wasn't sure what. Skáld, after all, did not have a father figure. The word for father wasn't one he used regularly, either. The role wasn't something that occurred to him, but the rank name was something he did recognize. Unfortunately, it led Skáld to yet another miscommunication. "Ethan is...'Father....Father' is...older brother?" He was confused. Sanja was his mother, not Ike's...The language barrier made things pretty difficult. He hoped that Ike might learn to speak his language- then they could really talk. 

The comment about his name seemed positive, so he smiled shyly. Another comment was made. Skáld tilted his head to the side, not understanding. His gaze fell, and when it did, he smiled. "Big feet!" He exclaimed, gesturing toward Ike's paws.
Ike Means Laughter
81 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ike thought of one last way he could possibly get Skald to understand who Ethan was to him. "Bróðir is a boy, like Ethan, but Ethan is like a boy Sanja to me, Father is a boy Mother. Sanja is a Mother." Ike said, trying one last time to describe a father. If Skald didn't get it after that, he'd drop it.

He laughed at Skald's comment on his feet. "Yes, I suppose in comparison to your, small feet, they're big." He said, making sure his expression was light the whole time while conversing with Skald so the boy could at least understand that he enjoyed the company.
Ike is great with pups and younger wolves, and wishes to be a caretaker towards them and even a teacher

231 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Brother. Like Ethan. Ethan. Boy. Sanja. Father. Boy. Mother. Sanja- Mother. 

A lightbulb turned on. The word he didn't know- father- was now put into context. 

"Ethan- father. Father...Boy mother?" He used what he could in the language to try and explain- and he felt he understood it now. Of course, the mechanics of conception and birth were not known to him yet. He would learn at some point, and then all of this would make more sense. 

He admired how big Ike's feet were- he wished his would one day be that big too. "Biiiig feet!" He repeated, reaching out to tap each of Ike's front paws, before he sat on his haunches, and sat up, curling his feet against his chest- wiggling his toes a bit. "Little feet!"
Ike Means Laughter
81 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ike nodded encouragingly. "Yes! Father is a boy mother." He said, smiling at Skáld when the boy finally got it. "Good job." He praised.

Again with the comment on his feet. Then Skáld commented on his own. "Little feet become big feet." Ike said. "My feet were little feet when I was a pup, like you." Ike said.
Ike is great with pups and younger wolves, and wishes to be a caretaker towards them and even a teacher

231 Posts
Ooc — Jess
The talking was friendly, but lost on the boy. He didn't have the attention span for a language and words he didn't understand, even though he did like listening to Ike talk. He flicked an ear in Ike's direction so he would know he was being listened to, but he looked out past him, and caught sight of the snow falling again. It would be rude to just turn away, but he was having a difficult time trying to keep himself focused. 

A snowflake fell before him, but rather than barking at it, he blew softly- and the snowflake drifted toward Ike. Skáld's eyes lit up. "Don't let touch ground!" He said, having found another snowflake to gently waft upwards with another gentle puff of breath as a demonstration.
Ike Means Laughter
81 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ike nodded knowingly at the boy, knowing his words probably meant nothing to Skald, and allowed him to be distracted. He smiled as Skald started to blow the snowflakes around, saying to not let them touch the ground.

Ike joined in on the game, softly blowing the flakes around too, smiling and laughing.
Ike is great with pups and younger wolves, and wishes to be a caretaker towards them and even a teacher

231 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Would you like to fade this and have an updated one?

The game of puffing snowflakes back into the air was quite amusing. He could dive under the flakes and puff them back up into the air with a gust of breath, but there was no way he and Ike could ever keep up with the amount of snow that fell. Not that it was a blizzard by any means- but two wolves versus even a gentle snowfall...They were greatly outnumbered!

"Get them aww---hhhhlll," The boy said- but a yawn interrupted his command, and he felt tiredness growing behind his eyes. He continued to hop out a few times, but another yawn caused him to slow down. "I think...Maybe, is nap time," He said with a bleary smile.
Ike Means Laughter
81 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Ike smiled too. "yes, growing boys like yourself need to sleep. To grow big and strong, like me." Ike told him fondly. He started to lead the boy towards his den, and once reaching it, nodded to him in farewell. "I had fun, Skald. Maybe we can play again soon." he suggested

yeah. you can either reply once more or just archive it here.
Ike is great with pups and younger wolves, and wishes to be a caretaker towards them and even a teacher