Chimera Fields The Days of Long Shadows
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
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Elentari had not traveled far, finding it worthwhile to further explore this stretch of vast wilderness. It seemed plentiful and she could only imagine what it would be like come the warmer months. Finding herself in the heart of a field that stretched for miles on end, she was not as alone as she expected.

Far in the distance were a lonely group of four deer. Three does and a buck, all fully grown. Their heads down towards the dry grass, they seemed unconcerned with her presence, or either hadn't noticed her yet. The solitary Archer sat, idle upon a gentle rise, observing them calmly. With a stretch, she inched forward, but without threat. Only with an investigatory sniff after their trail, in knowing her chances of a takedown were slim on her own.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
As was normal of the shadow with evergreen eyes, he beebopped his way through the lands that he had stumbled upon. It was with feverish delight that he caught sight of the deer, but rather than chase them. Long lithe form settled to watch them. He needn't eat right now, and he could observe. Would he hunt if asked sure, but he was happy to just observe too. He could already feel the edges of stories of long past curling through his mind of the deer in front of him.

There was he pale hind that had been hunted and saved. There were so many others. He loved stories. It made his chest ache at times, when he thought of stories of long days past. Of days when dragons and large creatures, bigger than wolves roamed the lands. And it brought an impish smile to his black maw.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She was not yet aware that someone else was there in the field with her. She was too engrossed in picking apart the scents of each individual. From what she could tell, all four of the deer were healthy. Pursuing them in a chase would be a wasted effort.

As if reading her thoughts, the mature buck lifted his head. Dark eyes locking onto hers. Branching, pointed antlers glinting from the sheen of melted frost picked up from the earth. He huffed at her, stating what they both already knew.

Elentari had no reply. Simply watched as they moved on, steadily away from her. Unhurried in seeing that she was of no cause for alarm. As she glanced for another, easier option, a dark shape caught her eye.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Movement across the way. He thought perhaps another deer, but the best moved closer and he realized. No, a really pretty lady, observing just like him. A small smile lit up his face, but as of yet he didn't move. Truthfully he didn't wish to startle the deer or her. 

The rogue held his breath as the big buck lifted his head. And stared at the she wolf. Stately in his stature and well rounded. He was a prize. It almost pained the man to know that someday he or others like him may make a meal of such a regal creature, but everything. Well, everything and everyone has a place in the cosmic way of life and he didn't really want to mess with the circle of life.

Black as raven's wing with ascents of frost. He didn't move, simply dipped his head and waited. He wasn't sure if she'd wish to speak with him or not. So he'd simply stay still for now. Though he did give a low chuff of greeting. Manners and all that.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Her dark ears lifted, sitting tall atop her head. Making her the picture, of rapt, alert curiosity. Luckily for him, Elentari was not the type of wolf to be startled by the simple sight of another. Steely blue eyes were sharp but bright. Her narrow muzzle made her features look a little more angular than what they were, but did give her a distinguished look.

He chuffed to her and followed was a slight raise of her head. He seemed to be taking it all in, as she had. Only now, her attention was on him. Not the deer or the land. He looked like a larger more masculine version of herself. Traded blue eyes for green. 

She whuffed softly, turning to shake out her coat. It was somewhat disheveled as she closed the gap between them. Tail held high but relaxed, she extended her nose for an initial sniff of the air around him. Eyes watchful, a ghost of a smile at her lips.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She met his gaze and listened closely. He ticked an ear forward. But he didn't move, waiting patiently. She had a deep blue gaze on her, it was a startling contrast to her black coat, much like his evergreens, but cooler.

He allowed her to move in close. Sniffed at the air around him. He smiled at her and dipped his head. He sniffed at her too. She smelled like the nearby plants and water.

He grinned impish and charming. Hello. I'm Alaric. Out for a stroll? That stag was an impressive beast wasn't he.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She smelled faint traces of many others on him. She wondered if he had met Sialuk, as she had. Or if he were a part of a pack, or on his own. Drawing back, she relaxed some, her tail lashing at her heels.

He seemed friendly. Amicable enough to strike up a conversation, with a grin. Elentari by nature though, was a little more reserved. "I am, yes. Getting to know the land." She glanced back to where the buck and his three females were, now mere brown specks in the distance. "He is. He and his group look like they will get through this season to see another spring."
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric smelled like many, he hadn't had a wash since the party in the clearing other than small spritzes. Sialuk was the first she wolf he had met. She relaxed a little, and he did too. Though he was still a little wary.

I know how that goes. Just arrived myself in recent days.

He nodded his head. It's a bit selfish of me, but i hope the king of these woods there. That he doesn't get killed either. There's just something shameful about it in a way.

A soft laugh and he shook his head a little embarassed.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
"Where do you come from, originally?" She asked openly, expressing interest in keeping the conversation going. With a small little gesture of her muzzle, she turned her back on the herd and began to walk in a southern direction. 

Her blue eyes invited him to follow. "It is not a pleasant thing. But that is the way of nature. Every King...or Queen eventually must meet their end." Be it wolves or their prey, species did not matter. One reign had to end for another to begin.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He motioned the way he had come. There was no real name for where my family settled. We were until my father chose to settle that is. We were traveling nomads. Shared our healing, stories and trades for places to rest for food. We would offer our bodies for hunting. Our know how for healing. And stories to littles and old alike. He liked to talk of his life. He enjoyed what he did. He enjoyed the rich heritage he came from.

He moved into step with her, listening with perked ears to her words. He sighed and nodded. Yes This is true. I suppose the circle of life and all that. What of you? Where were you from before here?
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Her interest rose as he told his tale. Travelers. Offer themselves for hunting and healing. Storytelling too. His family sounded like they had a wide skillset. At the mention of healing especially, her face brightened a little.

Her turn came and she walked through the open plains easily, snow crunching under foot. "I was born in my native homeland, Torbine." There was a faint hint of pride in her voice. "It is far from here. It is a harsh land. The peninsula is guarded by a formidable mountain range, backed by fearsome waters." She explained. Much of her birthplace she did not remember in great detail, as she had been so young. "My father, mother and my siblings dispersed, to expand our heritage. We then settled in a mountainous region bordered by a rugged coastline, many miles away. I spent much of my childhood there."

Elentari left out the phase of conflict she and her family endured, including the time she had sustained the serious injury to her hind leg. That, was behind her. "When I came of age, I struck out on my own with my parents blessing. To continue the spread of our name." Again, there was that note of pride. "Our talent is widespread. My particular fondness is for hunting and herbalism. I had just begun my education in the healing arts, but my journey here put that on hold."
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
There was a new light to her cream and shadow face as he spoke of healing. It suited her that small smile and brightening. It was strange how many healers there were in these wilds. He was beginning to wonder if he would ever ply his trade again as many as there were. 

Brown tipped black ear twisted towards her and he listened. So she grew up near bodies of water most of her life interesting. He liked to fish, but he was never sure how he felt about the ocean, it was so vast.

Well if you need help in the healing department I'm your guy. I can understand the want to travel and share my heritage and journey. IT is much of what I Do.

There was certainly stuff she wasn't sharing, but that was neither here nor there. He was fine with this. It was good to know the small things. Black head lifted to glance around for a moment.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Her ears cupped towards him. "What is the extent of your knowledge? I recently met a pale woman, skilled in the arts. Her mother, more so, who lives in the mountain village." Coastlines and mountains were familiar to her. It felt good to have a range nearby, to remind her of home.

"I do plan to settle, shortly. I want to build a life here, somewhere. Make a name for myself and my family. Start my own." Suddenly, she forgot they had not been properly introduced. "I just realized...I never introduced myself to you. I am called Elentari Archer."
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She asked him of his skill set and he grinned at her. He stopped for a moment and bent his head down. Long limb pulled from around his neck the pouch he always wore. Pulling the wooden pin of sorts, he unrolled it and in it lay the many herbs he used. 

He pointed as he spoke. Thyme, Sage, Rosemary, Rose hips, Aloe, Bergamot, Peppermint, and many others. They were separated with small swatches of skin, keeping them from touching. The one so gently nestled, he used sparingly. This one is yarrow. All for a manner of different ailments. Infections, colds, body aches, stomach aches, sleep. Pain management.

He nodded his head and slowly rolled it back up tightly with his large paws. Securing it once again around his throat. 

I know Sialuk, and her mother Kukutux. I have met them. And I plan to go to Sialuk's home and see if it's a good fit for me. I will settle there if they'll have me and our skills align.

Well met Lady Elentari Archer.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She took notice of the pouch he unfastened. Found it creative. She was more fascinated by the assortment of herbs he kept inside, all so neatly organized. "You have quite the collection. Very admirable." 

She wondered if she would ever get as skilled as him. But that was not her immediate worry. First, she wanted to find a place to settle down. And oh, he had met Sialuk as well! 

"That is her. She offered me advice and helped me locate some Ragwort. My leg had been bothering me that day. I rather liked her. She mentioned her mountain to me as well. I think I will check it out."
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She looked over his herbs with practiced and curious gaze. She may not know all he knew, but she probably had a base knowledge and he was always willing to help others or learn more himself. You were never fully done learning.

Thank you. I think when I finally settle somewhere I'd like to build a garden.. The thought excited him more than most things did.

Do you get spasms in your leg? He only knew ragwort to heal spasms and some pain, but nothing more. Luckily ragwort was considered a bit of a weed, so it wasn't as hard to find as some other herbs. 

Perhaps we'll end up in teh same place, you and I.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She shook her dark head. "Not spasms, no. It is more like a deep ache and stiffness." She gestured to her hind leg that sometimes caused her problems. "I fractured it long ago in an altercation with another wolf, so the injury is quite old."

Her eyes turned in the general direction of Moonspear. Where she would one day, seek out Sialuk once again. "Perhaps we will." She glanced at him again, smirking slightly. "And, when I see Sialuk again, who's name might I mention?" She prodded, for she did not yet know his name. He could have been too caught up in their conversation and just had forgotten.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He listened and frowned. Rose hips might help with that too. They are for joints and aches. Also if you bind it really tight when it aches more than normal with willow branches or seaweed or even cobwebs that may help it dull. I am sorry that happened to you. 

he had fought with wolves, but he had been lucky enough not to gain any permanent wounds from it. 

Oh. Alaric Willow. I apologize. Though I think she only knows me as Alaric. He had thought he had told her, but he probably hadn't. He had met so many wolves lately it was hard to tell who he spoke to and when he had.

She was the first wolf i met when i came here.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
"I will keep all of those in mind. Thank you for the advice. My hope is that one day, it won't bother me at all." She shrugged. "It was a long time ago. That is in the past, now." She did not dwell on it.

"Alaric huh? Well, it has been a pleasure. Sialuk was the first wolf I met here, too. I look forward to seeing her again." The sun was starting to get low and the air was beginning to get just a little colder. How time had flown. She hadn't kept track of how long she had been out here.

While she wasn't sure what to think of Alaric just yet, she liked him well enough. She had enjoyed their little chat out here in the open. "It is getting late. I think I am going to give it one last shot at getting dinner before finding a warm spot to hunker down for the night."
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He smiled and nodded. I hope so too. Then he whispered his tail through the air, and tilted an ear forward.

Pleasure indeed. He gave a soft wink. 

He looked around them and looked her over. Would you like help with food? or are you good?  He had no problem offering his skills and his body to her hunt. Even if it was just to send meat her way and then leave her to eat it.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
"I think I will be fine on my own, thanks." She combed over the wide open plains. They looked empty, but she knew better. "I am sure I can find a modest snack to hold me over for the night. Most of the prey animals will be nearly asleep at this hour."

Which would mean an advantage for her. She had been doing this whole going it alone bit for a little while now. She could catch her own dinner, if it were small. Perhaps if they met again they could set their sights a little higher. "I appreciate the offer though. And thank you for the company. It was pleasant."
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Green sharp gaze looked out over the plains after her and he nodded. I'll take my leave then. He would shift his body into movement and head away and towards the moonspear. Better to get there before he changed his mind.

It had been a pleasant time with the she wolf and she had held her end of the conversation well. he had enjoyed it.