Ocean's Breath Plateau master of the house
214 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
All Welcome 
Soon they would gather in the plains, and they would hunt.

Raiyuk thought of his father. He wondered how his own hunt fared; he wondered also if Chakliux would return to them successful, and wished it so. Each time he peeled bark from the trees, he wished it were the hide of the stranger. Each time he dragged fallen trees to the lodge, he wished it were the body of the man.

The work was complete enough for Matteo to join them now, but in the coming days Raiyuk would make sure to shore up the walls, to add more mud after the rain came, and patch any holes as the snow fell. Raiyuk worked in silence and alone, and did not ask for help, which meant the work had gone slow and his body was run ragged.
the seal's shadow
121 Posts
Ooc — orion

Moontide went on, as all things did. After the invitation to join Chakliux and his family in their lodge, Matteo had helped as much as a he could under Raiyuk's instruction. It was quite exciting really, to be denning with his new friend, though the raven boy couldn't help but feel nervous now that they would all be together. So used to sleeping alone, it would be a big thing to get used to, but one that ultimately he hoped would make the plateau feel a little safer.

He rounded on the lodge now, dry leaves and grasses clutched in his jaws - all materials they could use to keep the windchill from blowing through the gaps in the logs. Concerned eyes fell upon the seaboy, for he had noticed a change in his friend since his father had left to hunt and felt it finally time to find out what was bothering him. "Raiyuk," a quiet greeting as he set down his supplies.
214 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca

He would have to learn to pace himself, and to accept help from others. Raiyuk wanted to prove he was a good man like his father. That he was capable and worthy of the trust that was placed within him; yet each time he needed to stop and rest, or eat, or sleep, he thought, 'I can keep going.'

Matteo came to him today carrying leaves and other detritus, and after one look Raiyuk declared, What is this? I don't need garbage for the lodge. His tone was sharp and lancing, and only after did he notice, and felt shame for how he reacted. His tail drooped. I am sorry. Forgive me, you are helping.

He moved to take some of what was offered, and began to pack any visible holes with this filler; his ears, throat, and chest burning with embarrassment.
the seal's shadow
121 Posts
Ooc — orion
From the sidelines he'd watched his friend work tirelessly to fulfil his father's wishes to expand the lodge, helping where he could when the task did not involve carrying heavy logs. It was clear Raiyuk was more built for these kinds of activities whereas Matteo was not. 

And so it stung more than it probably should when the seaboy's words pierced the otherwise quiet air. 

"I..." he trailed off, reeling back a few steps even as his friend began to apologise. Matteo sat in silence, white hot tears welling at the corners of his eyes. He wiped them quickly with a sooty paw while Raiyuk's back was turned. "N-no it's okay, Raiyuk. I should be the one sayin' sorry. I should be lifting logs like you." 

He kicked the meagre pile of remaining foliage to the side. It seemed stupidly small now.
214 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He had caused greater upset than he had meant to.
Matteo faces away from him, appearing overwhelmed, and Raiyuk's heart goes out to him. He had not meant to be so forceful with his voice! He had never had anyone raise their voice to him and so was struck at how intense it had flowed from him, when all Matteo had done was try to help. The apology was met with reluctant acceptance.

The pile that Matteo had brought, then scattered. Raiyuk paused with what he was working on and withdrew from it, seeking the various leaves and things, to reform the pile. Once he'd assembled the mess back together he looked to his lodge-brother. I will find a use for it. Thank you.

And so he took what was left and began to fashion it in to the gaps, as intended. He worked at this for some handful of minutes before speaking again.

I hope there is enough space now. Look, there are already some pelts there—choose your favorite. He indicated the furs neatly gathered along the wall, not yet arranged for sleeping purposes. There was a fox pelt, a badger that looked worn from seasons past, and a few smaller skins.
the seal's shadow
121 Posts
Ooc — orion
While Matteo's insecurities bubbled under the surface, he knew in his heart that Raiyuk was a kind boy and was trying to fix his mistakes. "Let me help," he managed in a small voice, offering a tight smile which he hoped conveyed his gratuity.

As his friend moved to reform the pile that he had to carelessly scattered he gathered pawfuls of mud and began to gently mix in the leaves and grasses so that Raiyuk would find it easier to adhere to the already placed logs.

They worked together in quiet until Raiyuk invited him to pick a sleeping-fur. He eyed the fox - it looked plush and luxurious with its winter pelage. But it was the badger pelt that drew the raven boy's attention. He nosed it experimentally, finding the hairs soft and comfortable from use. He slung it over his shoulders before entering the lodge and laying it down in a suitable spot.

Once he was done, he popped his head outside. "Looks great from the inside! I was thinking of picking one for Marina too - what would she like?"
214 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The other boy soon went inside to pick his sleeping fur. When he came out again, Raiyuk was almost done with the filling in of gaps. It would take time before the mud had dried and any further patchwork could happen, so he reclined a moment and observed his accomplishment; this was the moment Matteo asked about Marina, and Raiyuk put aside the work on the lodge to favor this.

I'm not sure, he admitted. In all his time working on the lodge he had not seen much of Tullik or Marina, except in passing, or in those moments he would ask for work to do or things to help with; they were not close, at any rate. He was nervous to try and extend friendship to her in case he said or did something wrong, given what she had been through.

We could hunt for something fresh for her. I'm sure my father would appreciate it too. One of Raiyuk's jobs was to mind his father's wives, and he had not done well with it.
the seal's shadow
121 Posts
Ooc — orion
Raiyuk expressed his hesitance and Matteo paused to think for a moment. Luckily, the seal hunter boy was one step ahead of him. "That sounds great," he agreed. By the time they had found something for Marina, the lodge would hopefully be dry enough to finish.

Speaking of the boy's father: "Has there been any news of Chakliux?" He wondered idly if his father's absence had something to do his friend's short fuse, but decided not to push too deeply into that wound for now lest he face another outburst. 

He felt for Marina; the poor woman had been through so much. But she was lucky to have someone as fierce as Chakliux who would chase demons to the end of the earth for her.
214 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
They would find something to warm the lodge, and make sure to give first choice to Marina, as she recovered and continued to integrate.

Matteo asked after Chakliux and the boy found himself frowning. He put a stop to that promptly, reciting what he had been telling himself every night as he tried to sleep, but now aloud: Better that we don't hear anything. He is hard at work with Dutch; and if we do hear his voice, it will be to celebrate.

He would come home. He had to come home. Whether Chakliux had the man's head or not, mattered little to Raiyuk; but he could not fathom his father being away forever.

Besides, he has Dutch to help him. They will look out for one-another — like you with me, lodge-brother. He moved to nip at Matteo's shoulder in a friendly, rough manner.
the seal's shadow
121 Posts
Ooc — orion
Seeing Raiyuk's reluctance, Matteo did not press further and instead offered support. "If anyone can do it, it's gonna be Chakliux," he said with a soft smile. "You're lucky to have a dad like him." He supposed, Chakliux almost felt like a father to him too - though he would never admit this out loud.

The seal hunter boy made for his shoulder and he batted his muzzle away with a lazy swipe of his forepaw and a laugh. "I suppose someone has to keep you out of trouble," he grinned, darting away a little further from the lodge before calling back over his shoulder for his lodge-brother to join him on the hunt.

we can fade this soon? :)