Moonspear ^__________^
249 Posts
Ooc — Kat
All Welcome 
The sun sank toward the western horizon, the mountain casting an enormous shadow over the nearby glen. From her perch midway up its flank, Treepie licked her nose and watched the fireflies wink to life. She found herself wanting to venture down there and explore, though she didn’t want to go by herself.

She went looking for Tikaani but found herself crossing paths with @Alaric instead. The youngster rushed up behind him and gave his tail a playful tug, then immediately dropped it and scooted backward. Her yellow eyes glowed like sunshine despite the darkling of twilight.

Alaric, guess what, she lilted, tail softly swaying.

Common Tongue | Atkan Aleut | -Signing-
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric always found himself liking nighttime best. Perhaps it was a small leftover feeling from before. Because after his abuser was sleeping he was free.

Had it not been for the litter patter of little paws. Followed by a scent that was undoubtedly Pie. He would have been surprised and possible irked at the tail tug. But as it was his little friend. He gave a soft mock growl and then turned with a smile. 

Whats up butter cup?
249 Posts
Ooc — Kat
“Buttercup” had a nice, feminine ring to it. And the catchphrase rhymed! Treepie’s smile grew, her teeth gleaming in the dusk and her cheeks aching from the stretch.

I decided, she chirped, I’m a girl!

She laughed, a burst of energy prompting her to gallop in circles around Alaric. After her third turn, she braked to a halt at his fore again, out of breath but all smiles.

Will you take me to Firefly Glen? she asked as soon as she caught her wind.

Common Tongue | Atkan Aleut | -Signing-
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He tilted an ear forward. A little girl, huh. Yea i think that fits just fine. 

He didn't gallop behind her fearful he would run her over. But he did do a little dance in place while she galloped around him. 

He looked down over the side of the spear. Looking at the well worn path. It didn't look to treacherous.

I will, but you stay behind him. Cause it's dark alright. Hold onto my tail if you need too.
249 Posts
Ooc — Kat
She wasn’t so little anymore, though Treepie saw no reason to argue semantics. Even when she was fully grown, she was pretty sure she would never reach Alaric’s size and strength. She would always look up to him, which felt appropriate.

Pie did titter when he suggested she hold onto the very same tail she’d tugged moments prior. She didn’t fear the dark, nor feel the need to hold onto him, but she pulled it again just for fun. Releasing it a beat later, she huffed and moved to stand at Alaric’s shoulder.

Can’t I walk beside you? I’m big enough for that, Treepie coaxed.

Common Tongue | Atkan Aleut | -Signing-
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric knew she wasn't so little, but a part of him worried for her. That she may fall in the dark going down a trail that though seemeed well enough. You never knew sometimes. Hell even he could fall.

He chuckled and swung it away after she had tugged, because he knew she'd done it to be silly.

He looked to the side and though he wanted to argue. She was sort of right. Fine, but be careful. The path can be rough at night.
249 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He relented, so Treepie pushed her tri-colored shoulder against his and promised, I’ll stick very close. And, she added, twirling a forepaw in the air, I’ll be careful. Promise!

She set her sights on the distant tree line, squinting at the silhouettes of the foliage against the backdrop of night sky. Now all the fireflies stood out even more, blinking and winking everywhere Pie looked. She wondered if she might be able to capture one.

Tiuttuk stumbled a little when the ground suddenly evened out underfoot, her flank smacking gently against Alaric’s. She shot him a sheepish look, then laughed and waited for him to give the go-ahead to proceed past the borders into the twinkling glen.

Common Tongue | Atkan Aleut | -Signing-
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He chuckled and nudged her back. But not hard. He would not have his form make her tumble. Especially on the spear at night.  Better be.

Alaric had to say she had chosen a beautiful place to go to. He had always liked the glen. Though he did speak. There's gonna be some stuff out for a huge pack hunt coming up soon. So let's not disturb it okay. Kukutux may not be too happy with us if we do.

He reached a paw to help if Pie stumbled too much, but she was doing alright. Alright go ahead.
249 Posts
Ooc — Kat
His words immediately evoked a recollection of Kukutux’s recent visit. Treepie smiled at the gentle warning. She would never disturb her grandmother’s things without asking, though Pie doubted Kukutux would mind if she took a peek at the spread.

What kind of stuff? she wondered as she wandered. When’s the hunt? Are kids invited?

Pie kept one ghostly ear twisted toward Alaric even as she ventured slowly into the glen. Everywhere she looked now, fireflies drifted, their little bottoms pulsing like heat lightning. No wonder they’re called lightning bugs too, the youngster mused.

She paused in her step to just watch them for a moment. Her free ear bent at the sound of wind soughing through the treetops overhead. That strong breeze brought with it the subtle scent of rain.

Common Tongue | Atkan Aleut | -Signing-
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric didn't like to fuss at the kids too much. HE gave his warnings. Helped where he could and mostly was the fun uncle. But he could be stern if he must be. He just sort of hated it. 

Furs for them to sleep on. Caches where they can eat. Items to trade with other packs. It will be in fall and yes kids are invited, but you have to be very good and listen to the grownups as it can be alittle dangerous while learning.

Alaric watched the fireflies leap and jump and he spoke softly. You know some say that fireflies carry stories from all over. And sometimes if you listen you can hear them.
249 Posts
Ooc — Kat
They would gather together to hunt in the fall. Treepie hummed under her breath as Alaric told her to mind her elders, as it could be a dangerous endeavor. She bobbed her head, her smile reassuring him that she would be as obedient as ever. She wondered if the hunt would take place here in Firefly Glen.

Before she could ask, he sidetracked her with a comment about the fireflies. Tiuttuk said nothing, just kept standing there and listening. She couldn’t hear anything but the sound of the wind as it strengthened, rustling every last treetop. It sort of sounded like rain, though no drops fell just yet.

Remember when we talked about nomads? Pie asked, apropos of nothing, as she resumed strolling deeper into the glen. I’m almost six months old. Maybe soon I can start going on adventures. I don’t want to leave for good, she was quick to add, especially since I still have a lot to learn: how to hunt, how to fish, how to find water…

Would he recognize the list she recited? Her eyes sparkled in the dark. Pie wondered if this upcoming hunt might teach her some of these things, including different cultures and ways of thinking. Her tail swept the night air, incidentally catching a drifting leaf even as she wondered just how soon fall would come.

Common Tongue | Atkan Aleut | -Signing-
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric was looking forward to the hunt and also not. He wasn't sure what to expect this year. And he was curious if wolves that  hurt those he cared for would be there. Like Argent. To name one.

I remember. He chuckled quietly. Waiting for the question that would inevitably come. And there it was. He shook his head gently, but followed her. Listening, watching.

Well we can learn those things at the hunt or before if you like. Water is fairly easy to find. You can smell it like rain, or sometimes you can hear it. But if you can hear it, you must be careful because that means it's moving fast usually.

A leaf smacked him in the face and he made a soft oy noise and shook his head. Dislodging the thing from his snout.
249 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He shared some wisdom with her. Treepie committed his words to memory, her lips twitching when his phrasing reminded her of another conversation and topic entirely. Her eyes danced, especially when she watched Alaric fight a leaf.

I want to prepare as much as I can, she told him in a singsong voice, because I think it would be a lot of fun to travel! But I don’t want to leave anang for long, especially not after losing Pauk and the older siblings Tiuttuk couldn’t even really remember.

Common Tongue | Atkan Aleut | -Signing-
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric finally won and he gave a soft triumphant yea. He would pump his fist if he could, but being that he was a wolf and didn't have one. He settled for a jaunty tail wag instead. His nose slightly in the air. His own eyes giving away his amusement. 

I always liked to travel. You know some day i can take you to another village maybe. Or I think there is a moonwolf that travels or a few actually. I would ask Kukutux.

They might take you so you're not alone.
249 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Yeah! she happily agreed when Alaric offered to travel with her to another village. I’d like to visit grandma’s village sometime. Anang said it’s called Moonglow, which Pie assumed he might already know.

Speaking of glowing, the youth turned her attention back to the fireflies. She slowed to a stop, now deep in the heart of the woods. Moonlight trickled through the trees, rippling when the leaves ruffled in the wind. Everywhere she looked, fireflies winked. She strained to hear their whispered stories.

Over the noise of the first raindrops splattering against leaves and earth, Treepie swore she heard a distant howl. Her pale ears twisted, trying to pinpoint it. It was sonorous, unearthly. As she listened to it, Pie felt her heart fluttering in her chest and she found herself humming along with the tune.

Common Tongue | Atkan Aleut | -Signing-
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric chuckled and nodded. Alright. Alright. We'll make a plan to go there sometime soon. Maybe before the hunt to see if Moonwoman needs anything.

Alaric was enjoying the sight of the fireflies and the moon. He took a deep breath and another closing his eyes to take it all in with his other senses. A soft feeling settled there in his chest. He was finally home he knew that. But it was nice to have it reaffirmed every now and again. 

Alaric's ears perked up as Treepie began to hum. He didn't know the sound. And he hadn't heard the wolf, but he did take a minute to listen tot he way she hummed and he joined in with a deeper sound.

I love all the music from the second, but def a fave is that one.
249 Posts
Ooc — Kat
The distant call hooked into something deep inside her and gave a tug. Treepie wondered if she was hearing the call of the wild. She smiled at the thought, though she swiftly swiveled to face the mountain looming over the glen, palely shimmering in the moonlight as silvered rain began to fall.

You’re not a voice, you’re just a ringing in my ear,
If I heard you, I’m spoken for, I fear,
Everyone I’ve ever loved is here within these walls,
I’m sorry, secret siren, but I’m blocking out your calls!

She grinned as the lyrics poured from her mouth. Pie gave Alaric a spirited nudge, butting her head against his broad shoulder. She then slithered past him, back toward Moonspear, where anaa and her siblings probably wondered where she was at this late hour.

Thank you for bringing me here, Alaric, she said over her shoulder, eyes as bright as fireflies through the light rain, but I’m ready to go home now.

Lyrics belong to Aurora + Disney!

Common Tongue | Atkan Aleut | -Signing-