Whitefish River you seem confused by this but for a different reason than i am.
232 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
All Welcome 
Yami wasn't sure what was going on these days. Firefly had confessed to wanting adventure and excitement, yet they seemed to have parked on the banks of this river with no apparent end in sight. She consoled herself that she was likely just being impatient. But it was hard to let that impatience go, seeing as she felt she had every right to it. She'd left Rusalka to get away from the tumultuous ups and downs of their ranks and to get her freedom back. Now she felt trapped again, and the uncertainty of her current status seemed just as tumultuous as what she'd been attempting to get away from.

But, in historical Yami fashion, she didn't actually do anything about it. She just followed right along and stewed silently on her own, thinking of all the awesome things she'd like to do without ever actually doing any of them. She also attempted to distract herself, which is exactly why she was to be found at this moment, sprinting across the plains in hot pursuit of a little brown bunny.

It was the sixth rabbit she'd gone after so far that day, so she knew she was due to actually get one soon. Her body might be tiring from overuse, but her frustration over so much failure had pushed her furious, stubborn determination about as high as it could go. So when Yami snapped her jaws finally over the creature's hindquarters, she didn't feel at all victorious, merely vindicated. She had earned what was owed, and with a jerk of her head, she'd snapped its spine and murdered it. Because that's what you do with what you're owed. Take note, Firefly.

LOL jk prolly.

Yami tore into the rabbit's stomach as she began to eat. She kept her attention on her surroundings, wary of anyone trying to sneak up on her and claim her hard-earned meal.
hold the dark
164 Posts
Ooc — Van
He had left Rusalka— not in any official or permanent capacity— but he had only told @Raleska he was going, and even she didn't get an adequate explanation for his departure.

"I'm going inland for a while," he had said; "but I'll be back soon. A few days, maybe." It would end up being a week or more before his actual return, but he couldn't be bothered to accurately anticipate the length of this very sudden journey."Do me a favor and tell Ma," so he personally wouldn't have to suffer the siren's dreaded side-eye. "And @Illidan, too. I'll owe you one if you don't bitch about it."

Of course she'd never let him go quietly, but being raised in a pit of snakes had made a snake-charmer out of him, and his viperous sister did not keep him long from his wants.

He was returning towards the coast when he came across a scent he wasn't expecting— a smell he remembered from his pack— and Svalinn redirected his path to follow what he had picked up on. Though he had never hung around the young she-wolf before, he definitely recognized her from Rusalka, and though no longer carrying the scent of the Sound himself, he approached her fast and without pause for concern, barking out an unfortunately accusatory: "hey! What are you doing way out here?"

In reality, he genuinely didn't care what she was doing and wouldn't mind that she was absconding for her own reasons, but she could have no way of knowing that Svalinn was just a giant bag of dicks who didn't know how to talk nicely; so any unfriendly reaction towards him would be well-deserved.
232 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Her caution seemed to serve her well. Yami had finished only a quarter of the rabbit when she became aware of the stranger's approach. Her hackles prickled as she spun to face him, though the rest of her aggressive display was lost as she realized he was familiar, and not a stranger at all. She relaxed, but only just. She had never been particularly close with Svalinn (or anyone at Rusalka except Firefly, for that matter), so she didn't truly trust that he meant her no harm. But she did know his face, and that was enough to keep her from running him off outright.

The question he tossed her way came as a surprise. Did he really not know that she and Firefly had run away together? In her head, it was this huge, epic event that had shaken the lives of those they'd known to the core. It was something that everyone in Rusalka was talking about. At least, so she had thought. Yami frowned at the realization, but consoled herself that maybe it was just Svalinn that didn't realize. Yeah, she could see that, if for no other reason than she wanted to believe it.

"Eating a rabbit," Yami answered vaguely, narrowing her eyes at his tone before twisting the question back around on him, "I could ask you the same." Well, kind of turning the question back around. In a roundabout sort of way.
hold the dark
164 Posts
Ooc — Van
Her ambiguous response ironed him out rather quickly, and Svalinn reacted as if it was a reasonable answer. He nodded and flopped down to his stomach with several wolf-lengths still between them. He realized he could be intimidating— not to mention the meal-for-one she had to protect— but as he hadn't approached for conflict, per se, the adolescent gave Yami plenty of space to control their interaction.

I could ask you the same.

Svalinn snorted. "You could, but I wouldn't answer," he replied impishly, turning his attentions away from her so that he might "casually" observe their surroundings. And after pretending to be interested in something over there, he side-eyed the agouti girl for a surreptitious moment before swinging his muzzle towards her again. "Yami, right?" So what if he had asked someone who she was, no big deal.
232 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Yami rolled her eyes at his response. It was actually rather liberating, not being his packmate anymore. She didn't have to care about his opinion of her and could be just as bitchy as she wanted to be. She wondered if it would be worth going back to Rusalka just to chance an encounter with Raleska. She could tell the girl what she really thought of her and her stupid sharks (which Yami still wasn't fully convinced were real). 

The sound of her name drew her out of her fantasy of vindication and her eyes back on her companion. She frowned at him, but then a smirk leaped across her lips. "Like you don't remember," she quipped, letting herself get carried away with this newfound confidence. Yami remembered his name too. And his face. And more about him than she was willing to admit, but he was a boy and she had a man now.

She didn't stick around to hear the witty retort she was sure he had prepared. She merely gave him a haughty little smirk, grabbed the rest of her kill and trotted off to get back to Firefly.