Haunted Wood I'm getting supersonic
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
All Welcome 
@Vengance I bring with me a @Rokig :D 
She had brought her lover with her and the wandering trip had now brought a fruitful prize. 
The scent of a pack, small and uncertain. A wavering ember ready to be built into a flame. She bumped Rokig, giving him a grin. She wanted to investigate more, search for what would make this place good enough for them.
Not a mountain, but it was her forest. "Want to get a closer look?" She murmured, searching the trees for eyes that may be watching. The two of them could easily defend themselves if these people weren't nice. 
It would be easy; she hoped he liked this place too.
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273 Posts
Ooc —
She had mentioned wanting a mountain. Although he had been primarily a coastal creature the last year, he knew this was no mountain. He had, admittedly, been a touch smitten with the idea of a mountain. One that would perhaps let him still view the ocean edges from a distance.

All he had here was the scent of others (dangerous) and trees that shrouded his view.

It was her touch that brought some sort of life to him again. Silver eyes looking over at her form. His head offered a slight nod as he brushed along her side, putting himself forward slightly as his eyes roamed over the scenery. It leaves something to be desired. Like your wanted mountain. He mused softly.
sometimes, dead is better
484 Posts
Ooc — Noki
59°, currently it is foggy and set during midday. Located in Great Bear Wilderness, haunted woods | ooc notes: yaaay!!

Their numbers were still low. This meant that he had to take up as much of his time as possible to scout the borders, ensure that no one came and went willy nilly without his knowledge and okay. Being one of the few to roam these lands, Vengeance was a little more territorial than necessary. Perhaps with more wolves to patrol with him, he would ease up - but for now, he would compensate. 

Watching from the mist as two unfamiliar faces roamed close to his woods, a low growl emitted from his throat once they had agreed to "taking a closer look". Chocolate strands stood up upon his back, defensively as he stepped forward. Though he was not alone in the woods, it was still unwise to start anything with two against one. Surely one of the females was roaming nearby; but for now, he would remain defensive. 

These woods are closed to tourists. He warned, ruby eyes watching the two carefully. Tail lashing behind him, bringing with it a wisp of white.
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
She softly groomed her teeth through the trails of his fur around his face. Soft, gentle touch.
"We can have our mountain one day." When we build, overtake and move what is here.
For now, she wanted the protection and safety of the enclosed space. A mountain would not be tamed by her just yet.

A voice before her made her stop her gentle preening, turning to step forward before Rokig to handle the situation. Men were too proud to deal with each other in this way. 
Her ruby gems met his bloodied ones. Where hers were clear and bright his were rich -- she wondered if they got darker with the blood he most certainly has spilled.
"It's a good thing we are not touring then, amigo​." 
She held her head high, chin dipped slightly to give the earthan behemoth a pointed look. Her tail softly swung by her heels as she resisted the urge to let her hackles raise and snarl a warning.

"We're looking for a pack to join, I wonder if you'd be of assistance desconocido."
She grinned, charmingly. Ready for the next move in this game of joining.
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273 Posts
Ooc —
The former seawolf was content to let her groom his fur. He still had not grown used to the tender touch of someone but he accepted it more and more each time. Silver eyes watched carefully as she moved before him to face the stranger that had emerged from the woods. He knew moving through a place with scents trailed around would not be the wisest idea.

Rokig (begrudgingly) allowed his lover to deal with the social affairs. She would undeniably handle them better than he would have. He was still a creature full of piss and vinegar. Perhaps even more so now that he was away from the coast.

He waited, with what little patience he had, to see how this would go.
sometimes, dead is better
484 Posts
Ooc — Noki
The two were obviously familiar with one another. Possibly a mated pair from the looks of it - or just simply a very touchy-feely duo. The female spoke, naturally his gaze fell harshly on her first, listening to every word - even that strange one she had spoken in a different tongue of which that was unfamiliar to him. 

What kind of pack are you seeking. There is room here, but it isn't for the faint of heart. Cruelty reigns supreme in these woods. From the female, he looked onto the male behind her. His silence spoke for him. There was a feeling that he didn't quite like being here, the reason for that escaped the chocolate golem, nor did it matter. They were on his doorstep after all. 

If you believe this place is suiting for you, state your names or leave this place if not.
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
She wasn't put off at all. It sounded like exactly what the pair needed. Rokig to let off his steam and her for protection and to show them she was a Queen.
And damn anyone who put her on her ass because they'd have to teach her until she beat them.
And vanity was relentless in her training.

"I'm looking for somewhere to train." Half a lie, she wanted to learn but she had many more reasons to join. Thick, deep woodland. Others to torment. A place remote enough to have a chance to be missed yet a perfect place to source from.
"Cruelty is in my blood." She crooned softly, stepping closer with a soft, dangerous glint to her eye.
She could match him, for sure.

"My name is Vanity Verana Valadez." 
Ah, she had to do it, right? Introduce herself with her full title at least once. Her name was Vanity after all.
And rightfully so.
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273 Posts
Ooc —
There was plenty he could have said and perhaps a few things he should have said. However Rokig was doing the bare minimum of what was required of him in this conversation. The way they did their dance with their words was an interesting display to watch. He had no interest in joining the dance though. Not until he was absolutely required to.

Which it seemed that — understandably — introductions would be required.

Once his companion was done with her introduction he coolly responded to the golem's order. Rokig. No last names or fancy titles to follow it. Clean and simple.
sometimes, dead is better
484 Posts
Ooc — Noki
We can end it here if you guys would like! I appreciate you both taking interest! <3

You'll fit in well. He continued to speak to the female.

Once they both introduced themselves, he soaked in their names and faces. Taking a moment to look them both over before continuing. My name is Vengeance, Warlord of the Nightwalkers. You are free to roam the woods and get yourselves familiar with the lands and the few members within. Train to your heart's content. I will call for a meeting once I have news to share - until then, you are free to do as you please.

With that, he walked forward, into the woods that they would all call home. He was true to his word, he would not hover over each and every member - they were free to as they pleased so long as they understood the rules once they were announced. For now, it was a free for all.