Northstar Vale Abraham Lincoln once said, "If you are a racist, I will attack you with the North."
Her thoughts were confirmed, though shortly after the other girl began to wander off. Hotaru let her head tilt to the side, was that it? She couldn't leave yet! Hey— Though before the word could really leave her mouth, Lilitu was carrying over a stick.

The young princess froze, blue-purple eyes shifting between the object and her potential new friend. She had never been super physical, Sumi and Haruki took that trait for her, but...who was she to deny the other girl? Hesitantly, the girl stepped closer, maw slightly agape as she lightly took hold of the stick.

This is what she wanted right? Eyes darted back to the other's face as she gave a weak tug hoping she didn't misread the situation and look like she was trying to take Lilitu's stick away.
#DDA0DD speech, #66cc00 singing, pawprint, Hotaru's Playlist  4/5* 4/5*, * = incomplete threads
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RE: Abraham Lincoln once said, "If you are a racist, I will attack you with the North." - by Hotaru - August 18, 2020, 09:49 PM