Stone Circle wolf clan
42 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 

tall stones. sun shines between them. hopefully i have found the correct place.

now voice rode like hunting-horn and asked that these stone clan men meet in peace with eivor ravenwolf.
Humble not Meek
170 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A call came to the borders and the young man was quick to attend to it. He walked with a confidence he didn't feel, but the peace in his heart that he was doing right. There was a small smile on his maw when he met the she wolf.

You've approached, Kvarsheim. I'm Sven. What brings you to our borders?
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
81 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
I hope you mind me hopping in here as well.

A voice weaved through the air and the stone prince hurries to greet it. A smile finds a place on his lips to see the Sven has greeted their visitor first. A woman in gold stood before them. Ujurak moves to stand at Sven's flank. A subtle nod to his midnight cloaked sibling.

Sven has the reigns to this interaction, Ujurak would support him.
42 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ofc! anyone still welcome to join!

they're young. not boys. but not fighting men. is this a settlement of ours?

"heil og sæl, sven of kvarsheim. i am eivor ravunulf. my clan has sent me in search of settlements that may be danish or nordic. i am an alliance-builder."

the calm grey of her eyes watched them both.

Humble not Meek
170 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Surprise colored the slate of his eyes at her first words. He dipped his head quickly. Thinking of his father. And he answered just as swiftly. 

Heilsa og hamingja A different dialect, but one he had learned. He briefly thought of Inkeri and wondered if she would be able to speak a little better with this wolf. Was this an older icelandic? Or Norwegian like hers?

We are icelandic descent our father a Lodbruk. This is Ujurak.
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
42 Posts
Ooc — ebony
replying to keep it going, hope that's okay! <3

"very good!" eivor exulted with a fine flashing grin. "will you let me hunt with you and your clan? i want to know more of kvarsheim over good meat."

she wanted also to see them as fighters.

Humble not Meek
170 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sven was new to this leader stuff and for a moment he was confused. 

Did this wolf simply want a hunt before they joined? Or a hunt after they joined.

He briefly furrowed his brow unsure.

You wish to hunt before you join us or after? If you didn't know might as well ask.
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
81 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Let me know if it's easier to have Ujurak sideline from here

Ujurak dipped his head politely as Sven introduced him. Health and happiness. Turquoise eyes studied the foreign woman, a diplomat based on her introduction. Góðan daginn. We hope your travels have been well.

Eivor wanted to hunt with them. Ujurak's gaze gently settled on Sven. There was an implied test here wasn't there? This Eivor was an alliance builder, why was she looking for settlements like their own specifically? An alliance could be beneficial, but Kvarsheim had little to spare. A seed of worry settled in his mind.

Ujurak touched his nose to Sven's shoulder, a single supportive beat of his tail offered to his brother. He had been watching their resident deer herds, a hunt could commence if they wished to pursue Eivor's request.
42 Posts
Ooc — ebony
im cool to continue as is, i wasn't sure if ujurak was gonna speak! <33

they do not know what to think. how long has it been since they experienced hospitality at the hands of a stranger?

"i am not now joining, young drengr. i want to know if there are more like us in this world. we should know of other settlements." her grey eyes studied them. "i would like to be a friend to kvarsheim, and i will show this by aiding you in a hunt."

was this understood? eivor stood calmly.

Humble not Meek
170 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sven shifted unsure. But he knew they could not turn away the help. There were less and less of them. And winter was coming and they had very little stored he felt.

He looked to Ujurak and chewed on his words carefully. We will accept the help. And perhaps, we can send a message to Bearclaw?

He looked to Ujurak then. He and Kristjan had gone to speak with them of allieship and had nothing to do with them since.
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
81 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Ujurak nodded at his brother's side Friends and a helping set of paws are a welcome sight.

Sven turned to him, uncertain. The stone prince met his brother's gaze and offered him a reassuring smile. The Bearclaws have expressed interest in a hunt the last I spoke with them. An invitation could be extended to them if our guest does not mind any additional paws. Turquoise eyes returned to Eivor. Clearing his throat, Ujurak elaborated for their ally's sake, Our immediate neighbors to the south; a family by the name of Bearclaw. I do not believe they are of Nordic descent.

Ujurak withheld his initial impressions of the Bearclaws. Unlike Kristjan and Sven, his first meeting with them was more strained. Bearclaw offered to assimilate the stone circle wolves, their hands outstretched to take. In comparison, Eivor was here to assist, making a more positive impression upon the stone prince.

If you have the time to spare, we could introduce you. Otherwise we can rally our own to hunt with you.
42 Posts
Ooc — ebony
bearclaw. the name sits heavy, but they are not our own. there is weight to that sound, but my place is here.

"i do not have the time to spare, because i want my time spent among our people," eivor said quietly. "let us hunt. i will stay for a time, if you will have me. then i will return to the stones when i have found if there are others of our clans beyond the mountain."

she watched between the kvarsheim wolves. "unless it is that you wish me to go to bearclaw bearing your banner," and her teeth flashed in a grin. "i will also do this."

Humble not Meek
170 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sven shook his head. We will take the offer of a hunt. Please come and rest and then we can begin to scout the herds.

He looked to Ujurak, asking his brother if this was agreeable, silently. They would go to Bearclaw a different day. When they had more to offer. As of right now the fall was approaching sooner than later and he was scared. 

What if they didn't have enough wolves or food.
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
81 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Not sure if they're going to hunt in this thread or a different one so keeping this one short

Sven looked to him, uncertainty in those familiar, metallic eyes. Ujurak nodded openly. Eivor would leave them in time. The Bearclaws weren't going anywhere.

Yes, come rest first. There is water in the shade of the grove.

They would have to hunt in the wide open swathes of the meadow. It would be best if they were prepared for a chase in the sun.
42 Posts
Ooc — ebony
let's continue it here!

kvarsheim was gilded in beautiful light, summerkissed and rich in notice even as she joined sven and ujurak over their boundaryline.

in silence eivor traveled for a time, clearly invested in what the trio passed on their trot. "does kvarsheim need anything for the coming snows?" she asked at length, grey eyes moving toward the young men.

Humble not Meek
170 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sven noded his head. I would be more comfortable if our caches were fuller. WE are not many, but we are enough that food is needed and much. Warmer furs for the dens would not go amiss either. I do not think there will be any children born to our walls this season. We are too young and those that are show no interest. So that is not a worry we must have yet.

Sven spoke about things as they walked. Giving insight into the landmarks of Kvarsheim.
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
81 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Granite ears turned attentively to Eivor and Sven as they traveled. The stone prince nodded his agreement of Sven's assessments. He paused a moment, glancing over his should to the others. The coming winter reminding him of another source of unease.

We are also not well versed in healing and medicine. The allied pack we've had assist us previously has migrated from the valley. It would be remiss to not consider expanding our knowledge in that regard.

He was unsure how well Eivor would be able to assist them in that aspect, but he felt it important to consider. Ujurak otherwise remained quiet, Sven being an ample guide.

Ujurak guided them through the Prisnálund to a shaded the bend in the Leynille. Ujurak extended a paw forward, offering Eivor the chance to recover after her travels. He himself took the chance to take a draught from the creek.

We are lucky to hold a wide stretch of meadowland. The deer herds are large and come frequently.
42 Posts
Ooc — ebony
their landmarks were hale. the boys were polite. it intrigued eivor that no one within kvarsheim was interested in parenthood. youth changed into manhood quickly. they were not too young to set future alliances with other settlements, marrying inside their clans as was the way.

but then again, this place was far removed from what she knew. perhaps there were few options for the young. meat. furs. medicine.

"your water is good and sweet. i can see why the herds travel for it," eivor commented, droplets falling from her chin as she smiled toward the two. "i know some battle-medicine. but i would not call myself a healer. a hunter. a gatherer of fur, yes. i can help with these things. and i will teach you and the others what i know of the leaf wisdom."

it was a beginning.

Humble not Meek
170 Posts
Ooc — Danni
 so just saying...three sisters just came to kvarsheim and there are 3 brothers ;)

Sven had not looked beyond what the pack needed since their fadir had died. Their life was the pack. Responsibility had been thrust upon them and as such they had grown up quick. Alliances. Marriage this was not at the forefront of his mind.

Food. Health. Herbs. These were the things he chased after. These were the things they needed.
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English